Humanitas_Domestic Terrorism of 20th & 21st c.
Focus: Excluding the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, research 3 tragic events that have shaken America, but ultimately, brought us closer together as a people. These may include assassinations of prominent Americans, natural or man-made disasters, attacks from outside groups or countries, violent clashes over social, political or cultural events. Explain how these events altered the way American’s viewed themselves, their society, their laws, and their social relationships. Why did they have such an enormous impact on American history? What did they reveal about our flaws and our strengths as a people?
How to Search for Information on Domestic Terrorism.
The list of “Domestic Terrorism Organizations, People and Events” on the chart below is just a small fraction of the most domestic terrorism events in 20th century US History. The subjects are organized first by category.
HOW TO SEARCH: Below is a sample of how to search on each of the following web directories or search engines. Open Directory Project is a surface web directory so it does not require a login. JSTOR and Academic Search Premiere are deep web databases. See your email for login information. GALE Opposing Viewpoints is available to LAPL library users only. Please contact the Petit Park branch of the LAPL for more information.
Open Directory Project / JSTOR / Academic Search Premiere / Gale Opposing ViewpointsLink to site / Link to site / Link to site / Link to site
Specialist Sites
FBI Most Wanted / SPL Hate Watch / Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Project / US Patriot ActH.R. 3162 (full text
List of Domestic Terrorism Organizations, Persons or Events
Organizations / People / Events (cont.)Animal Liberation Front / Unibomber Theodore Kaczynski / Bath, Michigan Bombings
Alpha 66 and Omega 7 / DC Beltway Snipers / Ludlow Massacre
Army of God / Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City) / Bombing of Los Angeles Times building
Aryan Nations / Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Christmas Bomber) / Attacks by the Jewish Defense League
Black Liberation Army / Erik Harris & Dylan Klebold (Columbine) / Wall Street bombing
The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord / Richard Reid (shoe bomber) / Unabomber attacks
Earth Liberation Front / Jose Padilla / Oklahoma City bombing
Jewish Defense League / Brenda Anne Spencer / Centennial Olympic Park bombing
Ku Klux Klan / Charles Whitman / 2001 anthrax attacks
May 19th Communist Organization / Events / Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting
The Order / Los Angeles Jewish Community Center Attacks (Granada Hills) / Fort Hood Shooting
Phineas Priesthood / University of Oklahoma Bombing 2005 / Austin IRS attack
Symbionese Liberation Army / Virginia Tech Massacre 2007 / Murder of George Tiller
United Freedom Front / Attempted Assassination of President Ronald Regan by John Hinkley / Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords assassination attempt
Weathermen / San Ysidro McDonald's massacre 1984 / Discovery Channel Hostage Standoff
Sandyhook Elementary Shootings / Christopher Dorner Manhunt, CA 2013 / Theatre Shooting, Aurora, CO
Open Directory Project
Type in the name of the event (Example: Columbine). Look at the results and the read the summaries for each website. They are just a few sentences long
Open the sites you think would be the most helpful to you. If ODP recommends Wikipedia, that’s okay. Read the article but go to the References and External Links. The external links and reference articles are the actual academic or journalistic sources not the Wikipedia article.
Before searching on JSTOR, you must log into the database (see email for login information).
Always use “advanced search” in JSTOR; it works faster and is more accurate than a basic search
Always choose “include only content I can access” and narrow the search by “articles.” If you want, you can limit the language to English or narrow the date range as needed.
How to open a document, click on the link called “PDF” then click on the link called “Proceed to PDF.”
Academic Search Premiere
Before searching on Academic Search Premiere, you must log into the database (see email for login information). Always use “advanced search” it works faster and is more accurate than a basic search.
Search Tips:
Put your search term in quotes
Click on “Also search within the full text of the articles”
Click on Full Text
Choose “article” in the area marked Document Type. How to open: click on the links called “HTML Full Text”
or “PDF Full Text” and the document will open. Print, save or email as your wish
GALE Opposing Viewpoints in Context
This database is available through the LAPL, you must have an LAPL card to access the site.
How to Search
1. Type in your subject. As you can see the database will automatically give you search suggestions to help you find the information like Columbine, Columbine Massacre or Columbine Memorial
2. You will get a list of results in the following categories
a. Viewpoints: these are opinion pieces
b. Images: photographs and digital imagery
c. News: articles from major US and World News organizations
d. Magazine Articles: articles from Time, Newsweek, US News and World, National Review, etc.
e. Academic Journals: scholarly articles from publications similar to those found in JSTOR (reading level is a little easier)
How to Access Articles
Choose your article. Place mouse over title of article and left click your mouse. All of your search terms will be highlighted in RED. Briefly skim over article to determine whether it may be valuable to you. IF IT IS VALUABLE AND YOU WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE, choose print, save or download on the Tools Menu