Parent Directed Human Sexuality Assignment
1. Read the following sections from Glencoe Teen Health 3
- Relationships - pgs 118-123
- Dating - pgs 145-146
- Practicing Abstinence - pgs 151-155
- Reproductive System - pgs 400-405
- Beginning of Life - pgs 416-420 and pg 423
*At least one outside resource will be required
2. Students will create a project in one of the following formats:
- Five page typewritten report. Report will be in MLA format.
- Poster 22 x 28
- Power Point with at least 20-25 slides.
3. It is suggested that students present their project orally to the classroom teacher. However, if a teacher has a large number of “opt-out” students, he/she may choose to do otherwise.
*Please review the rubric for complete grading and evaluation requirements.
Projectcontent requirements:
Respectful Relationships
Students will identify eight ways to show respect in association with responsible dating. This will include eight respectful behaviors from the text with explanations.
Students will identify ways to express affection without bodily contact with eightnon-contact, displays of affection from the text and at least oneof their own.
Students will define abstinence and the benefits of remaining abstinent. An accurate explanation of the term abstinence, including at least 4 benefits as identified in the text. Students will include two examples of refusal strategies.
Male Reproductive system
Students will accurately identify nineorgans of the male reproductive system.
Students will accurately explain the function of each of the nine organs in the male reproductive system.
Revised 11/26/08
Female Reproductive System
Students will accurately identify six organs of the female reproductive system.
Students will accurately explain the functions of each of the six organs in the female reproductive system.
Students will accurately explain the function of the 28 day menstrual cycle using at least fiveterms from the text.
Students will identify a minimum of threemedically accepted types of contraception, and explain both the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of each. (Outside source needed)
Students will thoroughly explain conception using a medically accepted description. (Text book and outside source needed)
Fetal Development
Students will accurately identify and explainthe stages of fetal development.
Students will accurately explain the developmental of twins, both fraternal and identical.
Prenatal Care
Students will explain the medically accepted importance of prenatal care as it relates to the development and birth of a child. Students will include medically accepted views of the role of the following influences during pregnancy:
- Vitamins
- Healthy nutrition
- Exercise
- Substance abuse
Stages of Labor and Delivery
Students will identify and describe the three stages of the birth process including four terms from the text.
Maintaining One's Health
Students will accurately identify four ways each for males and females to maintain and care for the health of their own bodies as noted in the text book.
Revised 11/26/08