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July 2014 edition

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This Brisbane City Council Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan is an operational plan of the Brisbane City Council Local Disaster Management Plan and has been endorsed by the Brisbane City Local Disaster Management Group (Brisbane LDMG).

This Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan will be reviewed, practiced and updated annually in accordance with the procedures mandated by the Brisbane LDMG.

It shall be reviewed at least once each year by a committee of appropriately qualified and experienced personnel. The committee shall, as a minimum, consist of the Manager, Community Facilities and Venues, Manager, Disaster Management Office (MDMO), representative from Brisbane Lifestyle and a representative of Brisbane LDMG.

  1. Proposed amendments to this sub-planare to be forwarded in writing to the Manager, Disaster Management Office (MDMO), who may approve minor amendments.
  2. Proposed amendments that affect the intent of this sub-plan, roles and responsibilities or external agencies must be endorsed by the Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC) and may be forwarded to the Brisbane LDMG for approval if required. This type of amendment is referred to as a major amendment.
  3. Endorsed amendments are to be listed in the table below.
  4. Version control of this sub-plan is managed by the Disaster Management Office. Reissue of this sub-plan following amendment or review will be recorded in the table below and advice of reissue will be distributed throughout the disaster management network. Recipients should take all appropriate action to ensure they are in possession of the most recent version, and that previous versions in both hard copy and electronic forms are archived accordingly. Further information can be requested by contacting the Disaster Management Office.

Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan Version Control

Version / Date / Reviewed by / Endorsed by / Comments
1.0 / March 2012 / Manager, Disaster Management Office / Chair, Brisbane LDMG
District Disaster Coordinator / 2012 official version
1.1 / September 2012 / Manager, Inclusive Communities
Coordinator, Disaster Management Office / Manager, Disaster Management Office / Minor amendments
1.2 / February 2013 / Manager, Inclusive Communities
Coordinator, Disaster Management Office / Manager, Disaster Management Office / Revisions
2.0 / May 2013 / Manager, Disaster Management Office / Chair, Brisbane LDMG
District Disaster Coordinator / 2013 official version
2.1 / November 2013 / Manager, Community Facilities and Venues
Manager, Disaster Management Office / Minor revisions
  1. This sub-plan is to be reviewed:
  • On activation of an event requiring the use of this sub-plan
  • On activation of similar disaster management plans in other states, territories or overseas where considered possible
  • Upon annual review of Council’s Local Disaster Management Plan in accordance with the Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld)
  1. This sub-plan, together with its supporting standard operating procedures (SOPs), is to be tested annually. The MDMO is to brief relevant stakeholders and the Brisbane LDMG on the results of testing this plan.
  2. In accordance with legislation, the Brisbane Local Disaster Management Plan and all its underpinning sub-plans will be approved by the Chair of the Brisbane LDMG annually.


Table 1 summarises a comprehensive, but not exhaustive list of the many inter-related documents that provide authority for this Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan.

Table 1 Emergency Response Human Services Reference List

A. / Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld), effective 21May 2014 (the Act)
B. / Queensland Local Disaster Management Guidelines September 2012
C. / Australian Emergency Manuals Series, Part III, Emergency Management Practice, Volume 2 – Specific issues. Manual 1 – Evacuation Planning






1.4Structure of the Plan

1.5Media and public information arrangements

1.6Partner organisations

1.7Financial procedures

1.8Contact list





2.4How to use this sub-plan during operations

2.5Planning and Coordination


3.1Roles and responsibilities of the EHSOT

3.2Cross Agency Agreements

3.3Operations Teams

3.4Daily operating schedule


3.6Shift handover


3.8Location and equipment



3.11Information and task management

3.12Accounting procedures

3.13External agencies

3.14Zero Harm

3.15Fatigue management

3.16Staff welfare

3.17Supporting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)



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The Brisbane City Council Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan is an operations level plan that sits below the Brisbane City Council Local Disaster Management Plan, prepared under the terms of the Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld).

This plan is designed to be a guide for the overall coordination and planning for emergency human services for people affected by an emergency or disaster event in BrisbaneCity, primarily covering evacuation, evacuation centres, volunteer coordination, donations and community support centres for isolated communities. It may also be used to care for people from other local government areas (LGAs) who need these services outside their own LGA.

The Brisbane City Community Recovery Committee is established by the Brisbane LDMG to oversee the recovery function of the Brisbane City Council Local Disaster Management Plan.

The Community Recovery Committee reports to the Brisbane LDMG on the adequacy of the planning and operational arrangements for evacuation and emergency response human services.


This plan has been prepared for Council, the Lord Mayor, Brisbane LDMG, Council Business Units, and key external stakeholders.


This Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan is approved by Brisbane LDMG under the terms and provisions of the Act.


The MDMO, on behalf of Council, is the custodian of this plan. The custodian has the responsibility for implementing, evaluating, testing, reviewing and updating this plan. The custodian is also to ensure proper quality, security, integrity, consistency, privacy, confidentiality and accessibility of the plan.

The Custodian’s contact details are:

Title:Manager, Disaster Management Office

Contact:+61 7 3403 8888

1.4Structure of the Plan

Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan: Includes an introduction to the plan, its structure, purpose and rationale. It also includes a description of roles, responsibilities and operational issues related to the Emergency Human Services Operational Team (EHSOT).

The Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan has five sub-plans, which are supported by Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). These SOPs are internal documents for Council use only and are continually updated to reflect improvements and learning in Disaster Management. The latest versions are available on Council’s Brisbane Incident Management System (BIMS) Online or through the Disaster Management Office.

  • Evacuation Sub-plan: Describes Council’s responsibilities for the evacuation of people in an emergency or disaster, the system for identifying and documenting evacuation centres and for establishing, managing, and handing over or closing evacuation centres during an event.
  • CBD Evacuation & Reception Sub-plan: Describes the process for evacuating the Brisbane CBD and the roles of Council to work alongside Queensland Police Service and other first responders.
  • Volunteer Coordination Sub-plan: Guides the management of volunteering in emergency events including spontaneous volunteering, mass volunteering events, corporate volunteering, team-based volunteering and volunteering in community-led recovery processes.
  • Donations Sub-plan: Describes the range of activities undertaken to manage offers of goods in a disaster or emergency event, including receipt and dispersal of donated items.
  • Isolated Communities Sub-plan: Outlines the use of Community Support Centres by local communities that may become isolated.

1.5Media and public information arrangements

Emergencies and disasters are likely to draw significant media interest and there will be a very significant requirement for public information. The Council response to these needs is to be coordinated by the Local Disaster Coordination Centre (LDCC), specifically the Crisis Communications Team.

1.6Partner organisations

In an emergency or disaster, elements of Council will be required to work with a number of State agencies and philanthropic organisations. Therefore, Council will establish sound working relations with all entities that have a role in community recovery. This will include updating each organisation on this plan each year.

1.7Financial procedures

All costs associated with the planning, establishment, operation, maintenance and publication of emergency human services support are to be recorded on the Council financial management system as a separate function.

1.8Contact list

The contact list for key persons involved in this Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan is available on Council’s BIMS Online.



The Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan describes Council’s role in community recovery and the provision of human services and assistance to people affected by a disaster.


This sub-plan provides an overall framework and guide to assist with the planning and coordination of emergency human services in the event of an emergency or disaster in Brisbane. It covers evacuation procedures, the management and coordination of evacuation centres, volunteer coordination, donations management and community support centres for isolated communities in Brisbane. The intention is that all parties involved in human services provision have access to these guidelines and procedures to enable effective communication, coordination and allocation of resources.


In accordance with the Queensland Disaster Management System and District Disaster structure, Council has a role as a first responder to open and establish evacuation centres, to coordinate emergency human services in partnership with Australian Red Cross and to participate in the recovery of the community in partnership with State and Federal authorities.

In addition, Council alongside partner agencies is well placed to draw upon an extensive network of community organisations as well as human and physical resources to have a role in the management and coordination of volunteers and donations and to support those communities isolated from the rest of Brisbane in a disaster.

During a disaster, clear guidelines and procedures are critical to ensure all those involved in the coordination and provision of human services are well equipped to engage in the efficient mobilisation of large numbers of people across a diverse range of roles, at very short notice.

2.4How to use this sub-plan during operations

This sub-plan should be used as a guide and reference for identifying the relevant sub-plans and standard operating procedures and in identifying roles and responsibilities. It should be used in conjunction with other sub-plans and SOPs within the Brisbane City Council Local Disaster Management Plan. Chapter 2 of the Local Disaster Management Plan presents a community profile for Brisbane.

2.5Planning and Coordination

Community Facilities and Venues (CF&V)Branch within Brisbane Lifestyle Division will lead the coordination of emergency human services.


The Emergency Human Services Operational Team (EHSOT) is responsible for the coordination of emergency human services. They report to and are part of the Operations Group within the Local Disaster Coordination Centre (LDCC). The Operations Group is a functional group within the LDCC and operates during a Level 3 or 4 Activation (See Brisbane City Council’s BIMS for Levels of Activation), assuming responsibility for the coordination of event response operations and task management including those responsibilities of the EHSOT.

For details on the functions and structure of the LDCC and Operations Group, see the SOPs for the LDCC and Operations Group on Council’s BIMS Online or TRIM container 109/555/14/620.

The role of the EHSOT is to coordinate operations and allocate resources across all aspects of the Emergency Response Human Services Plan in the event of a disaster. The EHSOT operates as required during a Level 3 or 4 Activation, consistent with the Operations Group.

The composition of the EHSOT is made up of members of Community Facilities and Venues (CF&V) Branch and Connected Communities Branch and Liaison Officers (LOs) from key external agencies as outlined in the table below.

Table 2: Emergency Human Services Operational Team (EHSOT)

Organisation / Position / Core responsibilities
Brisbane City Council / Branch Manager Community Facilities and Venues or delegate
Branch Manager, Library Services / Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan
EHSOT Manager
Brisbane City Council / Manager Inclusive Communities or delegate / Volunteer coordination
Community support centres (isolated communities)
Brisbane City Council / Manager Healthy and Vibrant Communities or delegate / Evacuation centre coordination
Advice and emergency human services support
Brisbane City Council / Manager City Venues / Donations coordination
Brisbane City Council / Manager City Hall or delegate / Resupply of community support centres (isolated communities) (Moggill/Bellbowrie and Mt Crosby/ Karana Downs)
Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disability Services / Regional Director or delegate / Recovery centres management
Outreach at evacuation centres including assessment
Australian Red Cross / Manager Emergency Services / Evacuation centre staffing and management
Lifeline (now run by UnitingCare Community) / State Manager, UnitingCare Community Recovery Operations / Psychological first aid/counselling support at evacuation centres
Donations support

Contact details of EHSOT members are located on Council’s Disaster and Emergency Management event site.

Detailed roles and responsibilities related to each sub-plan are outlined in the relevant sub-plans and SOPs.

It is essential that a robust relationship is established and maintained with other response agencies. The provision of liaison officers (LOs) from these agencies is fundamental to the flow of information, development of shared situational awareness and overall successful operation of the EHSOT.

3.1Roles and responsibilities of the EHSOT

The Manager Community Facilities and Venues will be activated by the Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC) to assume the role of EHSOT Manager.

The EHSOT Manager will establish the EHSOT in consultation with the LDCC Operations Manager and will:

  • Determine an emergency human services strategy in accordance with the type and scale of disaster.
  • Liaise with Emergency Human Services stakeholders on issues, strategies and actions.
  • Coordinate and manage Council’s response to emergency human services provision.
  • Manage current operations (next 24 hours) and plan for future operations (24-72 hours).
  • Assign tasks in accordance with the Emergency Response Human Services Sub-plan for implementation or action.
  • Participate in operational planning meetings at the designated times.
  • Provide information on the progress of Council’s on-ground response and communicate emerging issues.
  • Identify resources shortfalls and seek additional or external support where appropriate and in accordance with Council procurement guidelines, panels and arrangements.

3.2Cross Agency Agreements

Brisbane City Council has formal Memoranda of Understanding with the Australian Red Cross to manage Evacuation Centres, with Tzu Chi to assist in providing support to evacuees at established Evacuation Centres (if required), and with Surf Life Saving Queenslandto enable surf lifesaving volunteers, with appropriate training and equipment, to be mobilised and tasked during natural disasters and other emergency events.

3.3Operations Teams

In the event of an emergency/disaster, the EHSOT has four Operations Teams that can be enacted as required across four capability ‘bricks’. These are:

  • Evacuation Centre Support Team
  • Volunteer Coordination Team
  • Donations Team
  • Community Support Centres (Isolated Communities) Team

3.4Daily operating schedule

The EHSOT daily operating routine is to synchronise with the BIMS daily operating schedule.

The EHSOT and Operations Teams will have capability to operate 24 hours as required.


The EHSOT will immediately identify staffing and resources for each Operations Team, appropriate to the level of need in accordance with each sub-plan.

Staff will be drawn from Brisbane Lifestyle, other Council Divisions and external agencies if necessary. In accordance with the LDCC SOP, requests for liaison officers from external agencies are to be made through the LDCC Incident Controller.

3.6Shift handover

The outgoing EHSOT members are to provide a shift handover briefing for their incoming counterparts. This brief should cover current and outstanding activities.

The outgoing person remains responsible for their duties until the shift handover is completed and the oncoming member has accepted the handover.

Once the shift handover is complete, all outgoing staff are to leave the LDCC immediately.

The figure below depicts the structure of the EHSOT and Operations Teams as they relate to the LDCC structure.


The EHSOT will be established on direction of the LDCC Incident Controller as required in consultation with the EHSOT Manager.

3.8Location and equipment

The EHSOT will be located at the Development Lounge, North Quay Podium, Level 1, 266 George Street, Brisbane with allocated desks, computers and phones for 10 people. In the event of a major disaster, an additional 5 people will be accommodated. One representative from EHSOT will be located in the LDCC.


An Evacuation Centre Kit will be made available to assist staff working at Evacuation Centres. The contents of the Kit are identified in Appendix 1.

A supply of the following materials for volunteer management is to be procured and kept in regular supply.

  • 5,000 “Volunteer Team Leader” stickers to be worn by Volunteer Team Leaders
  • 10,000 paper wristbands to be worn by volunteers
  • 50 yellow vests to be worn by Council staff at Evacuation Centres
  • 5,000 “Resident” stickers to be worn by residents of affected properties

These materials will be stored in the LDCC.


Refer tothe Support Group SOP on BIMS Online for procedures related to computer support and communications.

3.11Information and task management

Refer to the LDCC SOP on BIMS Online for procedures regarding information and task management.