
In 2014, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)presented the following awards at ceremonies during TWC’s Annual Workforce Conference:

  • Employer Awards (based on Board nominations)

Employer of the Year—The top five employers attend the employer luncheon and are highlighted in TWC publications and during the ceremony.

Local Employer of Excellence—Onelocal employer is recognized with an award for each local workforce development area. Employers attend the employer luncheon and are highlighted in TWC publications and during the ceremony.

  • Board Awards (based on Board nominations)

Service to Business

Service to Workers

Service to Community

Industry Sector Outreach

Child Care Quality Incentive Awards

  • Board Performance Incentive Awards

Claimant Reemployment

WIA Adult/Dislocated Worker

WIA Youth

Choices Employment

  • Partnership Awards

TWC staff selects winners in recognition of community colleges and other system partners that have shown innovation in meeting the needs of local employers. The Partnership Award does not include a monetary prize because these organizations have received TWC grant funds to implement the innovations being recognized.

On July 3, 2014, the Commissionapproved the addition of Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Incentive awards to be presented in Fiscal Year 2016 (FY’16). The awards will be supported with AELState Leadership funds and will recognize exemplary program performance in the areas of employer partnership, college integration, and Board integration. First and second place will be awarded in the following categories:

  • Employer Partnerships (based on provider nominations)
  • College Integration(based on provider nominations)
  • Local Workforce Development Board Integration

Employer and Partnership winners receive an award; Board Service, Board Performance Incentive, Child Care Quality Incentive, and AEL Incentive award winners receive an award and a monetary prize. All monetary prizes are considered during the budget process and included in TWC’s annual budget. In 2014, monetary prizes for Board Service awards were $30,000 per award, and monetary prizes for the Child Care Quality Incentive awards were $75,000 for each winner from the four quartiles. For the 2015 AEL Incentive awards, the Commission has approved monetary prizes in the amount of $50,000 for first place and $35,000 for second place for each category. The Commission will consider the remaining monetary prizes for 2015 during the FY’16 budget approval process.


Staff recommends:

  • the continuation of all the Employerawards, Boardawards, Board Performance Incentive awards, and Partnership awards presented in 2014;
  • the first presentation of the AEL Incentive awards; and
  • the addition of a new Career Awareness/Youth Inspiration Award intended to recognize and highlight threeBoard initiatives focused on supporting career awareness and exploration for young people and selected as the top ranking nominations. The awards will be:

based on Board nominations; and

supported with WIA Youth funds at $100,000 per award.

DP 2015 TWC Conference Awards (5 5 15) Notebook 1