Human Services Cluster

2017-18 Syllabus ~ Mrs. Nelson

Teen Connections

Course Description: Designed for students in grade 8, Teen Connections is a semester long course focusing on teen connections in the home, school, and community. Course content provides opportunities for students to explore personal development; the impact of values, goals, decision making, and time management; conflict resolution, identifying family structures; members’ roles and responsibilities; changes ad challenges faced throughout the family life cycle; health, wellness, and a healthy appearance; money management and teen consumer decisions; teen clothing decisions; stages of child development; first aid techniques; organizing and maintaining teen living space; home safety; technology; and skills needed for workplace success. Career and technical student organizations are integral, co-curricular components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth. (See CTSO)

Course/Program Goals: The mission of FACS education is to prepare students for family life, work, and careers in FACS education by providing opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, attitude, and behaviors needed for: Strengthening the well-being of individuals and families across the lifespan; becoming responsible citizens and leaders in family, community and work settings; promoting optimal nutrition and wellness across the lifespan; managing resources to meet the needs of individuals and families; balancing personal, home, family and work lives; and managing life, employment, and career development successfully.

CTSO: Career and technical student organizations are integral, co-curricular components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth. Every student is strongly encouraged to join Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and participate in a wide range of wonderful activities in and outside of school. Membership is not mandatory, but greatly beneficial to expand on leadership and personal skills. To become a member of FCCLA $15 is due by the end of September which pays your local, state, and national dues.

Classroom Policies: Please see Policies and Procedures handout

Assessment Procedures: Students will be graded on a point system. Each assignment will be given a specific value. A variety of teaching techniques such as small and large group, lecture, lab, and independent study will be used to integrate process skills such as decision making, problem solving and critical thinking. Laboratory experience is essential to the course and will provide the students a chance to practice life skills taught in the classroom. During lab experiences (sewing and cooking) students will be given an additional 20 points each day based on participation and work ethic. At the end of the grading period, the total number of points earned will be divided by the total points allowed for your final semester grade. Students are expected to meet all course goals and apply knowledge through real life situations. Performance assessment, laboratory work, projects and paper and pencil test will be used to assess the student's progress in meeting course goals.

Essential Questions

1. What factors impact personal connections?

2. What practices provide food and wellness connections?

3. How are consumer connections important?

4 Which skills relate to clothing connections?

5. What impacts child care connections?

6. Which types of strategies are used for housing connections?

7. Which career skills are needed for the workplace?

Course Outline

I. Personal Connections

A. Factors that affect self-esteem and self-concept (1)

1.  Physical

2.  Social

3.  Emotional

4.  Intellectual

B. Interpersonal skills needed by teenagers (2)

1.  Respect self and others

2.  Resolve conflict

3.  Respond to peer pressure

4.  Communicate with others

C. Impact of values, goals, and decision making on teenagers (3)

D. Various family structures (5)

1.  Nuclear

2.  Blended

3.  Extended

4.  Single-parent

E.  Individual roles and responsibilities in the home contribute to family well-being (5)

F.  Changes and challenges faced throughout the family life cycle (5)

II. Food and Wellness Connections

A.  Select, store, prepare, and serve nutritious foods (8)

1.  Safely and correctly use kitchen equipment

2.  Use safety and sanitation procedures in food preparation

3.  Guidelines for table setting

III. Consumer Connections

A. Money management for teens (9)

1.  Budget

2.  Expenditures

3.  Savings

IV. Clothing Connections

A. Sewing construction skills (13)

1. Safely and correctly use sewing equipment

B. Maintain and care for clothing (14)

V. Child Care Connections

A. Handling emergencies for children, first aid (16)

VI. Housing Connections

A. Selecting and arranging furniture and accessories in a teenager’s living space (18)

VII. Technology and Career Connections

A. Career skills needed for the workplace (20)

1.  Time management

2.  Teamwork

3.  Interview skills

4.  Completion of job applications

Culminating Products: Students are expected to meet all course goals and apply knowledge through real-life situations. A variety of techniques such as small and large group discussions, lecture, labs, and independent work will be used to integrate decision-making, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. Lab experiences are essential in developing real-life skills in managing the work of the family to include nurturing the growth of individuals and families as well as managing family life in the areas of living and parenting, nutrition and foods, housing, clothing, and resource management. Students will engage in activities, experiences, and assessments that deal with synthesizing and evaluating knowledge and skills. Essay tests, performance assessments, lab work, project reports and presentations, paper/pencil tests, and products produced will be used to assess the student’s progress in meeting course standards.


1.  Daily participation 20%

2.  Daily grades 15%

3.  Assessments/projects 50%

4.  9-week exam/project 15%

Materials and supplies:

1.  Class fees $15 – (class project supplies, groceries, etc.)

2.  FCCLA $15 - optional but highly encouraged – PLEASE JOIN! J

3.  Supplies you provide

a.  Binder/notebook

b.  Loose leaf notebook paper

c.  Pencils or black/blue ink pens

d.  Roll of paper towels

e.  Dish soap

f.  Hand soap

QR Codes provided for your convenience if you use them. Links are spelled out beneath the codes.

Link to our Zion Chapel website Link to our Straight Up FACS Facebook Group

Remind for Teen Connections Remind for General FACS Info (All FACS Classes)