Cerro Coso Community College
Spring 2015
Human Services Certificate of Achievement
Program: Traditional Program
Contact Person: Dr. Mike McNair
Title: Dean of Career Technical Education
Phone number: 760-384-6148
Email address:
Projected start date: Fall 2015
Type of change requested: Non-Substantial
Projected annual completers: 20
Units for certificate of achievement: 27
Item 1. Program Goals and Objectives
This program prepares students for careers in Social and Human Services.
Employment preparation for careers as Adult or Child Case Manager I, Recovery Specialist I, Family Education Advocate, Juvenile Corrections Officer I, Special Education Tutors, Aging and Elder Advocate, and other occupations in the social and human services field.
Program Learning Outcomes
- Articulate the broad concerns and practices of human services industry.
- Demonstrate four core sets of human services skills: conducting an interview, writing an incident report, participating in team meetings, and providing necessary support and referrals to consumers.
- Assess situations for appropriate entry level professional, legal and ethical responses.
- Use supervisory feedback for improved performance.
- Analyze the cultural components of a human services situation and recommend culturally appropriate interventions.
Connection to College Mission
The mission of Cerro Coso Community College is to provide outstanding educational programs and services tailored to the students in the communities and rural area we serve. We demonstrate a conscious effort to produce and support student success and achievement through traditional and distance delivery.
To accomplish this mission we will provide:
- transfer and career technical education
- remedial instruction
- comprehensive support services
- learning opportunities that develop ethical and effective citizenry
- continuing education that is compatible with the institutions primary
The Human Services Program fits the stated mission of the college by providing an outstanding career technical education program for the communities and rural areas we serve. The program is directed towards two groups of students, the primary group being those who are pursuing the certificate for preparation for a career in human services. The secondary group are professionals in the field seeking continuing education opportunities. There are no limits for enrollment of the program. The only fee required is a drug test when students enroll in the capstone class to finish the program HMSV C104 Field Work in Human Services
Item 2. Catalog Description
The Human Services certificate: Any student completing the courses required for the human services major qualifies for a certificate in Human Services Worker. The program prepares students in a broad range of human services careers. The certificate consists of seven core courses and two electives.
Complete each course to be applied toward the certificate with a grade of "C" or better. Complete a minimum of 12 units in residence at Cerro Coso Community College.
The Human Services program is open to all students meeting admission requirements for Cerro Coso Community College. There are no limits on the number of students or entry credentials.
There are no prerequisites to enter the program. There is no State licensing for Human Services professionals. There is no State approved model curriculum for the Human Services professionals.
Item 3. Program Requirements
List ofRequired Courses Units
HMSVC101 / Introductionto Human Services / 3HMSVC102 / CulturalCompetenceinHumanServices / 3
HMSVC116 / CaseManagement / 3
HMSVC103 / PreparationforFieldWork / 3
HMSVC104 / FieldWorkinHumanServices / 4
ENGLC070 / IntroductoryComposition / 4
CSCI 070 / ComputerLiteracy / 1
Electives: Two from the following
PSYCC101 / General Psychology / 3PSYC C241 / Abnormal Psychology / 3
PSYC C113 / Psychology of Substance Abuse / 3
PSYC C241 / Life Span Development / 3
HMSVC113 / Intervention Skills / 3
CHDV C106 / Child Growth and Development / 3
CHDV C241 / The Exceptional Child / 3
6 units
Electives:Thesecoursesareavailable to studentsonsiteandonlineofferedona semester basisoryearlybasis.
Total HumanServicesCertificateunits: 27
Course Sequence
Requirements / Dept. Name/# / Name / Units / SequenceRequired Core (21 units) / HMSV C101
CSCI C070 / Introduction to Human Services
Cultural Competence
Preparation for Fieldwork
Field Work
Case Management
Introductory Composition
Computer Literacy / 3
1 / Yr 1, Fall
Yr 1, Spring
Yr 1, Spring
Yr 2, Fall
Yr 1, Fall
Yr 1 or 2
Yr 1 or 2
Two Electives
(6 units) / PSYC C101
CHDV C241 / General Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Intro to Substance Abuse Issues
Life Span Development
Intervention Skills
Child Growth and Development
The Exceptional Child / 3
3 / Yr 1 or 2
Yr 1 or 2
Yr 1 or 2
Yr 1 or 2
Yr 1, 2 Sp
Yr 1 or 2
Yr 1 or 2
Total Required Major 21
Required Electives 6
Item 4. Master Planning
Refer back to Goals and Objectives in regards to fulfillment of College mission and curriculum offerings.
Astrongemployer relationshiphasbeendevelopedinall serviceareaswithadvisoryboard committees.Manyofthe advisoryboardmembershavebeeninvolvedsincethe inception
ofthe programandtheirfeedbackcontinuesto be valuable forthe successofthe program andstudents.
Advisoryboardsrepresentthehuman servicesagenciesineachservicearea Kern County
InyoandMono County. In our meetings we review the courses and curriculum offered and make sure that the material and topics stay up to date on human services issues, interventions, legal and ethical. Studentsusethe members'facilitiesfortheirinternshipsandanagencysupervisorevaluatesthestudent's performancethroughthe InternEvaluation form. Many of our students have been hired at directly from their internships.
Mike McNair, CTE Dean
Joshua Hartman, ClinicalDirector,CollegeCommunityServices
DanaScott, AdministrativeAsst, CollegeCommunityServices
CarolBeecroft,Director,Women'sCenter- HighDesert
KarenStone,SARTProgramManager,Women'sCenter- HighDesert
Jamie Howard, Dept of Human Services
Candi Smith, Family Resource Center
Lisa Stephens, KRV Campus Manager
William Blanton,Pastor/Director,Salvation Army
Andre Sanders,ClinicalDirector,CollegeCommunityServices
MelodyBatelaan, SocialServiceWorkerII,KernCountyDepartmentofAging
Deanna Campbell, ESCC Campus Director
BethHimelhoch,ExecutiveDirector,Inyo-MonoAssociationforthe Handicapped
AshleyDiaz,AdministratorServicesManager, Inyo-MonoAdvocatesforCommunityAction
RobinRoberts,Director,Mono CountyBehavioralHealth
LisaReel,Director,WildIris- DomesticViolenceandFamilyEducation
Item 5. Enrollment Data 2013-13 and 2013-14
Course / 2012-13 / 2013-14Courses / Annual Sections / Annual Enrollment / Annual Sections / Annual Enrollment
CHDVC106 / 6 / 160 / 6 / 147
CHDVC241 / 1 / 28 / 0 / 0
CSCIC070 / 6 / 130 / 7 / 141
EMTCC205 / 2 / 22 / 1 / 21
ENGLC070 / 18 / 411 / 19 / 429
ENGLC101 / 18 / 383 / 17 / 390
HMSVC101 / 3 / 29 / 4 / 36
HMSVC102 / 3 / 32 / 4 / 31
HMSVC103 / 3 / 23 / 3 / 24
HMSVC104 / 3 / 13 / 3 / 21
HMSVC113 / 0 / 0 / 4 / 16
HMSVC116 / 4 / 28 / 4 / 32
PSYCC101 / 11 / 224 / 17 / 343
PSYCC112 / 2 / 27 / 1 / 21
PSYCC211 / 4 / 107 / 5 / 113
PSYCC241 / 5 / 91 / 7 / 133
Item 6. Place of Program in Curriculum/Similar Programs
There is no similar program at Cerro Coso Community College. The program gives a new dimension to the vocation programs related to psychology and child development. The program does not replace any existing programs.
Item 7. Similar Programs at Other Colleges in Service Area
Within the commuting distance to any Cerro Coso Community College there is no human services program at the college level. Bakersfield College has offered this certificate and degree since 1989 but it is geographically inaccessible to our students because of the boundary of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range and the considerable distance; 50 miles from the KRV campus, over 100 miles from the IWV and ESCC campuses Bakersfield College does not offer the courses online. The programs do not compete for students.