Human Reproduction Exam Guide: 910.316


The following notes include the Instructions that you will find on your exam paper and six example questions. At least one of these examples, or a very similar question, will be offered as an alternative in both Part A and Part B of the exam. I suggest that you think about each of these questions, perhaps prepare a skeleton outline of how you would answer each of them and so go into the exam fairly well prepared.

P art A: Essay question

Answer ONE only of the following two questions. We suggest that you take around 40 minutes for your answer including say 10 minutes constructing your essay. Use a separate answer book for Part A.

Part B: Essay question

Answer ONE only of the following two questions. We suggest that you take around 40 minutes for your answer including say 10 minutes constructing your essay. Use a separate answer book for Part B.

Part C: Short answer questions

Answer FOUR only of the following eight questions. We suggest you take around 10 minutes for each question. You may wish to write in note form or use diagrams if appropriate.

Use a separate answer book for Part C.


Example Essay Questions

What current or almost developed reproductive technology is likely to have the greatest impact in changing reproductive attitudes and behaviours in affluent societies such as Australia? In your answer cover (a) how the technology works and its biological underpinnings and (b) why you think it will have a major impact. You might like to consider economic issues, social issues, present trends in reproductive behaviours or anything else that supports your view.

In your opinion, what sort of likely impact will reproductive technologies have on the human gene pool over the next 100 years? In your answer you may wish to consider local and global gene pools and draw on your understanding of currently available and likely new reproductive technologies, as well as your numeric skills in human reproduction to justify your answer.

If you were given the opportunity, how would you redesign the current 910.316 Human Reproduction unit, what changes would you make, and why?

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) have developed rapidly over the past two decades. Briefly describe the major technologies in current use and, for the body of your answer, outline the major (a) beneficial and (b) detrimental outcomes of ART.

With the reproductive technology available today, women need not worry about infertility" To what extent do you agree with this statement? Provide evidence to support your argument

Of the 18 Review topics presented by the Human Reproduction (910.316) students this year, choose the one (other than your own) that you think will best assist your understanding of human reproduction into the future. Briefly cover the subject matter of the topic, and then discuss why you have chosen this topic. You may wish to consider the selection of the material covered, level of detail presented as well as its relevance to human reproductive practices in the future.

Short Answer questions

The short answer questions will be more specific and limited in scope. They might question techniques observed or used in the practicals, elements of the revision topics or discrete areas or subject matter presented in the lectures.

NWB Theory exam-05.doc 14/04/19