Appendix 2: Proposal Template
CARICOM Education for Employment Program (C-EFE)/
Youth Skills Development Programme (YSD)
Pre-Technology Partnerships
Canadian College/Institute
Pre-Technology Partnership Proposal
- Cover Page (1 page maximum)
Pre-Technology Partnership Proposal in reference to Pre-Technology Partnership Ref. No.: CAR-XX-Name of Country
B. Canadian Partner Information: (2 pages maximum)
- Lead Contact Person and complete contact details (including college website address)
- Name and Type of institution
- Main characteristics
- National/Regional/International Experience
- Programmes of relevance to the Terms of Reference
- Other pertinent details
- List of Acronyms
C. Major undertakings in the preparatory/pre-technology programming area with emphasis on persons at risk.
(2 pages maximum)
- In Canada
- Internationally
D. Major undertakings by the team (faculty, administration, industry) who will be involved with the project (1 page maximum)
Note: Include up to three CVs of a maximum of 2 pages each in the Supporting Documentation (Section F).
E. The Proposed Methodology (4 pages maximum)
How the College or Institute proposes to work with the Caribbean partner to achieve the required expected results for all Pre-Technology Partnerships and meet the specific Terms of Reference of the Caribbean Institutional Partner. Include how your institution intends to coordinate the flow through funding financial management component of the Pre-Technology partnership.
Referring to documents available at Documents and Institutional Partnership tabs), as well as the Caribbean partner’s expectations, please explain the methodology, strategies and activities (in broad terms) that you would propose to the Caribbean country partner.
Note: Include up to three Project Summaries of a maximum of 1 page each in the Supporting Documentation (Section G).
Supporting Documentation
- Section F: In relation to Section D: CVs of up to three (3) project consultants (maximum of 2 pages per CV)
- Section G: in relation to Section E, up to a maximum of three project summaries relevant to the proposed methodology (maximum of 1 page per project summary)
- Section H: Letter of Endorsement signed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the lead college or institute (1-page maximum)
- Section I: Letter of Endorsement signed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Partner college(s) or institute(s), if applicable (1-page maximum per Canadian partner college or institute)
CARICOM Education for Employment Program (C-EFE)/ Youth Skills Development Programme (YSD)1
Request for Proposals – Pre-technology partnership projects
CARICOM Education for Employment Program (C-EFE)/ Youth Skills Development Programme (YSD)1
Request for Proposals – Pre-technology partnership projects