PS120 Part 1

Ball,pgs. 8-15,

Tannenbaum, pgs. 8-16, PT2-12

Human Nature & Freedom

True or False Questions

1. Some conception of human nature is present, at least implicitly, in every ideology. True or False

2. Unlike a libertarian, a communist believes that human beings are naturally competitive and acquisitive. True or False

3. For the communist, people’s true natures, such as to be cooperative and generous, are warped by capitalism. True or False

4. For the Nazi each race has its own unique nature denying that there is a universal human nature shared by all people. True or False

5. According to Ball and Dagger, every ideology claims to defend and extend identical definitions of freedom. True or False

6. A modern revolutionary’s aim is to overthrow the old order, which they believe to be fundamentally rotten or corrupt. True or False

7. Conservatives have a positive view of human nature, believing that sweeping improvements in society after a revolution helps expedite the process of development. True or False

8. Political ideologies are products of the ancient world where change and innovation were to be minimized. True or False

9. The Roman Catholic Church was at the forefront of social change believing that God expected human beings to advance society. True or False

10. A member of the Cherokee nation may also be a citizen of the United States. True or False

11. Nationalistic sentiments and antagonisms helped to provoke World Wars I and II, for example, as well as the anticolonial “wars of national liberation” in Asia and Africa. True or False

12. Defining what constitutes a nation has been plagued by difficulties, according to Ball and Dagger. True or False

13. Anarchy does not mean chaos or confusion, nor do anarchists favor chaos and confusion. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The following ideology wants to achieve a classless society: a) communism, b) nationalism, c) romanticism, d) constitutionalism.

2. When considering political freedom in the context of Gerald MacCallum’s three features, who is the agent for Mussolini and the Italian Fascists? a) the individual, b) the race, c) the nation-state, d) the particular class.

3. A belief that life on earth could become far more rewarding for many more people than it had ever been before: a) progress, b) cornerstone, c) autarky, d) compulsion.

4. A philosophical movement which saw the world as something to be comprehended by human reason and perfected by human action: a) the Renaissance, b) the Medieval Society, c) the Enlightenment, d) the Dark Ages.

5. Almost all political ideologies grew out of the conviction that human life and society should be dramatically changed except: a) liberalism, b) elitism, c) conservatism, d) anarchism.

6. Ball and Dagger believe that the following two forces are not ideologies but attach themselves to ideologies: a) communism and fascism, b) liberalism and socialism, c) fascism and populism, d) nationalism and anarchism.

7. His actions of waging wars in the early 1800s in Europe stirred the passions which resulted in separating political units that had previously shared a common language and culture: a) Napoleon, b) Lenin, c) Hitler, d) Bismarck.

Fill-in Questions

1. According to MacCallum, every conception of freedom includes three features:

a) an ______,

b) a barrier or obstacle ______the ______, and

c) a _____ at which the ______aims.

2. An anarchist is

a) someone who advocates ______the state and

b) replacing its coercive ______with voluntary ______

c) among freely ______individuals.

The Individual & the Collective

Tannenbaum, pgs. 8-16

True or False Questions

1. In the Western political tradition, unlike Eastern, the primary focus has been the individual and not the collective. True or False

2. Political philosophers who give priority to the individual over the collective see society as an aggregation or sum of its diverse parts. True or False

3. Throughout Western political thought, the concept of the family has been critical to political philosophy. True or False

4. Generally speaking, a descriptive statement tells us what is while a prescriptive statement tells us what should be. True or False

5. According to Tannenbaum, the statement, “all men are created equal” is descriptive because it assigns a condition of fact in a democratic form of government. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Western political philosophers have: a) concluded that the focus should be improving the lot of the individual even if it hurts the community, b) been able to identify the keys to achieving the ideal society for maximum benefit, c) been careful not to exclude Eastern ideas in determining the best political system, d) not been able to resolve the question what is the best system that results in the best outcomes.

2. Those philosophers who favor the dominance of the collective typically depict society as: a) irrelevant, b) an organism, c) hierarchical, d) a division of labor.

3. How is the public interest to be found among philosophers who favor the dominance of the collective? a) in an organic politics, b) through isolation and introspection, c) by individual struggle and sacrifice, d) by rejecting authoritarian institutions.

4. What is the aim of any official version of reality? a) to influence the wealthy, b) to sacrifice the irrelevant, c) to stabilize society, d) to unleash the frustrations of society.

Fill-in Questions

1. When a philosopher writes at the philosophical level, the following areas are considered:

a) abstract ideas about ______nature;

b) the purpose of ______;

c) the roles of society, ______, and the family; and

d) values such as power, ______, and freedom.

2. When a philosopher writes at the institutional level, the following areas are considered:

a) the ______process,

b) ______concerns,

c) relationships between ______parts,

d) specific individual ______.


True or False Questions, Ball, pgs. 8-15

1. True

3. True

5. False

7. False

9. False

11. True

13. True

Multiple Choice Questions

1. a

3. a

5. c

7. a

Fill-in Questions

1. a) agent, b) blocking agent, c) goal, agent

True or False Questions, Tannenbaum, pgs. 8-16

1. False

3. True

5. False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. d

3. a

Fill-in Questions

1. a) human, b) government. c) religion, d) justice

A: PT2-16
