Human Genome Project Research Assignment /30
(weighted double)
Depth of research / Very little
information is presented; supporting evidence is limited / Some gaps in research; hard evidence/facts not given / Research of topic is very good; supporting evidence considerable / Research of topic is thorough; 4 or more sources cited and each source is relevant
Genetics concepts/terminology
Description of the history of the human genome project / Limited genetics concepts/terminology are evident / Some genetics concepts/terminology are evident / Considerable discussion of genetics concepts and use of terminology / Thorough discussion of genetics concepts with appropriate level terminology
Illustration of how genomic research has increased our understanding of human health / Demonstration of how genomic research has increased our understanding of human health is limited Two examples are described / Demonstration of how genomic research has increased our understanding of human health is moderate
Three examples are mentioned / Demonstration of how genomic research has increased our understanding of human health is considerable
Three examples are described / Demonstration of how genomic research has increased our understanding of human health is extensive
Three examples are carefully described
(single weighting)
Formatting / Reads with no eye contact and incorrectly pronounces terms. Speaks too quietly / Occasionally uses eye contact, mostly reading presentation, and incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing / Maintains eye contact most of the time and pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation / Maintains eye contact and pronounces all terms precisely. All audience members can hear
GRAPHICS / Uses superfluous graphics or no graphics
Text is often difficult to read / Occasionally uses graphics that rarely support text and presentation
Text is sometimes difficult to read / Relate to text and presentation
Text is mostly easy to read / Explain and reinforce screen text and presentation
Text is easy to read from the back of the room
Communicates information and ideas clearly and precisely / 13 -15 errors / 9 – 13 errors / 4 – 8 errors / Less than 4 errors
and SOURCES CITED (at end of PowerPoint) / Uses only 2 sources
Incorrectly cited / Uses only 3 sources
Correctly cited / Uses 4 sources per species
Correctly cited / Uses 4 or more sources; facts are specific and relevant
Correctly cited
How has genomic research increased our understanding of human health and disease? Make a PowerPoint presentation to teach the class.
Part I
Research details about the Human Genome Project
(i.e. when it started, how long it took, what was discovered etc.)
Part II
Research how human genomic research has increased our understanding of human health
(give three specific examples)