President - Scott Lane 599-7240 Vice President – Al(den) Johnson, O.D.
Secretary – Clarence Johnson Treasurer – Carl Williams, M.D.
[website – ] [P.O. Box 34478, San Antonio, TX 78265]

October 2015

We will be hosting author, creation speaker and creation evangelist Bruce Maloneof “Search for Truth Ministries” this month. He will give us a presentation showing evidence early humans were not mindless ape or caveman, but a “brilliant” species as described in the creation account in the Bible by God. In that light, our Communiqué this month follows a theme of what has been found both recently and in the past of human fossils to either support or reject this idea that man started not as the primitive ape, but as a wonderfully designed creation of our maker!

You will find an article detailing dozen of finds showing man lived at the time of the dinosaurs. You will also see an article detailing the latest find being touted by evolutionists of a human ancestor, which when analyzed is nothing more than a very small brained ape which buried its dead.

In addition there is an article on the efforts to build a world class creation museum in the Northwest U. S. This comes on the heels of the Institute for Creation Research announcing that they will be building a 3.7 million dollar creation museum in the Dallas area.

Also in this newsletter you will find a wealth of creation teaching opportunities around our area in the coming months. We hope you are edified by what you read.

Human Footprints in ancient Strata are Not Rare!

Contrary to most public opinion, there is a wealth of proof of humans walking this earth far before the time they supposedly evolved. Most creationists would point to such evidence as the Taylor Trail on the Paluxy River t which is in strata supposedly millions of years old with trails of dinosaur and human footprints crossing one another. In addition there are the Burdick and AlvisDelk Cretaceous Footprints displayed at the Creation Evidences Museum. The Glen Rose area has also yielded a clear human handprint and a fossilized human finger

All of this evidence is cast away by secular anthropologists however as being either fraudulent or ignorant misinterpretations of evidence by a group of discredited creationists. If this is all there was there might be a case for that. But, even though it is not widely publicized, there is far more evidence for ancient humans than this and it has been known of for the better part of a century.

Other than the Paluxy prints there are many more examples of these human prints which put the lie to evolutionary timelines. Next door to the Creation Evidences Museum just outside Glen Rose, Texas is Dinosaur State Park. If you walk the park you will see many hadrosaur prints still in the ground around the park which supposedly were put there more than 65 million years ago. These are labeled and park rangers will point them out to you if you ask. However, what is not generally known is that if you go to places not pointed out by the rangers, you find human footprints also on display in the ground in this park in the same cretaceous strata in which the hadrosaur prints are in. But, if you ask a park ranger to direct you to these they either will not say or say they “don’t know of any.”

The pictures at right are of human footprints found in supposedly 145 million year old rock strata in Black Mesa, Oklahoma. If you have not heard of these finds before we are not surprised, as they were found by a paleontologist in 1975 and reported in a local newspaper in 1975. However in the intervening 40+ years since its discovery no one from the Smithsonian nor even archaeologists from the state of Oklahoma have come out to check out these finds. They are simply ignored since they do not follow the evolutionist narrative and are ignored out of hand.

The Meister Print: Footprints on top of Trilobite Fossil

"What may be the oldest fossil footprint yet found was discovered in June 1968 by William J. Meister, an amateur fossil collector, and reportedy, an evolutionist. If the print is what it appears to be-the impression of a sandaled shoe crushing a trilobite-it would have been made 300 to 600 million years ago and would be sufficient either to overturn all conventionally accepted ideas of human and geological evolution or to prove that a shoe-wearing biped from another world had once visited the planet.

Meister made his potentially disturbing find during a rock-and fossil-hunting expedition to Antelope Spring, 43 miles west of Delta, Utah. He was accompanied by his wife and two daughters, and by Mr. And Mrs. Francis Shape and their two daughters.

The party had already discovered several fossils of trilobites when Meister split open a two-inch-thick slab of rock with his hammer and discovered the outrageous print. The rock fell open 'like a book,' revealing:

on one side the footprint of a human with trilobites right in the footprint itself. The other half of the rock slab showed an almost perfect mold of the footprint and fossils. Amazingly the human was wearing a sandal!

Trilobites were small marine invertebrates, the relatives of crabs and shrimps, that flourished for some 320 million years before becoming extinct 280 million years ago(according to evolutionary dogma).

Humans are currently thought to have emerged between 1 and 2 million years ago and to have been wearing well-shaped footwear for no more than a few thousand years.The sandal that seems to have crushed a living trilobite was 10-1/4inches long and 31/2inches wide; the heel is indented slightly more than the sole, as a human shoe print would be.

Meister took the rock to Melvin Cook, a professor of metallurgy at the University of Utah, who advised him to show the specimen to the university geologists. When Meister was unable to find a geologist willing to examine the print, he went to a local newspaper, The Deseret News. Before long, the find received national publicity.

In a subsequent news conference, the curator of the Museum of Earth Science at the University of Utah, James Madsen, simply ignored this evidence and said:

There were no men 600 million years ago. Neither were there monkeys or bears or ground sloths to make pseudo human tracks. What man-thing could possibly have been walking about on this planet before vertebrates even evolved?

Madsen then went on to say that the fossil must have been formed by a natural process, though of what kind he was unable to suggest. Dr. Jesse Jennings, of the university's anthropology department, guessed (rather boldly, considering the absence of any supporting visual evidence) that the print might have been made by one large trilobite coming to rest on three smaller ones.

On July 20, 1968, the Antelope Spring site was examined by Dr.Clifford Burdick, a consulting geologist from Tucson, Arizona, who soon found the impression of a child's foot in a bed of shale. 'The impression,' he said, 'was about six inches in length, with the toes spreading, as if the child had never yet worn shoes, which compress the toes.

There does not appear to be much of an arch, and the big toe is not prominent.' The print was shown to two geologists and a paleontologist. One of the geologist agreed that it appeared to be that of a human being, but the paleontologist's opinion was that no biological agent had been involved. Dr.Burdick stuck to his guns:

The rock chanced to fracture along the front of the toes before the fossil footprint was found. On cross section the fabric of the rock stands out in fine laminations, or bedding planes. Where the toes pressed into the soft material, the laminations were bowed downward from the horizontal, indicating a weight that had been pressed into the mud.

In August 1968 Mr. Dean Bitter, and educator in the Salt Lake City public school system, claimed to have discovered two more prints of shoes or sandals in the Antelope Spring area.
According to Professor Cook, no trilobites were injured by these footfalls, but a small trilobite was found near the prints in the same rock, indicating that the small sea creature and the sandaled wanderer might have been contemporaries.

Reference- Mysteries of the Unexplained, pp.37-38, 1985

Likewise human footprint finds have been documented in ancient rock strata in Kirby Creek, Alabama, near Berea, Kentucky, in a rock quarry in Carson, Nevada, in a slab of volcanic tufa from Lake Managua, Nicaragua, at the glen at Bellona, Yates County, New York, a shoe print in Northern Washington State, in New Mexico we found the distinctly human Zapata print in Permian strata, on a mountain in Cleveland National forest, and across Asia. (for more on the particulars of these finds go to , the source article for these citations).

One set of finds of particular interest in this discussion however comes from Africa.

In the 1970’s a set of human like footprints was found in Laetoli in the east African country of Tanzania. A team headed by the esteemed Mary Leaky found a sequence of apparently human footprints, which were dated to 3.7 million years old. This is at least 2.5 million years before humans should have evolved according to the evolutionary timelines. Experts looking at the prints confirmed that these prints were identical to those made by modern humans who habitually walk barefoot (if you walk barefoot all the time the toes spread out as a result).

National geographic magazine even featured these footprints in the cover of its April 1979 issue. In the magazine the footprints looked like completely human footprints to the naked eye. Yet they had been found in rock strata where humans were not yet supposed to exist. So what did the National Geographic (always a stalwart in support of evolution) put on its cover? You may have guessed that they drew an apelike creature making those footprints!

Interestingly, there were other animal footprints found in this same volcanic ash. There were giraffe, guinea fowl, ostrich, hare and elephant prints and those animals are all depicted in the drawing printed in National Geographic as we see them today. It is only the human prints which have apelike creatures with human looking feet drawn to represent what made them in spite of the fact we have never found evidence of an apelike creature with human feet!

If humans made these footprints, then evolutionary chronology is drastically wrong. Rather than deal honestly with this possibility, the artists placed an apelike creature in the tracks. When asked what intermediate find we have found which could have made these tracks 3.7 million years ago evolutionists admit they have no idea as no intermediate form yet discovered could have made these tracks. We need to let the facts direct our conclusions, rather than let our bias blind us to the evidence. A Bible quotation from Jesus comes to mind in this discussion which puts a nice cap on this whole debate. (from “In the Beginning”, 7th Edition, p. 30, )

When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!"
"I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Luke 19:37-40.

Also, a frequent question I am asked at seminars is whether there is any evidence of human fossils buried with dinosaurs beyond just footprints. In fact there many such evidences and here are details of three of them.

The now famous Glen Rose area has yielded a fossilized finger in Cretaceous rock strata which when cut open reveals internal finger structures verifying that it was a human finger and not a carving nor a rock which just looked like a finger!

In 1971, a rock collector found bones recently exposed in a rock quarry in Moab, Utah. He brought in a university anthropologist, a journalist and a photographer to the site. The lower halves of the human skeletons were remove and taken to the university for further study. The rock formation the bones were found in were confirmed to be the same supposedly 100 million year old sandstone layer which contained dinosaur bones not far away at Dinosaur National Monument near Vernal, Utah.

Strangely, the bones were never subjected to the technical analysis expected, no scientific report was released to the press and the discoverer had to reclaim his fossils. Why wasn’t scientific work done or a press release made in this instance? It is simple, these bones did not fit the narrative of evolutionary development and were ignored and the find suppressed. (from “Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation” by Dennis Peterson, p. 144).

Another find was that of “Malachite Man” found much deeper in the same Moab, Utah rock quarry. In 1990 an independent team of researchers including Dr. Don Patton excavated ten the skeletons of ten modern humans buried under 58 feet of Dakota Sandstone. This rock formation is classified by secular geologists as Lower cretaceous and is supposedly 140 million years old. At least four of the ten bodies are female and one is an infant. No tools were found associated with these bones. The bones are partially replaced by the green mineral malachite as well as turquoise.

Some have suggested that this is a mass grave. That makes no sense,who would have dug down 54 feet through very hard sandstone to bury people. In fact the mining operation which uncovered some of these finds was discontinued for a time in the 1970’s in this quarry due to the hardness of the sandstone wearing out bulldozers! Many of the skeletons are articulated, which means there is evidence that they were buried rapidly there in some catastrophe like the global flood.

Some secularists have argued that these people were mining in a cave when the ceiling collapsed on them. However, there are no signs of tunnels in the excavation. Further, women and small babies would not likely be included in a mining operation. Again no tools were found and no crushed bones in the skeletons as you would expect if this were a collapsed mine. (from and verified when related to me by Dr. Don Patton) It seems clear that these were humans who lived at the same time as the dinosaurs, but mainstream anthropologists ignore this evidence since it does not fit their narrative.

The Bible says we were formed on the same day as the apes and that is what the fossil record shows when atheistic bias gets out of the way. Truly the rocks cry out as a testament of God’s creation!

New Species Of Human Discovered In South Africa?

September 10, 2015| by Justine Alford at

photo credit:A reconstruction of Homo naledi’s head by paleoartist John Gurche, who spent some 700 hours recreating the head from bone scans. University of the Witwatersrand, National Geographic Society and the South African National Research Foundation.

Brace yourself: this discovery is huge. So huge that its profound implications will shake up our very own family tree. TheUniversity of Witwatersrand, in collaboration withNational Geographic, is proud to announce a remarkable story of human heritage. The discovery of an early human ancestor that sits beautifully within our own genus ofHomo. I ecstatically present to you,Homo naledi.

This incredible fossil find comes from the richest single hominin assemblage so far discovered in Africa. A gift that keeps on giving, the species not only enlightens us on the origins and diversity of man, but also seems to display a behavior long believed to be unique to humans, even perhaps a defining feature of our species: deliberately disposing of its dead in an isolated chamber. The discovery has beenpublishedin twopapersin the open access journaleLife.

A textbook-worthy accident,H. nalediwas first stumbled upon two years ago by amateur cavers during an exploration of a cave system known as Rising Star, located within South Africa’s famous Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site. From this, the Rising Star Expedition was born, starting in November 2013 with a 21 day exploration involving a team of 60 scientists and volunteer cavers. Expecting to recover a single skeleton, just three days in they realized they had much more than that, “something different and extraordinary,” research leader Lee Berger said at a press event IFLScience attended.

That something different turned out to be not several, but15individuals from a single hominin species, represented by more than 1,500 fossil elements found within a single chamber in total darkness some 90 meters (295 feet) from the entrance. Named in tribute to the chamber, naledi means “star” in the South African language Sesotho. And sure, 1,500 sounds like a lot,isa lot, but the team believes that there are thousands and thousands of remains still untouched. “The floor is practically made of bones of these individuals,” Berger added.

In fact, so many have been recovered that almost every skeletal element of the body is represented multiple times throughout differentage groups, from infants to teens, to young adults and the elderly. And the species seems to be a wonderful pick and mix of both primitive and human-like features. An exceptionally tall hominid, the bipedalH. naledistood at around 150 centimeters (5 feet) and was distinctively slender, with powerful, well-muscled joints. Its skinny human proportions and long legs likely relate to the fact that it didn’t have to support much bodyweight, weighing in at around 45 kilograms (100 pounds).