Human Body Structures and Functions

Bob Jones High School / Teacher: / Kathryn Teare MSN, CRNP
650 Hughes Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35758 / Phone: / 256-772-2547
Room N 207
Course Description: / Human Body Structures and Functions is the study of the structures and organs of the body, how these structures and organs are organized, and how they function to maintain homeostasis.
Essential Questions: / How does the body adapt when encountered with illness or a change to normal anatomy and physiology?
How does a change in one body system influence functioning of another body system?
What is evidence-based practice and why is it the foundation of medical decision making?
How is research and study used to facilitate safe patient care?
Course Objectives: / Students will become familiar with the anatomical structures and chemical processes that maintain human homeostasis.
Students will be able to interpret data from case studies, graphs, and charts in order to use scientific reasoning in problem solving.
Students will conduct experiments and collect data related to the human body.
Students will learn to effectively outline / organize pertinent material from their textbook.
Students will design and build models of the organs of the body.
Students will study the field of pathophysiology and determine how changes to normal anatomy and physiology cause disease.
Students will explore pharmacology and medical interventions that address identification and correction of underlying pathophysiologic disorders.
Students will learn to use the internet effectively to facilitate lifelong learning.
Students will develop an organized notebook of the course that will serve as a resource in post-secondary education.
Classroom Expectations: / Be prepared, in your seat, and ready to work when the bell rings.
Future healthcare workers are polite and respectful to their classmates, the faculty of BJHS and the property of others.
Handle lab equipment only when instructed by the teacher.
Absolutely no eating in the classroom. Drinks in a spill-proof container are acceptable.
Guided reading questions will be given for each chapter that is discussed. These questions will be collected and graded intermittently. Students are expected to come to class prepared. The guided reading questions will serve as the study guide for chapter / unit tests and for the final exam.
Homework is due in the teacher’s basket at the start of class. Finishing up homework at the start of class is not appropriate. Healthcare workers come prepared. Any daily work not turned in at the start of class will not be considered 1 day late. Late homework will be penalized 10% for each day it is late.
Daily work must be made up within 3 days of the student’s return to class unless the absence is lengthy or there are other extenuating circumstances. Class work can only be made up if this was an excused absence.
Our class will have a designated Google Classroom site. Your teacher will give you the group password. Please share this password with your parents. Assignments will be posted to Google Classroom. If you are absent, check this for any missed work!!
Late work- Late work for major projects that count as 70% of the class grade are subject to a penalty. If a project is turned in 1 day late, 15% will be deducted from the grade. If the project is turned in 2 days late, 30% will be deducted from the grade. After the second day, 50% will be deducted from the grade. Parents will be emailed if a project has not been turned in on time. The penalty for late daily grades is 50%.
We will be using the internet. Please let the teacher know immediately if you do not have access to the internet at home. Any classwork that is posted to the internet will only be to password protected sites.
Employability Skills- Students will receive a daily professional evaluation grade. Points are lost for behavior that is not appropriate for healthcare professionals such as talking during class, tardiness, lack of preparation, inappropriate dress, or other behavior not fitting a healthcare provider. Students begin with 2 points each day. This totals a 100 point test grade per term. Students will be updated on their current employability scores on a regular basis on their calendar sign in sheets
IPads and personal computers may be used in class for note taking. If they are used for any other purpose, they will no longer be allowed. Aisles will remain clear of backpacks and other obstacles.
Any distractions that interfere with the student learning process will face the following consequences:
1. First offense: Verbal warning / loss of professionalism point(s)
2. Second offense: Administration notification / loss of points / parental notification
Instructional Philosophy: This program supports and incorporates the mission of Bob Jones High School to educate and develop all students to their fullest potential. The belief is held that all students can learn by implementing teaching strategies for diverse learning styles.
BJ Make-up Test Policy: / Make-up tests will only be given to a student who has an excused absence. Make-up test schedule:
Tuesday – immediately after school
Wednesday – during Patriot Path
Thursday – before school at 7:15am
A make-up test must be taken within one of the next 6 available times as noted above (this gives the student approximately 2 weeks), or a grade of 0 will be entered into iNow and the student will not be allowed to retake the test. Parents will be notified of any tests that are missed and the dates and times of the available make-up testing date
BJ Grading Policy: / Grading scale: A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 65-69
F 0-64
Tests, projects & papers=70%
Homework, Class work, Quizzes & Participation=30%
NOTE: In order to progress on to the Health Science Internship course, students must be teacher recommended & complete the following requirements:
Foundations of Health Science – overall grade 85%
Human Structures and Functions – overall grade 80%
Teacher / Administrative recommendation based on a formal Health Science Internship Interview to take place in the spring of the student’s junior year.
American Heart Association Healthcare Professional CPR certification with a minimum of 84% (This will be completed in Health Science Internship prior to clinical experiences)
Documentation of a negative TB skin test, or negative chest x-ray if TB skin test is positive
Documentation of flu vaccination
Materials and Supplies Needed: / Notebook paper (lined and unlined)
Notebook (1 ½ - 2 inch 3 ringed binder will work best)
Pen, pencil
Teacher Wish List: / 12” x 12” craft mats, thin expo markers, craft supplies, 1” 3 ring binders (new or gently used condition)

Dates are subject to change

Week 1
8/3-8/5 / Introduction / Chapter Outlining / Introduction to Pregnancy Project
Week 2
8/8-8/12 / Chapter 1- The Human Body: An Orientation Test Chapter 1
Chapter 3 / Chapter 27 – Mitosis and Meiosis
Week 3
8/15-8/19 / Chapters 27 Reproductive System
Mitosis/Meiosis/Reproduction Test
Week 4
8/22-8/26 / Chapter 4 Tissues
Week 5
8/29-9/2 / Chapter 5 Integumentary System Friday 1/2 day
Test Tissues / Integumentary Chapters 4-5
Week 6
9/5-9/9 / Begin Weekly Pregnancy / Fetal Development Projects
Chapter 3 Cells: The Living Units Monday No School
Week 7
9/12-9/16 / Chapter 23 Digestive System Test Chapters 3 and 23
Week 8
9/19-9/23 / Chapter 22 Respiratory System Test Chapter 22
Week 9
9/26-9/30 / Chapter 16 Endocrine System Test Chapter 16
Fall Break Next Week!!
Week 10
10/10-10/14 / Chapter 17 Blood
Chapter 18/19 Cardiovascular System
Week 11
10/17-10/21 / Chapter 18/19 Cardiovascular System Test Chapters 17-19
Week 12
10/24-10/28 / Chapter 25 Urinary System Test Chapter 25
Week 13
10/31-11/4 / Chapter 20/21 Lymphatic System and Immunity
11/14-11/18 / Chapter 11 Nervous System I – Fundamentals of the Nervous System
Chapter 12/13/14 Nervous System II – Divisions of the Nervous System
Chapter 15 Nervous System III – Special Senses
Thursday 11/10 ½ day, Friday 11/11 No School
Test Chapters 11-15
11/28-12/2 / Chapter 6/7 Bones and Skeletal Tissue / The Skeletal System
Chapter 8 Joints
Thanksgiving Break Wed 11/23 – Friday 11/15 No School
Test Chapters 6-8
Week 18
12/5-12/9 / Chapter 9/10 Muscles and Muscle Tissue / The Muscular System
Week 19
12/12-12/16 / Presentations of Sliding Filament Model
Review and Finals Week Friday 1/2 Day

We have read and understand the syllabus, including classroom procedures, rules and expectations, and requirements for the completion of missed classroom work, assignments and tests.

We have also read and agree to abide by the lab safety rules given to us by Mrs. Teare. A copy of these rules is posted on the Google classroom site.

Student Signature: ______Date:______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Contact Information

Parent to contact with classroom related issues:


Please print name

Parent Email: ______

Please print

Parent Phone: ______

Best time of day to call

Student Email: ______

Please print

Student Phone: ______

Does your child have internet access at home? ___ yes___ no

Do you have a printer at home?___yes___ no

Printed materials will be provided for any child who does not have the ability to print at home.

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