To bring awareness to the community about the right of small-scale family farmers to preserve, exchange, and use seeds.

To stand in solidaritywithsmall-scale family farmers, by walking for their rights and gaining support of the community through a petition to the federal government.

TIME: 60 to 90 minutes


AGE GROUP: All ages (grade 1 to 12)




-petition (as many as needed)


This video is an example of a walk for justice that a school in Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board participated in. It demonstrates the student’s reflection on important information about people living in the Global South and clips from the actual walk.

Step 1:Choose a day and time for the peace walk.

Step 2:Create a map to show which group will stand and walk where, to keep the walk organized and reach as much of the community as possible

Step 3:Select participants to be a leader for each group of students during the walk. These leaders can be responsible for holding the petition and organizing the group for the walk. Suggestion: if you have a Social Justice Committee, these students would make great leaders for this activity.

Step 4:Talk to students about the right of small-scale family farmers to preserve, exchange, and use seeds. You can visit our campaign page for information and our campaign video at:

Step 5: Print enough petitions for each group who will be participating in the peace walk. You can print our petition from our website at:

Step 6:Create posters for your walk, with messages promoting the right of small-scale family farmers to preserve, exchange and use seeds. The more the better!

Step 7: Invite local media outlets to your walk. Example: radio, local tv stations, newspaper, etc.


Step 1:Organize the groups 15 minutes prior to your peace walk so everyone is ready to go.

Step 2:Gather signs and petitions. Have participants come up with “Chants for Change” for the walk.

Step 3: Start your walk! Make sure to take pictures along the way.

Step 4:When your walk is finished, collect all petitions and fill out the online report of your participation at: