Human Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 1 – Levels of Organization Lab
1) Do not let cords dangle off of the bench!
2) Start on low power & gradually move to a higher objective if needed.
3) Work with only 1 slide at a time.
DRAWING REQUIREMENTS: Each drawing must contain the following elements:
1) A title of the drawing
2) The magnification
3) Location of the tissue
4) Function of the tissue
5) Straight, parallel leader lines to labels. Be sure to space these appropriately!
Nervous System
1) Obtain a micro-slide labeled “Motor Neuron” from tray H-6
2) Bring the slide into focus & draw the field of view. Label the following structures:
(Refer to pg. 89)
a) Dendrite – electrical impulse travels to the nerve’s cell body via the dendrites
b) Axon – electrical impulses travel away from the cell body via the axon.
c) Cell Body – part of the nerve cell that contains the nucleus & supplies the rest of the cell with needed material.
d) Nucleus – the control center of the cell. The nucleus contains the genetic information yet many nerve cells never regenerate following damage that results in the individual experiencing some loss in functioning.
3) Describe the primary function of the nervous system.
4) Identify the three major components (organs) of the nervous system.
Skeletal System
1) Obtain a micro-slide labeled “Ground Bone” from tray D-2
2) Bring the slide into focus USING THE LOW POWER OBJECTIVE, & draw the field of view. Label the following structures (refer to page 86)
a. Central (Haversian) canal – Contains blood and lymphatic vessels
b. Lacuna – spaces within bone tissue that contains the bone making cells.
c. Matrix – the mineralized, dense component of bone tissue.
3) Describe the primary functions of the skeletal system.
4) Identify three major components of the skeletal system.
Digestion System
1) Obtain a micro-slide labeled “Large Intestines/Colon” from tray D-8
2) Bring the slide into focus & draw the field of view. Label the following structures:
(Refer to page 77)
a. Simple columnar epithelial cell- cell type of the intestines, exaggerate the
outline of the cell.
b. Goblet cells – produce mucus so waste does not scrape and damage G.I. tract.
c. Nucleus
3) Describe the primary functions of the digestive system.
4) Identify ten (10) major organs of the digestive system.
Integumentary System
1) Obtain a micro-slide labeled “Thick Skin” or “Squirrel Pad” from tray H-4
2) Bring the slide into focus & draw the field of view. Label the following structures:
(Refer to page 102)
a. Epidermis – The upper 4 to 5 layers of skin
b. Dermis – The deep layer of skin containing blood vessels & connective tissue.
3) Briefly describe the primary functions of the integumentary system.
4) Identify four major organs of the integumentary system.
Muscular System
1) Obtain a micro-slide labeled “Striated or Skeletal Muscle” from tray
2) Bring the slide into focus & draw the field of view. Label the following structures:
(Refer to page 87)
a. Striations – The light & dark banding are due to the contractile units of mucscles called sarcomeres.
b. Nucleus
3) Briefly describe the primary functions of the muscular system
4) What are the two other types of muscle tissue?
Four Other Systems
1. List four other systems found in the human body.
2. Identify three organs found in each of the systems identified.