HUM / REL 293 Beginning Latin Week 9 NAME (Anglica) ______

NŌMEN (Latīna) ______


A. Cambridge Course, Stage 9 - paginae 142-144. trānsfer in Latīnam

Words in parentheses should not be translated.

i. The young man went to the baths.

ii. The old man was going to the baths.

iii. The girl is going to the baths.

iv. The woman went to the forum.

v. The farmer was going to the house.

vi. The judge is going to the law-court.

vii. The sailor went to the harbor.

viii. The thief entered the bedroom.

ix. The merchant gave money to the slave.

x. The friends greeted Quintus joyfully (happily).

xi. He was celebrating (his) birthday.

xii. Quintus was carrying a new discus.

xiii. Quintus is showing (his) friends the discus.

xiv. The young man threw the discus.

xv. The old man throws the discus.

(Look in the vocabulary of the Cambridge Book to find the present tense of "throw")

xvi. The discus hit the statue.

xvii. The women were walking in the forum.

xviii. The mother was looking for (seeking) a present for (her) son.

xix. The women caught sight of a merchant.

xx. Metella chose a toga for Quintus.

xxi. The cook was preparing a dinner for Quintus.

xxii. Many guests were dining with Quintus.

xxiii. The slave was offering wine to the guests.

xxiv. The slave-girl entered the dining-room.

xxv. The young man gave the slave-girl a sign (signal).

xxvi. The actor gives the slave a sign (signal).

xxvii The boys give the slave a sign.

xxviii The slave-girl sang sweetly.

xxix The woman sings sweetly.

xxx. The dog barks happily.

B. Wheelock, caput 8 - paginae 61-64

Coniugā haec verba in tempore praesentī.

Write out the Present Indicative Active of the verbs in the table :

Person ▼ / agere / discere / dūcere / gerere / scribere / trahere
Singular / 1 - I
2 - you, thou
3 - he, she, it
Plural / 1 - we
2 - you, y'all
3 - they

Coniugā haec verba in tempore futūrō.

Write out the Future Indicative Active of the verbs in the table :

Person ▼ / agere / discere / dūcere / gerere / scribere / trahere
Sing / 1 - I
2 - you, thou
3 - he, she, it
Plur / 1 - we
2 - you, y'all
3 - they

Coniugā haec verba in tempore imperfectō.

Write out the Imperfect Indicative Active of the verbs in the table :

Person ▼ / agere / discere / dūcere / gerere / scribere / trahere
Sing / 1 - I
2 - you, thou
3 - he, she, it
Plur / 1 - we
2 - you, y'all
3 - they

C. Grote's Notes, for Wheelock, chapter 8, Download, print out, and read.

Any questions on the grammar ? ______

D.1 Wheelock, caput 8 - paginae 65-66 - Add the Vocabulary to your stack of flash-cards.

D.2. Go through your Vocabulary Flashcards during the day, check here when done ______


A. Cambridge Course, Stage 9 - pagina 145 - "thermae"

scrībe et dīce fābulam Latīnam, et trānsfer in Anglicam



B. Wheelock, caput 8 - pagina 65 - complē hās tabulās

Complete the tables of Present Imperatives - you will have to look back to previous chapters for some of the verbs

salvēre / agere / discere / mittere / pōnere / dūcere / dīcere / facere / ferre
Sing. / salvē
Plur. / salvēte
valēre / laudare / vocare / vidēre / gaudēre / habēre / monēre / amare / sedēre

C. Prof. Mark Damen's Notes, for Wheelock, chapter 8 Any questions? ______

D. Go through your Vocabulary Flashcards during the day, check here when done ______


A.1. Cambridge Course, Stage 9 - paginae 146-147. "in palaestra"

The section is rather too long for you to write out in Latin. So just write out your English translation, and then answer the following questions in Latin. Answer in complete sentences.


Answer the following questions in Latin. Answer in complete sentences

Respondē in Latīnā. Respondē in tōtā sententiā.

i. Why did Caecilius give Quintus a discus?

ii. Where did Caecilius take Quintus?

iii. Who was in the crowd?

iv. What (not who) was in the palaestra?

v. Where were the spectators standing in the palaestra?

vi. What were the slaves bringing to the spectators in the palaestra?

vii. Who was Milo?

viii. How did Milo throw the discus?

ix. What happened when Quintus threw the discus?

x. What was Milo's reaction?

A.2. Cambridge Course, Stage 9 - paginae 148-149, trānsfer in Latīnam :

i. The master gave a sign to the slave.

ii. The young man handed over money to the slave.

iii. The young man handed over a discus to the slaves.

iv. The cook prepared dinner for the slave girls.

v. The cook prepared dinner for the girl. (NB - not slave-girl)

vi. The cook prepared dinner for the merchants.

vii. I greet the old man.

viii. The old man greets me.

ix. The friend shows a statue to me.

x. You are painting a picture.

xi. You are preparing dinner.

xii. The woman praises you.

xiii. The women praise you.

xiv. The athlete gives a discus to you.

xv. The cook prepares a dinner for you.

xvi. The farmer buys a ring for (his - don't translate) wife.

xvii. The slave hands over a toga to the woman.

xviii. The merchant was offering money to the gladiators.

xix. The woman was seeking (looking for) tunics for the slave-girls.

xx. The slave gives food to the lions.

B. Wheelock, caput 8 - pagina 67 - "Exercitātiōnēs" sententiae 1-8

scrībe et dīce sententiās Latīnās, et trānsfer in Anglicam









C. Resources for Wheelock, Chapter 8 - Prof. Marchesi's Drills

Which drills did you try : ______

D. Go through your Vocabulary Flashcards during the day, check here when done ______


A.1. Cambridge Course, Stage 9 - paginae 149-150 - "in tabernā" (NB - it continues to page 150)

scrībe et dīce fābulam Latīnam, et trānsfer in Anglicam



A.2. Cambridge Course, Stage 9 - pagina 151 - complē exercitātiōnēs A, B, et C















Accusative Plural :

Dative Plural :

B. Wheelock, caput 8 - paginae 67-68 - sententiae antīquae

scrībe et dīce sententiās Latīnās, et trānsfer in Anglicam

















C. Resources for Wheelock, Chapter 8 -

Which Drills did you try: ______

D. Go through your Vocabulary Flashcards during the day, check here when done ______


A. Cambridge Course, Stage 9 - pagina 152 - "in apodytēriō"

scrībe et dīce fābulam Latīnam, et trānsfer in Anglicam



B.1. Wheelock, caput 8 - pagina 69 - "on the ethics of waging war"

scrībe et dīce fābulam Latīnam, et trānsfer in Anglicam



B.2. Cicero .pdf file

i. When did Cicero live :

ii. What was the cause of Cicero's death (Who ordered Cicero killed and why) :

iii. How did Cicero spend his time while Julius Caesar was leading Rome :

C. Resources for Wheelock, Chapter 8

Which Drills did you try: ______

D.1. Go through your main stack of Flashcards during the day, check here when done ______

D.2. Go through your secondary stack of Flashcards during the day, check here when done ______

Move ones with which you are familiar from the main stack to the secondary stack.

If you forgot any of the secondary stack, put them back in the main stack for another week.

D.3. Go through your third stack, check here when done. ______

Review and Consolidation : Check below when completed

Put a check in the column at the right when you have completed each task :

Do each task 3 times

1. Write out the Present, Future, and Imperfect Indicatives of sum ______

2. Write out the Present, Future, and Imperfect Indicatives of adsum ("be present") ______

3. Write out the Present, Future, and Imperfect Indicatives of possum ______