On LevelSyllabus
I have high expectations for all students who walk through my door. The goal while in math class is for everyone to be successful. It is necessary for all students to put forth their very best effort and exhibit a high level of respect and self-discipline in class everyday. This will promote and foster a positive place where all students can work to their fullest potential.
Listed below are the expectations the district has regarding student conduct.
Classroom Rules:
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Be in assigned seats when the bell rings.
- Treat each class member with respect and dignity.
- Bring needed supplies to class each day.
- Follow all school rules – Standards for Student Conduct.
Students are allowed to bring their own technology for use. In order to encourage responsible use of personal devices I have set a few expectations.
Upon entering the classroom students are expected to turn their device off or in the silent position. Students must place phones in the designated are of the room. If a phone is NOT in the designated area, it must remain put away. Students will be allowed to use their devices only during times specified by me in class. If a student is using his/her device during an unauthorized time or for an unauthorized purpose the device will be taken up and MAY be turned into the office. Checking time or using it as a mirror is not an exception. In the lap or under one’s leg is considered USE of the phone.
At no point is photographing or videotaping of anyone allowed while in the classroom. If a student uses either of these applications the device will be turned into the office and a detention will be issued.
Curriculum and Scope and Sequence:
We are using CSCOPE as our Math Curriculum. Listed below is the projected Scope and Sequence we will be following this year. Please be aware that it is difficult to predict the levels of our students and our pacing will be dictated by students’ needs not dates on a Scope and Sequence.
•1st 9weeks
–Value and Magnitude of Rational Numbers
–Statistics with Univariate Data
–One-Variable Equations, Inequalities, and their applications
–Developing an Understanding of Slope and Y-Intercept
–Proportional and Non-Proportional Functions
•2nd 9 weeks
–Proportional and Non-Proportional Functions (Continued)
–Statistics with Bivariate Data
–Transformational Geometry
•3rd 9 Weeks
–Angle and Triangle Relationships involving Real Numbers
–Measurement of Three-Dimensional Figures
–Making Connections
•4th 9 weeks
–Making Connections (Continued)
–Financial Planning
–Essential Understandings of Algebra
Huffman Middle School’s policy states that grades will be weighted accordingly: Classwork and Homework – 50% Tests – 50%
- Morning warm-ups, class work, and class participation count toward students’classwork/homework grade.
Failing tests may be corrected during tutorials and then the student can retest for a grade up to a 70 (this will require at least two tutoring sessions). The retest must be completed within two weeks of the test date.
Homework assignments can be corrected and returned for a re-grade. Corrections must be made on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the original assignment for credit. Corrected work must be returned in a timely manner.
Homework is designed for students to practice and review the concepts covered in class. Students should expect homework any day of the week, game days and weekends. Any homework turned in without showing work will be returned ungraded to be completed CORRECTLY and will be subject to late work policies (listed below.)
Homework will be graded in one of two ways:
- Completion - based only on whether or not the student completed the assignment.
- Accuracy – certain assignments will be based on the actual accuracy of the student’s answers.
Make-up Work/Late Work Policies:
If you are absent it is your responsibility to get your make up work from the absent folder on the back table when you return. If you do not find an assignment with your name on it, ASK – this is your responsibility.
Students will have one day for each day absent to complete make-up work. If a test was missed, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to come in either before school or after school to take the test. Students will have one day for every day absent to make up the test.
These are late grade policies established by Huffman Middle School:
DaysLate / Maximum
1 / 85
2 / 70
3 / 50
Tutorials provide teacher assisted instruction to enhance student success in the classroom. Tutorial schedules are posted on my website and are offered Friday afternoons from 2:55 – 3:30.
Progress Reports:
Your best option to keep up with your student’s progress is through Parent Portal, I highly recommend you sign up to track grades and progress.
The Grade Book program will be updated weekly with grades, and can be set to alert you to any missing grades, zeros or low grades.
Please contact me at any time if you need a progress report from me.
Contact Information:
It is my desire that you notify me whenever you have questions or concerns. By working together we can more effectively meet your child’s needs. If possible, please email me as I can usually answer you more quickly than I can by telephone. However, I will be happy to call you after school or during my conference period (8th period) if you prefer to talk with me.
NOTE: Due to the Block Schedule, I do not have a conference period on Wednesdays.
School phone: 281-324-2598
School website:
My contact information–