Hudson Valley Council

Winter Freez-O-Ree

Feb 7-9, 20014

Continental Army’s

Winter encampment of


Step back 225 years and camp with General Washington’s Continental Army

Sponsored by Troop 007

Newburgh, NY



Where: The New Windsor Cantonment, New Windsor NY

When: Feb 7-9, 20014

Who should attend?

Scouts and Scouters of all ages

What do we bring for the events?

Every Eight Scouts will need a Klondike Sled (See Attached) (lunch will be provided)

Compass Dutch Oven Flint & Steel (points are lost for using matches)

Scout Handbook Patrol Flag Patrol Yell

Dress Uniform Pencil & Paper Blanket

What activities will there be?

Each Team will need to move via sled, their Cannon (Will be provided) much like General Knox did in 1776, from Ft. Ticonderoga to Boston, through various obstacles and opportunities that will test each teams knowledge and stamina. (Details will be available in your registration package)

There will be Demonstrations in Musket Fire and Cannon fire by the 5th New York Regiment, Black Smithing, Ice Carving, tomahawk throwing and much more.

There will be WAR, Tug of war that is!

There will be a Cannon Race as a culmination of Klondike. As part of the Klondike you will gather the necessary parts for your Cannon assemble them and race your cannon a grueling 100 yards.


This is a Federal and State Historic Site there will be only a few designated sites for open fire and cooking (See Cooking and prep below). All open fires will be in an approved area and in an approved fire box.


The evening’s program will be in the “Hall of Virtue” complete with Fireplace on one end and stage on the other. This building is period correct, it is made of Logs (Drafty) and lighted by candles and lanterns. We are bringing in portable heat but I wouldn’t expect it to be like your living room at home. The program will start with awards ceremony from the day’s activity followed by storytellers describing the Patriots trials and tribulations.

The program will be followed by a movie with lights out following the movie.

Cooking& Prep

All cooking should be done as the Continental Army did, in Dutch Ovens. Saturday’s lunch will be provided (Franks & Beans) there will be a common Dutch Oven Cooking area for all Troops. Additionally there will be a Table assigned to each troop/Quartermaster inside the Hall of Virtue to keep food supplies and do Food Prep. Troop 007 will provide never ending Hot Water, bring your own Instant Soup, Cocoa, Coffee Tea & fixing’s.

All Troops are invited to eat there evening meal in the Hall of Virtue and share warmth and camaraderie of fellow scouts.


There will also be a common clean-up station, for Scouts mess kits and Troop cooking utensils.

Tents & Camp site:

All Troops will be assigned a regimental camping area. All tents should be laid out according to Military fashion of the period (Diagram will be provided). There is little need for much more equipment than tents (all eating, cooking, program will be at Hall of Virtue) and personal winter camping equipment

Troop Needs:

Tents, Dutch Ovens and supplies for Friday evenings meal (If so inclined), (Lunch will be provided), Dinner and Sundays Breakfast. Hot water will be provided by Troop 7 so bring your own Instant Cocoa, Soup, Coffee, Tea and Fixings


Is severely limited, Plan on dropping off Scouts and equipment at the “Drop off area” each troop will be assigned at registration one possibly two spaces at the Cantonment all other vehicles will be sent to an auxiliary site.

When and where do I register and check-in?

The earlier that you’re Troop can register the better. Registering on or before January 10th will also save $2.00 per person for the registration fee. After that date the fee will be $14.00 per person.

Check-in will begin on Friday February 7th, 2012 at 5:00 PM at the Hall of Virtue

How can I get more information?


Tom Ruggiero; 845-566-9531;


Friday the 7th

·  5-9pm Registration, site assignment

Sat 27th

·  6-9:30 Registration

·  10am Opening Ceremonies

·  10:30-1pm Klondike

·  Lunch Provided (Hot Dogs and Beans) Bug Juice (some type of Drink) and ongoing Hot Water

·  1-3pm Demonstrations, Black smith, Ice carving, tomahawk Throwing, Archery

·  12 pm Troop Tug of war

·  6pm Dinner

·  7pm Program & awards

·  9:15 Movie

Sunday 28th

·  Breakfast

·  9am Closing Ceremonies

The Hall of Virtue will be the Headquarters for the Freez-O-Ree. All Troops must check in and out at the Hall of Virtue.

Each unit is responsible for having a first aid kit as well as having each Scout’s health history and permission slip with them. Troops will keep all forms with them in their camp site in case of emergencies. The Hall of Virtue will also be the designated First Aid station in case of major emergencies. However, each Troop should be able to take care of minor injuries. Any injuries must be reported immediately to the Campmaster.

The cost for the Freez-O-Ree is $12 per person.

The deadline for the early registration $2.00 discount is January 10th. After January 10th the cost per person fee is $14.00. In the event that more than expected participants show up, Patches will be handed out to units that pre-register first.


Flag Ceremonies, and during the campfire program.

Freez-O-Ree Policies

The following rules were made to help us have a successful and safe camping experience. It is the responsibility of the adults in charge to see that their Scouts know and understand these rules. Anyone caught violating them may be asked to leave the camp.

o  Cutting of live trees is not permitted.

o  Unit leaders are responsible for their units at all times.

o  Scouts will remain in their troop area between taps and reveille unless on authorized errands.

o  No Scout will enter the camping area of another troop without permission.

o  Defacing, destroying, or “trashing” of the property of this Historic Property or the property of BSA is strictly forbidden.

o  Scouts are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will bring credit to their unit and the BSA.

o  Vehicles: Speed limit is 5 mph

o  Fires: Campfires are allowed in designated spots.






TWO DEEP ADULT LEADERSHIP IS REQUIRED. All troops should be under the patrol method, led by their Senior Patrol Leader. This is to facilitate contacting a unit member in case of an emergency and to provide the unit information concerning ongoing events.


Each unit will provide their own trash bags and remove all refuse from their campsite. Remember, “Carry in - Carry Out”.

Patrol Requirements

There can be no more than eight (8) Scouts per patrol. Each patrol will participate in all events..