Huawei answers to DEI WG2 Questions
Author: Zhang Yongjing
Question 1: What is the current landscape of IoT activities in Europe (national initiatives, EU funded activities, other)?
Huawei is a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider. Huawei aims to enrich life and improve efficiency through a better connected world, acting as a responsible corporate citizen, innovative enabler for the information society, and collaborative contributor to the industry. Driven by customer-centric innovation and open partnerships, Huawei has established an end-to-end ICT solutions portfolio that gives customers competitive advantages in telecom and enterprise networks, devices and cloud computing. Huawei’s 170,000 employees worldwide are committed to creating maximum value for telecom operators, enterprises and consumers. Our innovative ICT solutions, products and services are used in more than 170 countries and regions, serving over one-third of the world’s population. Founded in 1987, Huawei is a private company fully owned by its employees.
Currently, the Huawei IoT platform consists of a connectivity management platform, IoT service enabler platform and IoT data management & openness function. For more details, see:
Today there are many SDO, Alliance and Open Source initiatives that are active and competing in the IoT technology and applications areas.
[Yongjing] Some of the SDOs and Alliances that are currently relevant for the Huawei IoT platform are listed below:
· Horizontal: AIOTI, oneM2M, ETSI SmartM2M (with SAREF), IIC, IERC, ..
· Smart City: FIWARE, ..
· ITS/connected car: 3GPP, ERTICO, Car-2-Car, ETSI ITS, …
Question 2: Where do we want to go?
Question 2.a: What kinds of next-generation platforms are needed (if any)?
[Yongjing] horizontal platform that supports cross-domain innovation, interworking (e.g. oneM2M)
Question 2.b What kinds of large-scale federating initiatives are needed (if any)?
Important that the large-scale federating initiatives should have as goal the support of cross-domain IoT solutions.
Question 2.c What concrete gaps/problems could be addressed through platform development and large-scale initiatives at EU level?
[Yongjing] pervasive interoperability like existing Internet. More open market for vertical business and cross-domain value added services.
Question 3: How do we bridge the gap between what we have and what we want to achieve? Where to focus?
[Yongjing] promotion of standardized solutions (e.g. based on oneM2M) and leverage open source to cater for a larger sustainable ecosystem
Question 4: Who are the main stakeholders to be involved?
Question 4.a: How can industrial partnerships (such as PPPs or AIOTI) contribute to building platforms?
[Yongjing] bring together stakeholders to build interoperable solutions/ testbeds based on common standards and tools. Promote standardized approaches by whitepapers, events, LSPs.
Question 4.b: Why Countries need National IOT strategies? What governments must do for building platforms?
[Yongjing] Government can provide funds for infrastructure development and deployment. Smart city & ITS area could be the starting points.
Question 4.c: How to maximise benefits through coordination at European level?
Useful to alleviate the barriers in areas like standardization and regulation that limit the large deployment of IoT.