HRMS Evaluation User Guide for Evaluation Reviewer

Evaluations: A management process for ensuring an employee is focusing their work efforts in ways that contribute to achieving the University’s mission.This user guide is for Evaluation Reviewers, who will be the final approver of an employee’s evaluation.

Steps to take / Additional notes, hints!
  1. Log in ( and check Your Current Group: Ensure you are working as “Evaluation Reviewer”. If not:
  1. Under the “Admin” menu
  2. Click “Change User Type
  3. Select “Evaluation Reviewer”
  4. Click “Change Group”
/ Depending on your organizational level, you may have multiple user types. As anEvaluation Reviewer, you will have at least four.
1 – employee 2 – hiring manager, 3 – evaluation reviewer, and 4 – next level approver
  1. Under “Evaluation” Menu, click “Active Evaluation”
/ Active Evaluation acts as the pending queue for Evaluation Reviewers. Evaluations can only be started by the supervisor of the position.
  1. Click on ‘View’ under the Classification Title to review the employee’s evaluation.
/ Hint:The status of an evaluation can always be checked, by clicking on Check All in the Status box, then clicking Search.
  1. View Performance Evaluation Summary
Review the evaluation by scrolling down the page / Note:By clicking on the view link, the evaluation will always open to the summary page.Please take the time to review the summary page, to ensure that all ratings and comments have been added on the SMART Goals, Behavioral and Overall Rating Tab.
  1. To make comments, click on the ‘Edit’ button at the top or bottom of the page.
/ Important Note: If there are no employee initials on the evaluation in the employee certification field, this means that the hiring manager is sending you the evaluation for an overall review before meeting with the employee and having the employee acknowledge receivingthe evaluation. In this case, the evaluation must be submitted back to the Initiator/Hiring Manager in the next step and NOT marked “Evaluation Complete.”
It is only necessary for the Evaluation Reviewer to make comments if the employee requests a response from the Reviewer (by checking the designated box). If that box is checked, or if you want to comment otherwise, you must click on the Edit button to go to the tab view.
  1. Once you return to the Summary Page, please chose anEvaluation Status:
Submit Evaluation to Initiator/Hiring Manager
Evaluation Complete / Note: The evaluation can be routed back to the supervisor, if corrections need to be made or if it needs to go back to the employee for review and comments. The action can be saved by the Reviewer, if they are not ready to approve the evaluation. By selecting Evaluation Complete, the reviewer is approving the evaluation and it will become permanent record. HR has the right to return it to Supervisor, if the evaluation is incomplete.

To retrieve Evaluation

  1. Click on Active Evaluations

  1. Click on “View” under the Classification Title
/ View Summary is only to review the information
  1. Click on “Edit” to go to Tab View
/ You can only update from tab view.
  1. Depending on where you left off, you can pick up from the steps above, until completion.