VIII.28028/Engr-2015/NIT/HQ 5 Sector/02 Dated, the 07 Jul 2015

1.Sealed tenders are invited on behalf of President of India from approved and eligible contractors of Assam Rifles and enlisted contractors working with other Central Govt Dept/ Org meeting eligibility criteria for selection of contractor for issue of tender for the following works. The applications shall be addressed to the Headquarters 5 Sector Assam Rifles, PIN 934825, C/O 99 APO. The details are also available in Assam Rifles website

Ser No / Name of works / Appx Cost
(Rs. In Lakhs) / Earnest Money / Tender Fee
(a) / Provn of drainage work and approach PCC foot path in between toilet block (Bldg No.SF-52) & bath block (Bldg No. SF-114B) at Bn HQ Phek of 7 Assam Rifles (now 46 AR) / Rs.2,52,952/- / Rs.5,100/- / Rs. 500/-

2.The last date of receipt of applications is 08 Aug 2015 by 1000 hours. The tender paper will be issued to suitable applicants from 10 Aug 2015 and onwards on any working day between 1000 hours to 1200 hours. The tender shall be received in this office on 01 Sep 2015 by 1200 hours and opened at 1230 hours on the same day.

3.Interested contractor who wish to participate in the tender has to make treasury Challan for Rs. 500.00 toward the tender fee under account of 2055 Police, Assam Rifles Pay and Account Office (MHA) Shillong. Tender paper will be issued to the applicant after submission of above Challan in original.

4.Earnest money in the form of demand Draft or Pay order or Banker’s Cheque or Deposit at call receipt (drawn in favour of Director General Assam Rifles, HQ DGAR, Shillong should be deposited in office of the HQ 5 Sector AR along with tender.

5.The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted. The department reserves the right to reject or accept any / all application/tender without assigning any reasons.

Sd/- xxx xxxx (Girish A Basargekar)

Lt Col

SO1 (Wks)

for Commander


1.DGAR (Engr Branch)-for info please.



(PRO Cell)

Shillong - 11


(EDP Cell)

Shillong – 11

4.All IGAR/Sector / ARTC & S- for info please.

5.All Assam Rifles -for info please.

Approved Contractor

6.Notice board

7A Branch (Internal)-Please detail a board of officers for opening of Tender

on date and time mentioned in the tender notice