Enfield Fairtrade Steering Group
19 June 2008, 7.30pm – Room 3 Civic Centre
Present: / Councillors:Chris Cole (CC), Yasemin Brett (YB).Campigners: Bill Linton, UNA (BL), Rupert Price,Amnesty International (RP), Martin Hunt (MH) and
John Willshire, One-to-One (JW) Nuni Randall (NR), Quentin Beningfield Africa React (QB),Lisa Taner Bowes Primary School & Local4Global (LT), Marjan Sheikh Sharbafan World Wide Charity (MSS)
Officers:Anna Loughlin, LBE (AL), Michelle Schmitt LBE (Minute Taker)
1. /
Introductions and Apologies
1.1. / AL welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced LT and MSS to the group1.2. / Apologies: Councillor Annette Dreblow (AD), Councillor Edward Smith (ES), Tahsin Ibrahim LBE (TI), Mike Ahuja LBE (MA), Jack Piachaud (JP) and Rebecca Jenkins (RJ).
2. /
Minutes and actions from last meeting
2.1. / QB informed the group of the details regarding the Southgate Adelaide Cricket Club based at the Walker Cricket Ground and handed the group a response letter from the club which looks very positive .This could help to get the press involved as Southgate Cricket Club is part of the Middlesex League.YB informed the group that Councillor Chris Bond sits on the Middlesex Cricket Club board and that it could be worth making contact with him.
Action point 2.3
QB informed the group about his idea of involving schools by selling Fairtrade products from South Africa through an enterprise project to raise money for their schools. 15% would be taken for administration the rest would go to the schools.
LT told the group that Bowes school had been running a business scheme making jewellery to sell to parents and teachers and that she had contacted QB and had sold some of his Fairtrade jewellery.
NR stressed to the group the importance of creating awareness of all Fairtrade products and wants to promote Fairtrade in her business. She had applied in April for Fairtrade accreditation for her products.
2.2 / AL informed the group that point 3.3 needs to be amended re accuracy
LT corrected the name of the group from North London Schools International Network to the Enfield Learning across Frontiers Group (ELF); the school was not Willoughbybut Wilbury and 5 schools in the borough belong to a global school partnership with 5 schools in Ghana.
BowesSchool has not achieved Fairtrade staus but held a coffee morning during Fairtrade fortnight which was attended by David Burrows MP and their Ghanaian headteacher partner.
AL informed the group that ES had written to Cllrs on his side and reminded CC to do the same.
Action point 3.3
2.3 / Action point 4.1 is on the agenda
2.4 / AL will speak to BL about the Lancaster Ladies group
Action point 4.2
2.5 / BL explained to the group that Joan Ryan MP had a meeting with her constituents and that over 200 people attended including Douglas Alexander. The 200 included 50 school pupils who asked lots of interesting questions. A pupil from Kingsmead school asked about Fairtrade being used at the Olympics, Joan Ryan will be taking that pupil to meet Tessa Jowell.The group commented that this is helpful for our application in terms of showing interest among local young people.
LT asked if any Olympic Boroughs are Fairtrade. WalthamForest is a Fairtrade Borough (details on which boroughs have achieved Fairtrade status are held in the London Fairtrade Guide).
BL said that the OasisAcademy was also well represented at the meeting and that the students were all between the ages of 11 and 12 (the Academy is only in its 1st year).
3. / Progress on goals & further action needed
3.1. / AL explained the goals to all the new attendees
Goal 1: has been achieved
3.2 / Goal 2: has also been achieved
3.3 / Goal 3: A flag ship employer is still needed.
AL explained in AD’s absence that AD has approached CapelManorCollege, a further education college. They serve Fairtrade tea and coffee in both their restaurant and staff room they are a good candidate to take on the role of flagship employer. AL has spoken to HR who feels that Capel Manor would be a good candidate.
RP feels that Capel Manor would be perfect as they are not just local but Internationally known.
AL informed the group that another issue on Goal 3 is the number of schools involved and the confusion surrounding Fairtrade accreditation. Formal accreditation as a Fairtrade school is not required as long as the school is actively promoting Fairtrade.
This means that Bowes school and probably several others can now be included.
LT informed the group that Chase Community school is holding a summer school for new pupils starting in September around global issues including Fairtrade, sustainable toys and recycled materials this is to be held at ChasePrimary school.
BL informed the group that RJ at St Edmunds school is also involved in promoting Fairtrade.
LT went on to say that GalliardPrimary school also has a global partnership with Ghana.
YB feels that we should target schools like AlmaPrimary school as it has a large number of Bangladeshi pupils and that we should speak to Ponders End Councillors. She (YB) is also on the board of the Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education (SACRE) and will speak to Rachael Bellman about formulating a letter to schools to raise the awareness of Fairtrade and try to get it incorporated in to the school curriculum.
AL stated that the group should aim for the Fairtrade application to be in by the end of July or sooner which would make us the 17th Borough to achieve Fairtrade status and would contribute to London becoming a FairtradeCity. The only area still to be finalised for our application is the flagship employer and the number of schools.
LT told the group about Local4Global which is a Department for International Development -funded initiative. Its aim is to support teachers in building a learning community for the global dimension.
JW commented to the group that Community House is still keen on the use of Fairtrade products and the café is planning a promotion. JW will download the Fairtrade pledge from the website to encourage them. He then went on to ask if Community House could be made a FairtradeBuilding
BL stated that he was unsure if such a title existed, but if so Community House is an excellent candidate. / AL to contact HR about this
3.4 / Goal 4: has been achieved
3.5 / Goal 5: has been achieved
4. / Forthcoming events
4.1. / BL informed the group that the event on 7Th June at St Michaels Green was well attended but the event on 15th June less so: however, it was good for PR re Councillors’ involvement.
August 3rd is the Enfield Mela which Fairtrade will be attending. The Islamic Centre has another event taking place this weekend but they are committed to Fairtrade in any case.
YB informed the group that September will be Enfield Peace month and suggested that Garrett Pennery of the Metropolitan Police be contacted.
BL went on to say that Fairtrade would have a stall at the Enfield Matters Event on 12th July.
BL said that he had sufficient volunteers for forthcoming events at the moment. The Enfield Show was to be held 6th and 7th September and this would require some volunteer time.
YB mentioned to the group that there was to be a street festival held in Russell Road N13 on the 19th August to promote spiritual awareness. / AL to contact Garrett Pennery
5. / Storage of London Fairtrade Guides
5.1. / Al asked the group if any of them would like to take a box of the guides as we have to move them from where they are being stored at the moment.
Members of the group offered to take boxes.
AL thanked the group for their help
Since the meeting it has been discovered that we have far more boxes than first thought; even after sending boxes to all the libraries there are still 36 boxes left so if anyone can think of any more people or organisations that might be interested can they let MS or AL know. / All to note
6 / Any other business
6.1 / QB asked the group whether anyone would be available to help re the Walker Ground events and to let him have dates.
JW informed the group that Community House will be expanding their website.
MSS informed the group that she works for a charity which has made a DVD about Fairtrade, which she encouraged the group to see.
LT said she has seen this DVD and suggested that it raises some controversial issues.
BL stated that the DVD could be shown during Fairtrade fortnight to provoke discussion.
QB suggested that the group come up with their own ideas and make a documentary about what is being done to promote Fairtrade in Enfield.
LT commented that BLs website needs to be greater linked to the Councils website with a link on the front page.
AL feels that the next meeting should be in July before the submission
7. / Date of Next Meeting
6.1. / 14th July venue and time to be confirmed
Fairtrade meeting 19.06.2008.doc / Page 1 of 3