Monday 7 November, 7.30pm

Fulfordgate WMC, Heslington Road, York


1.Chairman’s Welcome

2.Roll Call and Apologies

3.Minutes of 2015 AGM (attached Document) and Matters Arising

4.Reports: Chairman/Interim Secretary(presented on the night) Finance (presented by Mike Hamshere on the night)

5.Honoraria for 2017: Proposed by the Management Committee:

Administration Executive (£100), Results Officer (£150), Media Officer (£150), Web Manager (100), Treasurer (£100)

6.Election of Officials:

President: Frank Stones

Chairman: Shane Hargrave

Vice-Chairman: Rich Kerrison

Secretary: (Post to be discontinued)

Treasurer: Phil Rawlinson

Media Officer: Martin Jarred

Results & Registrations Officer: Ian Holmes

Web Manager: (To be appointed in the New Year)

Fixtures Officer: Andy Copeland

Development & Discipline Officer: Mike Hamshere

Grounds Officer: Steve Relf

Child Welfare Officer: Dave Milburn

All the above officials have indicated their willingness to stand for re-election.

It is proposed that the position of secretary is replaced by two administration executives, Tony Scotter and Rob Gilyeat who will report directly to the chairman.

7.Subscriptions: Proposed by the Management Committee that subscriptions remain at £80 per team, plus the prevailing YCB affiliation fee.

8.Applications to seek Re-election: Acomb III (applicationawaited)

9.Applications for Membership: Stamford Bridge IV (application below)

SBCC would like to apply to YVCL to expand our cricket club by including a 4th team in the Vale League, the reason being that we are in danger of losing some of our junior players who are eligible to play senior cricket, as we don't always have space for them in the 3rd team, and also we have 5 senior players who want to play regular cricket, but as things stand cannot get a game, the make up of the team would therefore hopefully be, 4 senior players and 7 juniors.
The management structure is in place to run an extra team, with 3 senior players committed to run and manage the team every week.
Subject to YVCL's agreement we would hope that they could play their home games at SBCC on a Sunday, with Burythorpe CC as a back up, as and when needed on a Saturday.
We are still working hard to improve Burythorpe CC, grounds and facilities and will continue to do so, as this is still to be the home ground for the SBCC 3rd team.
We would just like to finish, by saying that we believe the YVCL is an ideal place for our youngsters to start open age competitive cricket and if we don't offer this opportunity we fear that we will lose these players from our club.

Rob Gilyeat, Stamford Bridge.

10. Changes to League Rules proposed by the Management Committee

Rule 4. At the end of the season the top two clubs in Division 2 and 3 shall be promoted to Division 1 and 2 respectively; the bottom two clubs in Division 1 and 2 relegated to Division 2 and 3 respectively.

Explanation: Rewording takes account of the consolidation to three divisions.

Rule 5. League fixtures shall be played on Saturday or Sunday. Home league fixtures on Sundays will permitted for those teams whose grounds are unavailable due to priortiy being given to York & District Senior League fixtures. At the end of the season all League fixtures shall finish on the same day unless exceptional circumstances require an extension.

Explanation: For its survival, the League needs to move with the times and embrace change, including making league cricket on Sundays a viable option.
Rule 5.1 League fixtures scheduled for a Sunday will take priority over a cup game with the exception of the HPH and Scothern cup semi finals and final. No other fixture changes may be made after the fixture list has been published (unless teams wish to take advantage of Rule 5.2) without permission from the league.

Explanation: Rewording simply clarifies the confusion which arose last season.

Rule 12.1 Teams conceding league fixtures will automatically be deducted 10 points and the opposing team awarded 30 points. A fine of £30 will be waived if the offending team concedes the league fixture verbally with opponents and by texting the decision to by 8pm on the Thursday before the fixture. Scorecards are required for all conceded games.

Expanation: Relaxation of fines for conceded games subject to conditions.

Rule 21. On-line Submission of Detailed Scorecard: Add the word 'conceded' to abandoned/cancelled games.

Explanation: Correcting an ommission to the reporting requirement.


Rule 2.15 The Mitchell Cup and Prendergast Memorial Trophy will be played as T20 competitions and ties leading up to the final may be played on a Sunday or an evening subject to the agreement of both teams.

Explanation: Following the successful 2016 experiment, these Cups will be played as 20-over competitions with the added flexibility that games may be played on an evening if it suits both teams.

11. Chairman’s Closing Remarks