Health and Physical Education Year 1 Term 2

Unit Title:

/ What healthy choices make a healthier person?
Good choices, healthy me!
I’m a ‘balliever’
Achievement Standard / By the end of Year 2 students describe changes that occur as they grow older.They recognise diversity and how it contributes to identities.They recognise how emotional responses impact on others feelings. They examine messages related to health decisions and describe actions that keep themselves and others healthy, safe and physically active. They identify areas where they can be active and how their body reacts to different physical activities.
Students demonstrate positive ways to interact with others. They select and apply strategies to keep themselves healthy and safe and are able to help with tasks or problems. They demonstrate fundamental movement skills in different movement situations and test alternatives to solve movement challenges. They perform movement sequences that incorporate the elements of movement.

HPE Strands


Content Descriptions


Assessment (A)

Personal, social and community health
Being healthy, safe and active
Communicating and interacting for health and well being
Contributing to healthy and active communities
Movement and Physical Activity
Moving our body
Understanding movement
Learning through movement / Personal, social and community health
Being healthy, safe and active
● Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing
●Examine health messages and how they relate to health decisions and behaviours.
Contributing to healthy and active communities
●Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place
●Identify and explore natural and built environments in the local community where physical activity can take place.
Movement and Physical Activity
Moving our body
●Perform fundamental movement skills in different movement situations.
●Create and participate in games(ACPMP027)
Understanding movement
●Discuss the body’s reactions to participating in physical activities
Learning through movement
●Propose a range of alternatives and test their effectiveness when solving movement challenges(ACPMP031) / Assessment For Learning: Diagnostic
Elicit prior knowledge through
●hot potato activity
Assessment As Learning: Formative
●traffic light sorting game and discussions.
●sorting foods into food groups and justifying placement
●yes/no card game
students to reflect on their thinking?
Assessment Of Learning: Summative
ASSESSMENT TASK 1: Students use illustrations to design a personal menu using their knowledge of the Australian Healthy eating guide.
ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Students draw familiar places where they can go to be active and identify physical reactions to activity.
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: Students create

Focus Areas HPE

Alcohol and other drugs (AD)
Food and nutrition (FN)
Health benefits of physical activity (HBPA)
Mental health and wellbeing (MH)
Relationships and sexuality (RS)
Safety (S) / Active play and minor games (AP)
Challenge and adventure activities (CA)
Fundamental movement skills (FMS)
Games and sports (GS)
Lifelong physical activities (LLPA)
Rhythmic and expressive activities (RE)
Learning Framework / Community Contributor
Leader and Collaborator / Active Investigator
Effective Communicator / Designer and Creator
Quality Producer
Cross Curriculum Priorities / Catholic Ethos
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures / Social Emotional Learning
Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia / Inclusive Education
Sustainability Education
General Capabilities / Literacy
Critical and Creative Thinking
Intercultural Understanding / Numeracy
Ethical Understanding / ICT
Personal and Social Capability
Links to other LA’s / Links to other Learning Areas: Australian Curriculum: HPE
Literacy: Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening
Numeracy: Tally Chart and Graphs
Religious Education: God’s creation of humans
Social Emotional Learning: Collaborative Learning
Science: observation of physical changes
ICT: Interactive whiteboard activities, use of creative digital devices (iPads)

Situational Context of Unit

/ This unit can be completed in the following ways:
General Classroom Teacher - HPE Combination 2. hours
HPE Specialist in addition to Classroom Teacher
PE Component(specialist) ...hrs PE Component (Classroom Teacher)...hrs H Component (specialist/classroom teacher) ...hrs
Additional information:

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities / SEL, IE
General Capabilities / LIT, CCT, ICT, PSC
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Engage / Resources
●Display the word ‘healthy’. Pose inquiry question: What does it mean to be healthy?
●Lesson focus: to establish prior knowledge about healthy practices.
●Inform students that everyone needs to provide an answer. Allow time to formulate ideas.
●Collect shared ideas to create a concept map or Word Collage, for example: Inspiration/poppletapps, or Wordle.
●Invite students to consider individually: What are some things we do to keep ourselves healthy?
●Organise students into 5 groups to explore the known possibilities of how about to keep themselves healthy using a ‘hot potato’ strategy, in the categories of: foods, games/sports, places, practices and people.
●Distribute one worksheet and a pen to each group.
●Allocate 1 student to be the scribe and another the speaker to report back to the whole group.
●Set a time limit of approximately 2 minutes to brainstorm healthy choices in each category.
●Rotate each group through the five categories, reminding students to read through the previous group’s ideas before adding new and different ideas (not repeating).
●Prompt with questions such as:
What games/sports do you play? What healthy foods does your family eat? How much tv/computer/ipad time do you have? What time do you go to bed and wake up? What do we do to be hygienic and clean? Where can we go to be active? How do we know if we are healthy?
For example:
Healthy Foods / Healthy Games/Sports / Healthy Places / Healthy Body / People who keep us Healthy
●rice / ●running
●ride bikes
●swim / ●playgrounds
●fitness stations
●bush walks / ●wash hands
●clean teeth
●bathe / ●doctors
*Activity adapted from “Tactical Teaching: Thinking Looking Outside the Box: Encouraging Creative Thinking” - The Sum of the Parts (Steps Professional Development: 2007, page 26)
●Invite speakers to report back to group and read aloud prior knowledge of healthy choices.
●Display charts in the classroom.
●Summarise what it means to be healthy, for example: “Being healthy means caring for myself by eating well, being active and clean.”
Activities adapted from the :
Warm Up:
practise whole body movements such as:
– marching;
– walking;
– knee lifting (exaggerated walking);
– half squats;
– walking lifting heel to buttocks; / Skill Development:
- hopping;
– hand to foot touches (bent knees);
– arm rolling;
– knee raising/elbow to knee touching;
– stepping sideways;
– jumping on spot;
– running on spot;
– jumping feet apart and together;
– shoulder rolling;
– sliding;
Activity: Aerobics:
practise sequences that may be used in developing aerobics combinations such as:
– jog on spot (8 counts each); repeat;
– slide to right, slide to left (8 counts each); repeat;
– reach and stretch to right (4 counts);
– reach and stretch to the left (4 counts); repeat;
– hop on right foot (8 counts);
– hop on left foot (8 counts); repeat;
– repeat sequence from beginning. / Warm Down:
Squish the Fish yoga activity for children

Ask students to complete sentences such as:
– I feel hot because …
– I get out of breath because …
– My heart beats faster because …
Teacher Note: Discuss with students that the heart is a muscle and must be exercised like all
muscles to be fit and healthy.
/ Teacher Resources
●Ipad apps: Inspiration/poppletapps, or Word Collage.
Student Resources
●A3 pages for hot potato activity (1 per group)

Teacher uses a checklist
Health and Physical Education Metalanguage / Assessment Opportunities
nutrition unhealthy, healthy, proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables , fruit, hydrate, “sometimes” food, “often” food, healthy habits, activities, well-being, hygiene, fitness, beverage, leisure, meditation, word collage,
Sport : half squats, sequence, stretch, muscle, aerobic combinations, knee raising, elbow to knee touching, exaggerated walking / Diagnostic assessment - elicit prior knowledge through hot potato activity
Sport: Teacher observation: Checklist
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities / CE, SEL, IE
General Capabilities / LIT, CCT, ICT, PSC
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Explore / Resources
●Pose question: Why is it important to be healthy? Accept all responses and record ideas in a list (eg. makes us feel good,keeps our bodies strong, stops us from being sick, live for a long time, care for ourselves as a part of God’s creation etc…)
●Discuss as appropriate and elicit understanding that their bodies are growing and developing. Making healthy choices allows us to keep our bodies strong, fit and happy.
Here’s a story about a little monster. Listen carefully as I read and try to visualise, or make a movie inside your mind. I am going to ask you some questions at the end of the story:
There once lived a happy little monster in monsterville. Each day, he loved to go for a walk to the park where he would meet up with his friends and play on the monster-playground. Sometimes the monsters would play on the swings, or ride on the slide. Sometimes, they would play a game, like monster tiggy or stuck-in-the-monster-mud. Sometimes they would ride their bikes or skateboards or even their scooters. The little monster’s favourite game was monster soccer, because he loved to run. One day, on his walk to the park, he discovered a new shop had opened in monsterville. It was a sweet shop, and he decided to buy some sweets for a treat. They were so delicious that he ate up the whole packet that very day! The next day, instead of going to the park, he stopped into the shop again to try some different sweets. Once again, he gobbled them all up. Sadly, the little monster forgot about the fun games he used to play in the park. Instead, each day, he bought more and more sweets to fill him up. Then one day on his way to the shops, he felt a little uncomfortable. His clothes were not fitting him just right any more and he was a little puffed just from walking! He decided that something was terribly wrong and sat down to think about it. The day was warm and he closed his eyes. He did not feel happy or healthy. The little monster remembered all of the fun he used to have playing with the monster friends, running around in the park. He thought he might go for a little run again and was so surprised that running was now hard to do. He was really out of breath and realised that he needed to be more active, exercise and make some better choices about being healthy, so he could play monster games with his friends again. Day by day, the little monster became active again and changed back to eating healthy food. He felt healthy and was happy once again and his monster friends were delighted to see him back at the park too.
●QUESTIONS: What caused the little monster to become uncomfortable? Can you explain why his clothes were not fitting him? Why did he get puffed from walking? What changes did the little monster make to feel healthy again? Do you think the monster was happier when he became active and made healthy choices? What makes you think so? What might happenit you eat too many sweets and treat foods and not enough healthy food? Would this make you feel happy or unhappy?
●Lead students to the understanding that healthy food choices gives energy and being active keeps us fit.
●Remind students that we are created by God and so loved by God. We have a responsibility to care for ourselves and love ourselves, as a part of God’s precious creation. We can also feel good about ourselves when we are fit and healthy and our body stays strong with less problems/illnesses.
●View: AIS Athlete Video: Are you Active Enough? on website: -> Kids Corner -> Kids Vids
●Pose inquiry question: What games/sports do you play to stay healthy?
●Focus learning: being active involves movement through play, games and sports. We can be active in different places.
●Organise students into a circle. Invite students to mime their favourite way to stay active. Select others to guess what game/sport they are miming.
●Write each idea onto a card. Aim for one idea for each student. (eg. running, swimming, dancing, riding bikes/scooters/ skateboards/skates/horses, climbing, sliding, gymnastics, dancing, walking the dog etc…)
●Pose inquiry question: Where do we go to be active? What natural places can we go to, to be active in? What built places in the school can we be active in? What built places in the community can we be active in?
●List each place on a separate piece of A4 paper, for example: school, playgrounds, nature tracks, beach, sports centres, gymnasiums, pools, dance halls, park, rivers etc…and illustrate each poster in small groups. Display
●As a whole class, students play a matching game to match the physical activity (written on cards above) with a possible place to play. These can be glued on, if you wish to. Note: some activities can be in more than one place.
●Digital Technology idea: Alternately, create posters of places students can be active in using iPads (for example: picCollage app, adding text and importing images from searches of natural and built places).
Fun Runs
Warm Up:
Have students:
- practise warm-up activities such as:
– skipping/jogging on the spot/rotations/relays and stretching; / Skill Development:
Fun runs
Have students:
practise activities such as:
– Orienteering Run (Run to points in the playground to collect items, eg plastic pegs, wooden
blocks, pieces of chalk);
– Run and Freeze (Run in various directions within a confined space. On a signal, students freeze
or assume a pose. Keep the activity moving as quickly as possible, with the ‘freeze’ periods
used for short rests);
– Overtaking File (Run together in groups of 4–6 in file formation. The end student overtakes the
moving file to become the leader. Repeat this until all students return to original positions). / Warming Down:
Practise warm-down activities such as:
– slow deliberate stretches;
– discussions on how it felt during activities;
– relaxation exercises;
– deep breathing exercises.
/ Teacher Resources
●blank cards, pens, A3 paper
Student Resources
Whole class interactive white-board game:

plastic pegs, wooden
blocks, pieces of chalk
Health and Physical Education Metalanguage / Assessment Opportunities
directions, original positions, activities, file formation, leisure time, active,delayed, stretching, orienteering, overtaking, deep breathing exercises, “freeze” periods, confined space, / Formative Assessment: of places in the environment where we can be active.
Performances are observed on a number of occasions throughout a unit of work, and judgments relating to the quality of performance are made iteratively and recorded on observation records.
What is the importance of warming up and warming down? What do you do at home to relax? Discuss the importance of exercise and leisure time. How can we be active? Go for a bike ride with our family, a walk on the beach, play hopscotch outside with our friends, go for a run, jog, skip, play a ball game.
Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Cross Curricular Priorities / SEL, IE
General Capabilities / LIT, CCT, ICT, PSC
Engage ⇒ / Explore ⇒ / Explain ⇒ / Elaborate ⇒ / Evaluate
Explore / Resources
●Review learning from previous week, recalling the natural and built places in the school and local community where we can be active and the games/sports/activities students can be involved in to stay active.
●Allow students time to consider places that they are active in regularly and the types of activities they participate in using think-pair-share strategy.
●Select a number of students to share their ideas and list examples of places and activities.
●TASK 1: Students select two familiar places where they can be active. Students draw an example of a physical activity they can do there and complete the cloze sentences: This is me at the ______. I am active by ______here.
●Use ‘Author’s Chair’ for students to share their their knowledge of familiar natural and built where they can be active.
●Digital Technology idea: Photograph the illustration of the two familiar places page with the cloze activity and import into 30 Hands app. Record students sharing their knowledge of familiar natural and built where they can be active.
Balloon Game Activities adapted from
Warm Up:
playing ‘Let’s pretend to …’:
– keep a balloon in the air;
– walk in mud;
– explore the inside of a bubble;
– play ‘tug-of-war’;
– toss and catch a ball;
– rollerskate/rollerblade;
– move like an animal, eg a cat, kangaroo, frog, insect;
– move like different people, eg a baby, soldier, giant;
– move like the wind, clouds; a bouncing ball; smoke; / Skill Development: Balloon Game
Ask the children to pretend they are jugglers who must keep their balloons up in the
air using their hands
Ask the children to balance their balloons on different body parts (e.g. hand, arm,
knee, foot) and then catch them
Ask the children to throw their balloons up in the air above their head and then catch
Make a line for the children to stand on and in pairs throw the balloon to each other.
Encourage the children to catch the balloon and throw it back