Spring 2014 SGA Candidate Statements

Darlene A. Jackson
UIS Student Representative to the Board of Trustees

I have been an active student on the UIS campus for a total of four years. During this time I have had the privilege of learning from my fellow leaders and peers. Developing leadership, communication, and administrative skills are just a few of the things that I have gained as an active and engaged student on this campus. Because I have learned so much from this institution, I am excited to assist in the development of others at UIS. As an active member of the UIS community, I find joy in making the lives of students pleasant through my hard work. This is just one of the trends that I am hoping to continue as I strive to become the UIS student representative to the board of trustees.

I have three years of experience in representing the student body to administration and advocating for the true needs and desires of my peers. My leadership background has prepared me for this position and it will be shown in every aspect of my work and accomplishments within this new role. As a student representative, I find it imperative to empower every student and assist them in accomplishing their unique goals on this campus because I believe student empowerment is a key aspect to a thriving campus environment. Additionally, as student trustee I would work on strengthening the community to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging. In every decision made, I would guarantee that the interest of the student is considered first as I make appropriate financial decisions. I hope to be the next student representative to the board of trustees for UIS and I know with the help of the students we can continue its great legacy.

Name: Riley Quinlan

Year in School: Junior

Candidate for the Position of: Student Representative to the Board of Trustees

Hello, UIS! I’m Riley Quinlan and I’m in my second term as the External Vice-President of the Student Government Association. I liveonEast Campus in Bluebell Court and work as the International House Coordinator and as a Student Ambassador, proudly promoting UIS. I have worked within a broad spectrum of diverse cultures which is exemplified by the world we live in.

These past two years, I co-chaired the Nickname and Mascot Task Force with President Aaron Mulvey. This was a rather different and complex issue that was effectively resolved over winter break after several meetings and conference calls. During the General Assembly’s Veto session, I contacted UIS alumni and diligently worked with them to arrange a committee meeting with Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon.

I had the pleasure of chairing the SGA External Affairs Committee, assisting the UI Alumni Association with one of the largest events of the year: U-of-I-Day at the Capitol, spearheading the UIS “delegation” with much helpful assistance from Secretary Samia Ahmad. I also worked with the Alumni Association with the new Letter-Writing Campaign, sending personal messages to federal legislators; UIS sent more than UIUC and UIC combined. I have assisted with the Student Union and its continual updates, and I look forward to oversee its progress and planning sessions on the Board of Trustees.

I enjoy working closely with people, establishing working relations that never expire, as well as maintaining a personable rapport with my fellow students. I am eager and determined to work with a collaboration of elected individuals to strengthen what UIS has to offer; and above all, to serve the students whom I proudly represent. I have another year at UIS andI will gladly continue the legacies we have started. Every vote counts…Make that vote yours.


Year in School: JUNIOR______

Candidate for the Position of:


My name is Peyton Bernot and I am seeking to be elected as your representative to the U of I Board of Trustees. As my senior year approaches me, I am pursuing a degree in political science here at UIS, where I have been attending since my freshman year in 2011 prior to graduating Gillespie High School that same year. I am a commuter student that lives in Benld, IL in Macoupin County just south of Springfield along I-55, 40 minutes away.

When I was 18 years old and still in high school I ran for simultaneous offices in my community; Gillespie Community Unit School District #7 Board of Education and Benld City Council, defeating both incumbents and still serving in both capacities today. On the Benld City Council I serve as the Chairman of the Finance Committee. I recently ran a failed bid for Mayor of my city losing by a mere 74 votes out of the largest turnout in any election in recent history. Aside from being a publicly elected official and a student, I am a business man that is a property investor while making investments in the stock market. I would say the three greatest achievements since I have been elected to the aforementioned offices are the state of the art school that was just built in my community as, an initiative by me to cut the pay of the council members in Benld, and keeping the City’s budget and finances in the black.

I currently am an intern with the Illinois Petroleum Council and the Chemical Industry Council where I see and talk to legislators on a daily basis. I have the demonstrated capabilities and leadership abilities of a representative for you on a board that oversees the policy of a state wide system that is publicly funded. One issue to mention is I have and will continue to encourage the state to increase the funding for MAP. It is critical that state governments as well as the federal government keep investing more and more into K-12 and higher education for the future of our country and our state. It is vital for you, the student, to have a representative on the BOT that will not only address the concerns of the student body, but that will voice his or her concerns about policy and U of I issues as it relates to the BOT. It is for the progression of you and the University of Illinois as a whole that you have a representative that is not running to build his or her resume, but will provide quality representative leadership to the students of this University and to maintain and to yield more progressive policy initiatives the BOT has established thus far.

Name: Hannah Cave s

Year in School: ______3rd year______

Candidate for the Position of: Student Representative to the Board of Trustees

My name is Hannah Cave, and I am running to be your next Student Representative to the Board of Trustees. I am a Global Studies and Secondary Education student going into my senior year. In my time at UIS, I have had the opportunity to be involved with many student organizations, committees, service projects, and leadership roles on campus. These experiences have given me a greater understanding of how UIS works. I pride myself in the relationships I have developed with much of the student body, faculty members, and administrators in my time at UIS, and I work hard to maintain those relationships every day. These relationships are why I care deeply about the future of UIS. As Trustee, I will represent the student body to the best of my ability.

As the Student Trustee, I will bring the concerns of the students to the Board of Trustees, ensuring all students’ voices are heard. I will work to address the issues our campus faces to achieve results. Student satisfaction and academic success is highly important to me, and as a future educator, I see no better place to start than by helping college students succeed. I will devote myself to focusing on the needs of our students.

I want to encourage student success on campus, increase opportunities for student leadership, and further the connections between UIS and Springfield in order to give students a home away from home. I will work to create a strong sense of belonging for all students. I will create a committee to advise me on the issues important to the student body, so that I can communicate with students ensuring your concerns are addressed. I look forward to representing you as Student Trustee. Thank you for your support, and I hope to earn your vote!

Name Michael Lotspeich

Year in School: Junior

Candidate for the Position of: SGA President

Hello fellow Prairie Stars! My name is Michael Lotspeich; I am here at UIS pursuing aBachelors of Arts with the CSHP [...] [and majoring in] Sociology with a minor in Women and Gender Studies. I want to run for SGA President because I know that UIS is not just my home, but also our home. Together, our welcoming community can celebrate our differences and develop innovative student affairs practices! (:

You should think of me as the ideal candidate because of my drive and spirited energyto facilitate the growth of every student here at UIS (I am a cheerleader; I am always LOADED WITH ENERGY!!!). I have a strong working relationship with major campus administratorsand chaired the very-successful Administrative Affairs Committee. I have established a working round table between major campus departments to create ‘innovative’ parking solutions, pushed for twenty-three new international country flags in the Public Affairs Center, and served on the Illinois Board of Higher Education- SAC (amongmany other accomplishments).

This coming term, if elected, I hope to guide the SGA to pursue student-developed solutions instead of just calling light to problems. Using my knowledge from working with the Illinois State Board of Education and US DOE, I hope to improve the functioning of student leadership and governance processes. I will push for support and student involvement in the developing of the new student union, creating ties with the UIUC/UIC student governments, and establishing a liaison between SGA/SOFA/SAC <-> RSOs by redefining the ‘at-large’ senator positions to work with student organizations and bring their concerns to light.

I am so glad I had the chance to work with the campus community this past year on SGA, and I wish all running for positions the best of luck! :) For more information, check out

My name is Joe McGee and I am running for SGA President. I am also in my junior year.

Candidate Statement:

My name is Joe McGee and I am running for SGA President. I have served two years previously on SGA and found a passion for being the voice for my constituents. Throughout my two years I was a big advocate for the Student Union and came up with the shirtdesign people are wearing around campus. This will be something I will continue to work on and make sure it is for the students. I believe in two basic principles that can strenghten this school. First, I believe that the SGA involvement at this school can always improve and with this improvement we can better this campus. For instance, I advocate for our representatives go to multiple student organization meetings a month. I want this to occur as I believe that if we go to the student organizations we can become more in touch with the students. When this occurs, we become less about student government and more about the students. This plays into my second belief that we can increase the amount of town-hall meetings. Simply put, wework for one thing: the student body. If elected, I will make sure that senators and e-board staff will always make a concerted effort to reach out to the student body, I want it to be known that the students can also contact us. This will also increase a sense of accountabilityto the SGA members as when this communication occurs transparency will be sure to increase. There are a few other concerns I would like to tackle that I think will make UIS a better campus for future students.

Hello, my name is Marc Reiter and I am a candidate for Internal Vice-President. I have been fortunate enough to serve as your Senator-at-Large for this past academic year. The goal of any SGA member should be properly representing the students that elected them. Too long has the distance between SGA and greater student co-operation been quite visibly apparent. This needs to be changed.

There are things SGA can do and should do for students that will help to close this gap, like continuing to improve transportation services for students. We can accomplish this by striving for the use of I-Cards as a means to pay SMTD transportation fees. Common sense and quick actions like the swipe of a card serve to make things easier for SMTD and students alike, compared with using other methods.

SGA should also work with other student organizations to discuss ideas that can be refined into concrete and efficient resolutions that accomplish real goals. SGA must always be accessible; our image should represent us as a resource to the student body. Aiding in efficiently providing good governance for students rather than SGA governing itself is the direction the body should head in. Students are our peers and SGA’s bosses, not the other way around. This philosophy is one I would continue to carry with me to SGA.

We can also devote our attention toward issues in the fields of food service and residence life, whenever there is justification for action. I am always impassioned to work with others to accomplish goals, and I would work with my counterparts on SGA to keep our focus on good policy and not petty disagreements, as I have done this past year. I would appreciate your vote on April 23rd or 24th. Thanks!

Name: Mike Chmielewski s

Year in School: ______3rd Year______

Candidate for the Position of: Internal Vice President

My name is Michael Chmielewski, and I am running to be your next SGA Internal Vice President. I am a Criminal Justice student going into my senior year. In my time at UIS, I have been involved with numerous student organizations, and I have had direct experience in the great work that student leaders are doing across campus in helping to plan events. I have also been a member of the Leadership for Life program and a Resident Assistant. This has helped me to communicate with diverse groups and become an effective advocate for student involvement.

In my time on SGA, I will use my experiences to face the problems that are important to the UIS student body. The issues that are very important to me are student involvement, expanding the star rewards program, and expanding the healthy food options in the food emporium and the student union. I possess the skills and experiences necessary to make me effective in achieving these goals.

I want to encourage student involvement on campus through increased recognition for student leaders, and promoting communication between students, Student Government, and the administration. Further, as an RA, I have seen the amazing things student leaders can do when given the necessary tools for their events to succeed. I believe that, as a member of SGA I can help streamline the process by working to increase communication between various student organizations. This will give student leaders the tools they need to make student life at UIS as successful and engaging as possible. Student organizations and student involvement go hand in hand, and as internal vice president I can work for the benefit of the entire student body. I look forward to earning your vote!

Name: Makilah Alexander

Year in School: Sophomore

Candidate for the Position of: Secretary of Student Government Association

Important issues that I would like to address as Secretary are certain aspects of Food Services, the lack of networking between student organizations, and improve the SGA’s outlook upon the campus in ways of improving town hall attendance. I would also take the time to ask voters what they would reasonably like to change, as well as work on issues with fellow leaders on campus. It is truly important to address issues that affect everyone on campus. Food service is not just about providing food, but a civil experience, I feel hospitality is seriously lacking in food service overall. UIS is comprised of multiple student lead organizations and I believe it is in the campus’s best interest to unify as many as possible. Town halls are a great way for SGA to have opinions on what needs to be done as well as organizations to hear how they can help. Even though UIS is great campus, there is always room for improvement and I would like to be a part of that movement.

Name: Brittany Carls

Year in School: Junior

Candidate for the Position of: Treasurer

Hello! My name is Brittany Carls and I am running to be your next SGA Treasurer. In my three years at UIS, I have served as a CAP Honors Mentor, Leadership for Life Mentor, Hunger and Homelessness Chair, and the Student Activities Committee Spirit Coordinator. I have also held leadership positions in numerous student organizations, and I am an active volunteer in the Springfield community.

As Treasurer, my first goal will be to work with the Student Organization Funding Association (SOFA) to better serve student organizations. This starts with holding forums so that student organizations can have their concerns addressed, and can better understand the funding process. This will improve the communication between SOFA and the student organizations they serve, and also increase the overall efficiency of SOFA’s operations. I also want to increase SGA support of the Student Organization of the Month program in order to recognize the outstanding work that organizations do. By increasing the ties between SGA, SOFA, and the Student Organizations they serve, I will work to support the growing student life on campus.