HPA 1034 Exercise Science Seminar 1
Spring 2016
Instructor: Anne Hays, PhD
Office: Suite 104- Office 110
Office Hours: By appointment
Phone: 412-648-9181
Course Hours: Wed 12:30 – 2:30pm
Course Description
The first half of this semester will emphasize the study of the structure of the human body including the skeletal, muscular, nervous and cardiovascular systems as related to scientifically sound and practical exercise programs.
Suggested Texts
McKinley, M., and O’Loughlin, V. D. Human Anatomy. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc: New York.
ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer. 4th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Inc: Philadelphia.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, each student should be able:
A. To utilize proper anatomical terminology associated with body structures, directional location, and movement.
B. To identify skeletal and joint structures and demonstrate knowledge of their functions and adaptations in human movement.
C. To identify and explain movement functions in an exercise setting by demonstrating knowledge of muscle origin, insertion, and action.
D. To identify joint movements and examine the muscles involved in the joint action.
E. To demonstrate knowledge of how the cardiovascular,
respiratory, and nervous systems interrelate with each other
and human movement.
F. Describe the relationship between proper biomechanics and application to physical training.
G. Explain the importance of muscular anatomy in training and utilize sources of muscular force.
Muscle/Bone Quizzes (4) 100 (25 pts. each)
Anatomy Lab Exam 50
Anatomy Lecture Exam (midterm exam) 25
Group Presentations 50 (20 / 30)
Final Exam 50
Examinations will consist of fill-in, multiple choice, matching, true/false, short answer and/or essay.
Grading Scale
90-100% = A; 89-80% = B; 79-70% = C; 69-60% = D; 59% and below = F
Attendance Policy
Students are allowed 1 absence and this INCLUDES any excused absence (medical, religious, athletic reasons)! **Every class that is missed after the first one will constitute in a deduction of 5 points from the final grade. Students, who are more than 5 minutes late, will be considered absent. If a student misses a class, it is the student’s responsibility, not the instructor’s, to obtain the material that was discussed in class. If a student misses an examination or quiz, the student must provide written proof that the absence was due to a medical or family emergency or a religious holiday.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are disruptive and if brought to class should be turned off. There will be no tolerance for texting, ringing or any other form of cell phone interruption to class.
Special Needs:
· If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services (DRS), 140 William Pitt Union (412) 648-7890, , (412) 228-5347 for P3 ALS users, as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.
1/6 Course Introduction
Intro to Personal Training Chapters 1-2
1/13 Introduction to Anatomy Chapter 3
1/20 Topic: Head, Torso, and Scapula Chapter 3
Lecture: Articulations
1/27 Quiz 1 Chapter 3
Topic: Shoulder and Forearm
Lecture: Muscle Tissue and Organization
2/3 Quiz 2 Chapter 3
Topic: Muscles of the Anterior and Posterior Hip
Lecture: Muscle Tissue (cont.)
2/10 Quiz 3 Chapter 3
Topic: Muscles of the Thigh and Leg
Lecture: Heart
2/17 Quiz 4 Chapter 3
Lecture: Respiration
Lab exam prep
Article Review Assignment
2/24 Lab Exam Chapter 3
Take Home Lecture Exam
3/2 Exercise Physiology Chapter 5
Topic due for article review
3/16 Exercise Physiology Chapter 5
Article gets approved
3/23 Exercise Physiology Chapter 5
– Article presentation
3/30 Finish article presentations
Groupwork – Nutrition Group Projects
4/6 Biomechanics Chapter 4
4/13 Nutrition Group Projects Chapter 6
4/20 Final Exam (Ex Phys, Nutrition, Biomechanics)
This schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor*