Halling Primary School

Howlsmere Close, Halling, Rochester,

Kent. ME2 1ER

01634 240258

Fax: 01634 241552

Thursday 3rd April 2014

Dear Parents,


As a reward for continuing good behaviour, tomorrow will be a non-uniform day. Please ensure that your child wears clothing that is suitable for outdoor play (including sensible footwear).


There are now a number of children wearing trainers for school in a range of colours. Our school uniform consists of flat, black school shoes, not trainers. Thank you for your co-operation.


As you are aware, Mrs Billingham and Mrs Stacey leave us at the end of this term. I am sure that you will join us in thanking them for their work at the school. We wish them every success in their new schools. After the break, we will be joined by Miss Van De Peer in Swans Class. The children have already met her and we will be arranging a “meet the teacher” session for the parents of children in Swans Class sometime during the second week back.


You may be aware from national news that schools have been given additional funding this year to promote engagement in sport and healthier lifestyles. The school has to publish details of how this funding is spent and this will be on the school website, for your information, shortly. Our children continue to take part in a range of competitive sports throughout the year – our netball team recently came 7th out of 45 schools and have been invited to take part in a Champions Evening later in the year. Well done to all of the squad!

On behalf of all of the staff, I would like to wish you all a very enjoyable Easter Break. We look forward to seeing the children again on Tuesday 22nd April.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs W. Donnelly

Head Teacher

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have been approached by some parents about the issue of parking in and around the school at drop off and pick up times. This subject has also been a topic of debate with the children of the school, through the School Council, which demonstrates the depth of concern. It is a subject that often comes to the surface and one that I feel is worthy of a reminder to all that use a car to and from school. Whilst we have no responsibility for the parking outside school grounds, in particular Howlsmere Close, we do have an obligation to ensure that everyone who comes and goes can do so without fear of an accident. This is made increasingly difficult with cars parking at the ends of road junctions, on the yellow zig-zag lines in the school car park and generally in a position where it causes great inconvenience to other road users and parents with push chairs. We have been extremely fortunate to date that no serious accidents have occurred, but that should not be an excuse to ignore the possibility that, due to inconsiderate parking, an accident is waiting to happen. So, please, for the sake of our children…… park sensibly.

On a much happier note, I would like to pass on our congratulations to Mrs Mauldon, who is now the proud mother of a little baby girl and hope that she is getting acclimatised to the lack of sleep that is bestowed upon all new parents!! We look forward to her return at the end of her maternity leave.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to both Mrs Billingham and Mrs Stacey for their contribution and hard work during their time at Halling School. I know they will be sad to leave and have very fond memories of their time with us but equally, they are looking forward to the new challenges that face them. We wish them all the very best in their respective new schools.

I am pleased to inform you that, as a result of the recent Parent Governor election, Derek Wood has been duly re-elected and will continue his role for another 4 year term. His work experience provides the Governing Body with the necessary skills and knowledge in health and safety as well as the management of risk assessments.

As you know we had a newly formed Friends Of Halling School (formerly the PTA) at the beginning of the new academic year and since then they have been very busy indeed. I was lucky enough to be involved in the Christmas Sleigh Run and, along with all the other events they have organised, can honestly say that they do a tremendous job to raise much needed funds for the benefit of our school children. So I would like to thank them all for taking up the helm and carrying on the long associated tradition of the PTA/Friends Of Halling School. I’m sure they won’t mind me blowing their trumpet for them and say that they have raised an amazing £2500 already and, with your continued support, will hopefully raise a lot more.

I would like to conclude by paying tribute to all the staff at the school and the equally important roles that they all play. As a school, we are constantly faced with new challenges, often due to the changing ways in which we receive funding and as such have to make some difficult decisions as to the best solution. In all cases, decisions are made in the best interests of the school and that will always be our priority. This stems from the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team who drive the school forward and ultimately to all the staff who do a magnificent job in delivering it.

I wish you all a very happy Easter and hope the staff and pupils enjoy a well- deserved break.

Mark Tickner

Chair of Governors