The Church of Scotland

Howe Trinity Parish Church

Prayers forAugust2018

“Hear my voice when I call, OLord; be merciful to me and answer me.” (Psalm27:7)


“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is

excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” (Phil 4:8)


Remember those who have been bereaved and pray that they will be supported as they face the future. “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.” (Psalm 91:4)


Dear God, as the time for exam results approaches we ask your blessing on all young people anxiously waiting. Give them courage to accept whatever the outcome may be and bless their plans for the future.


Lord, grant courage and calm to firefighters as they attend emergencies and are called upon to rescue people from hazardous places and to extinguish fires. We particularly remember those who have been traumatised or physically injured and need help to recover. (CARE)


Pray for times of rest and relaxation this week. Invite God into those moments and ask him to refresh you.


Remember those who suffer from debilitating illnesses. Bless and strengthen them and those who love and care for them.


Pray for those going to sleep hungry, night after night, in countries across West Africa, and ask God to comfort and strengthen them.

Give thanks for Tearfund’s determination to save lives and address

the root causes of hunger.


Pray for people whose lives are in danger right now. Ask God to show mercy on them and to protect them.


Merciful Father, we pray today for all those who are facing worries

and concerns which they feel are likely to overwhelm them. Help

them to turn to you and to be reassured that you hear all our prayers.


Thank you, Father, for sending salvation through your Son Jesus. Let every word I speak and every thought I think be pleasing to you. Help me live according to your ways.


Thank you, Father, for friends who pray faithfully for us. Bless them and encourage them day by day. If we need it, remind us to share with them how their prayers have been answered.


Keep on praying that God’s Holy Spirit will continue to inspire ministers with God’s message and grant to their preaching freshness, relevance and acceptance. Pray for encouragement as our own people and visitors come to church each Sunday.


Be still for a moment and think about the fact that you are with God

who created the whole world and give thanks for the beauty that surrounds you.“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10)


God of perfect justice, please help all those serving in the courts of our land to undertake their duties with integrity, wisdom and courage. Equip them to deliver justice for all by convicting and punishing the guilty, promoting rehabilitation and protecting the innocent. (CARE)


Lord, surround us with your Spirit; remove from our minds all distractions, inattention, coldness; open our eyes to see you, our ears to hear you; help us to be still in your presence, and hear our prayers.


We pray today for those who have no homes. Even in the summer months it must be hard to spend long nights out of doors. Lord, help

us who live in comfort to do what we can to help.


Lord, we want to pray about all the unresolved conflicts in our world and ask you to give us your desire for peace, your spirit of discernment, your understanding of unspoken needs, and your capacity for forgiveness.


Forgive us Lord, for the times when we have spoken out when we should have remained silent, and also for the times when we have remained silent but should have spoken. May we be lights shining in this dark world and ambassadors for you in all that we do.


God always wants the best for us, for us to trust in his power, and not rely on human strength. Pray that God will enable you to see through his eyes to work for his glory.


The greatest pleasure of life is love, the greatest treasure, contentment; the greatest possession, health; the greatest ease is sleep, the

greatest medicine is a true friend. (Sir William Temple 1628-99)

Dear God, please help us to value these thoughts, always remembering that the greatest love of all comes from you.


We thank you Lord, for dedicated teachers to whom each one of

us owes so much. Thank you for the education system in our country. Bless and strengthen teachers in today’s culture when life in the classroom can be very stressful.


Heavenly Father, be in every wounded heart, every troubled home, giving the blessing of your peace through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Pray that we stay open to new ideas and not get trapped in old mind-sets. If God chooses to lead us along a new path of fresh insight, help us to breathe deeply and open our hearts to receive his wisdom.


Give thanks for the increasing number of Christian initiatives helping people with debt problems. Pray for individual counsellors and listeners, local church -run centres and organisations such as Christians Against Poverty and Credit Action.


Ask God to pour grace and truthupon individuals who have found faith in the risen Christ from religious and political backgrounds that are fundamentally opposed to Christianity. Pray for courage and wisdom as they face rejection and persecution. (CARE)


Heavenly Father, thank you for our church complex and our church family. May we never take either for granted but strive to welcome all who enter and help those in need.


Lord, let me walk with you and know your peace, may my life speak of you and my whole being wait on you to hear your Word and do your will.


Merciful Father, be specially near to those whose lives are drawing to

a close whether in hospital, care homes or at home. Comfort them and all who love them. Help them to know that you will never leave them.

Wed 29th

Lord God, our hearts break when we hear about the injustice in this world. We pray for an end to violence and corruption everywhere and for all those who are suffering because of injustice. (Tearfund)


In this ever-increasing secular society, we pray for steadfastness in our beliefs and courage to stand firm.

Fri 31st

Heavenly Father, give us grace to live your Word. Grant that what we hear with our ears, we may understand with our minds and live out in our lives. (William Barclay.)

Thank you for reading our Prayer Diary: we hope you found it helpful and welcome your feedback. If there is any topic you would like included in a future diary please contact Liz Laing (63033)

Howe Trinity Parish Church is a Registered Scottish Charity No: SC 007979