Howard Griswold Conference Call—Thursday, April 19, 2012
Howard Griswold Conference calls:
Conf call (talkshoe)724-444-7444 95099# 1#
(non-talkshoe members must use the 1# after the pin number)
Thursday’s at 8 p.m., Eastern Time.
Talkshoe mutes the phone lines
Conference Call is simulcast on:
Starting in the first hour at 8 p.m.
Note: there is a hydrate water call 8 PM, Eastern Monday’s,218-844-3388 966771#
Howard’s home number:302-875-2653(between 9:30, a.m, and 7:00, p.m.)
Check out:
All correspondence to:
Gemini Investment Research Group, POB 398, Delmar, Del. 19940
(do not address mail to ‘Howard Griswold’ since Howard has not taken up residence in that mailbox and since he’s on good terms with his wife he isn’t likely to in the foreseeable future.)
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Peoples-rights has a new book available from The Informer:
Just Who Really Owns the United States, the International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, World Bank, Your House, Your Car, Everything—the Myth and the Reality.
He’ll take $45 for the book to help with ads, but $40 would be ok which includes shipping
($35 barebones minimum)
1624 Savannah Road, Lewes, Delaware 19958
Christian Walters (trusts) is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays at nine o'clock, Eastern Time. The number is1-712-432-0075and the pin is 149939# (9 PM EST). Wednesday’s number is1-724-444-7444and the pin is 41875# (8 PM, Eastern) or tune in on Wednesday at at
Often you can find a transcript or a partial one for the week’s call at the following website:
Howard approves or disapproves all postings to this yahoo group. Send potential posting to Howard.
Note: questions to Howard are now submitted to Howard, preferably typed, to Gemini Research rather than fielded on the call live. It would be desirable to send a couple of bucks for mailing, copying and printing costs.
Extra legal help is available from the firm, Ketchum, Dewey, Cheatham and Howe.
A recording of each Howard Griswold Thursday conference call is available from Dezert Owl upon request for any sized donation. Go to the following link:
For donations to desert, send them to Free America Radio Network, 121 Seaparc Circle, Suite B, Kingsland, Georgia 31548. Phone number:912-882-2142. Cell:304-629-7169.
For reference:
Jersey City v. Hague, 115 Atlantic Reporter 2nd, page 8 (A 2nd )
Project for all:
Howard needs information on how to write a complaint for breach of the trust.
Hit the libraries!
He would appreciate any research help.
{ 01:09:22.501}
[Howard]…If you got a social security number you have taken advantage of the benefits of civil rights.
[Dave]And admit it by admitting your number has anything to do with you. You’re admitting you’re the beneficiary.
[Howard]No, you’re admitting you’re the sucker. Anyway, I was waiting for you to bring that one up. Somebody told me that they’d sent that to you. I wanted to bring that up in relationship to the case that we put in a couple weeks ago with Mr. Donovan. Now, you’re right but you’re wrong because it doesn’t just apply to the people that live in the fiction zone. It also applies to the people that live in the fiction world of the 14th Amendment and its civil rights benefits and that’s where the problem really comes in. Any fictional person the police have authority over completely because they’re the civil authority looking out for the civil benefits recipients and making sure that every one of them follows all of the civil rules that they have associated themselves to because they accepted the civil benefits and I’m sure nobody understands that. As a matter of fact I probably just confused people by the way I said that but let me get into what I was going to explain to you, the case that we worked so hard on with Mr. Donovan put together to go to the Supreme Court last Thursday morning and we submitted it on the 3rd to the court. And on the 12th Mr. Donovan got a letter in the mail that the Supreme Court had docketed his petition for certiorari and ordered the government, the opposing party, to write their brief opposing his Writ of Certiorari for them to look at. Now, I said last week when I told you about that, that I wasn’t sure exactly how the Supreme Court did things. In most courts when you file something into the court and they put it on the docket then it’s scheduled for a hearing but I wasn’t too sure that the Supreme Court did that because I know that the Supreme Court is touchy. As a matter of fact they admit that in their own rules book. The first thing they tell you in the rules book is that they only accept about one percent of the cases that are submitted to the court in a year or less than 1 percent. That’s a very small amount. I think somebody said something about there’s over 7000 submissions on average to the Supreme Court by 7000 moron lawyers who one of the Supreme Court justices once said that bad decisions come out of the Supreme Court many times because of the incompetency to plead the case properly by the lawyers that submit it. One of the other things that I found out was from the court clerk of the United States Supreme Court quite a few years ago that most things don’t even get past the court clerk. The court clerk reviews these petitions for certiorari and throws most of them out. They don’t even go in front of the judges but then I found out too that the judges do look at some of them and throws most of them out. There are nine judges. They give all nine judges a copy. The judges get together and talk about it and then decide whether they’ll actually accept it and have a hearing on it and make a ruling of some kind. So it’s really touchy to get something heard in the Supreme Court. But during the course of this week Donna got on the computer and she looked up US Supreme Court procedures. Now, this is different than US Supreme Court rules. This is the procedure that the court applies to things and what they said was: If the justices decide to accept a case—that means to grant the petition for a writ of certiorari—the case is placed on the docket. Then according to the Supreme Court rules the petitioner has already submitted a brief in their petition for certiorari and the opposing party has a limited amount of time to present a brief opposing it, not to exceed 50 pages. Who ever heard of 50 pages being brief? Anyway, after the petitioner’s brief has been files and the other party known as the respondent has given a certain amount of time to file a respondent’s brief, this brief is also –so, you can respond to their brief and it’s also limited to 50 pages. So, each time, I found out by reading on, that the court accepts and dockets one of these things they set a time for the responding party to do something and then when the responding party does something they set a time and send you a letter and say that you have to have your response in by a certain date. So there’s no specific rules setting the time, just a specific rule stating the number of pages not to exceed 50. But what this really means to us is that the Supreme Court is going to hear Mr. Donovan’s case. They have docketed it for sure. It is on the docket and going to be looked at and ruled upon. Now, interestingly enough twice tonight in different e-mails that Dave was reading somebody mentioned Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United States Constitution. Now, I’ve never heard this mentioned anywhere by anybody before. This is an awakening that seems to be going on here in the country that the limited authority of the United States government is within Washington, D.C. and the ports, forts, arsenals and dockyards and needful buildings that they purchase from the states by grant of the state legislature. That’s the limited authority of the government. They do not have authority to tell the police that they can strip search anybody at all except people in D.C. and ports, forts, arsenals and territories that they acquire and the state governments as Dave so perfectly stated a few minutes ago. Other than the extension of government beyond that goes to the people who have accepted a contract to participate in government in any way, shape or form. So, like I said, I you have a social security number you have contracted with the government to participate in their civil rights benefits program and they now have authority over you. A general presumption of the Supreme Court today could be that everybody comes under that category because for so many years so many people have participated in social security and their children picked up behind them and their children have picked up behind them and their children are picking up behind them so we pretty well got the entire society covered today because it’s been going on for so many years that everybody’s covered. So the limited authority of government is no longer very limited due to the fact that ignorant people have stepped into a contractual agreement with the government and brought the government’s authority down upon them, but only people. Now, listen to me, only people. God is great, the beer is good and people are stupid. Some country western singer just put that into a song. I thought it was rather cute. When I heard it I said, ‘I’ll drink to that—the beer is good.’ Yeah, but people are crazy. It’s out ignorance, our craziness, especially to go get what we want so bad that we’ll do anything. We’ll give up our own rights. We’ll give up our own freedoms to get something that we want like a job so that we can get money so that we can buy a car, so that we can get married, so that we can buy a house, so that we can do this, do that, do this, do that because we want to do, do, do. It’s a damned shame that we’re so full of do do. We have ruined this country ourselves. Now, I’ll grant you somebody made the offer and they might have been evil-minded people but it was us who accepted the offer and we didn’t have to. Our great, great grand parents didn’t have to. Our great grandparents didn’t have to, our parents didn’t have to, we didn’t have to, our children don’t have to, our grandchildren don’t have to but we’re still doing it. Generation after generation, decade after decade we are doing it. Now, we’re putting ourselves in this position. It can be stopped and there’s several ways to go about stopping it. But the people have to have enough gumption to stand up and stop it and I find that sorely lacking in the people because that singer is right, people are crazy. They don’t want to work hard, they don’t want to have to take care of things themselves. They don’t want to be responsible for themselves in life. They want to be taken care of and the government promised through social security to take care of us from the cradle to the grave. All we have to do is pay, pay, pay, pay while we’re capable of paying but if we become incapacitated then they’ll take care of us. If we become too old then they’ll take care of us. And for some reason we think that’s great. Most people today are living on social security that are retired. They have nothing else, nothing else, no investments, no means of supporting themselves, caring for themselves without that social security check. I’m going to tell you something, ladies and gentlemen, there’s going to be a lot of suicides when this system does what one of those writers in the e-mail said about the eminent collapse of it. The money system will go down. There’s no doubt about it. This kind of a money system has been around before and every time it ever has it lasted for some period of time but it finally collapsed. This paper money system, non-value money, cannot continue on. It inflates itself into oblivion and collapses. Presently, it’s inflating itself terribly. I think most people are aware of that. The money system is a much greater danger to you than the stupid little electronic meters {smart meters—smart grid—irradiated customers} that they’re putting on your electric box and we’re real concerned about the electronic meters on the electric boxes as though that meant anything but we’re not concerned about the money system. Well, I am. These are the things that come under the government’s laws that the Supreme Court will rule in accordance with if somebody put the case in the right way. If it was well enough done that it was an issue that the Supreme Court would be willing to look at. Beats me how or why the Supreme Court looked because the Writ of Certiorari and the things that were petitioned to the court are never posted. So you can’t find out what the lawyer said and just exactly how he phrased it to get the {Supreme} court to look at this situation of strip searching people. But most likely it was in some way related to civil rights benefits. These people are civil rights receivers and we have a right to keep a watch on them, to check them in any way. And we have this problem of drugs and people hide drugs in different cavities of their body. Good reason to strip search then, isn’t it? If you bring a question like that in the right way you will get an answer from the court and the answer would be just exactly what you got out of the court because of the way it was worded. People fall under these laws. People fall under civil rights. Land doesn’t fall under civil rights. Money doesn’t fall under civil rights. Taxes don’t fall under civil rights. They all fall under the Constitution. They can be questioned. What they do to people can’t be questioned simply because people are government property. When you turn your sole over to the State in the form of a birth certificate registration your body went with it. You have no sole left. You have no rights or interest in your own body. The government has control, complete control over it. Now, it depends upon, as I said, how these things are worded. No argument was put in, no statements of any kind related to the protection of people from unlawful searches and seizures because this was considered to be a lawful search of the individual simply because the individual is property of the government. Now, you might not like hearing that but I can’t help what you don’t like—I’m telling you what the facts are. Your body became the property of the government when you turned it over to them through birth certificate and social security applications that you have signed and given to them. That’s not a happy thing but it’s a thing that has happened and it can be changed but let me talk a minute about what we did and perhaps why the Supreme Court did take the petition that Mr. Donovan put in. Mr. Donovan did a lot of work on this and I helped him a little bit. I got some of the girls to help me to work to do some of the typing because this was high-tech computer bull crap requirements. Everything has to be done on a computer and certain fonts and certain this and certain that. The size of the paper has to be a certain size and size of the print from side to side has to be a certain distance. I’ll tell you, all kinds of little stupid rules. So, the girls looked at the rules, sat down and typed it up and must have done it pretty good because it didn’t get rejected by the court clerk for being improperly put together. So we got that far. Then I did find out that judges do look at it and have a conversation and decide among themselves based on the basic questions that were asked as to whether or not they would hear the case. I think they’re interested in these kinds of cases that we put in, in many different ways. And eventually probably the 14th Amendment could be questioned as to its properness in accordance with the basic concept of the original Constitution in the same manner as what we’ve done this. But this was a simple little case. There’s nothing big about this at all but it could grow into big things because it’s going to fit exactly what people have started to bring up about how Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United States Constitution. And let me read to you what our questions were that we presented for review related to the Clean Water Act and applying it to a private person’s land inside the territorial limits of the state. The private person has really nothing to do with this. They were applying it to the land. And they fussed at Mr. Donovan all the way back in 1987 because he put some fill dirt on the soil on about three-quarters of an acre of four acres of ground that he had and he had a permit from the state to put a building there, to build a produce stand, a large one, sort of like a small market. And, of course, he needed some level ground there to make parking on. That’s why he put the fill dirt on, to level it up. It was wavy, uneven. Well, along comes the army corps of engineers, the United States government and tells him that he can’t do that because this land is considered to be federally protected wetlands. Federally protected wetlands according to what I can understand from the way the Constitution set the government up means any wetlands that the federal government purchased if they had any right to purchase anything like that. But the Constitution didn’t even give right to do something like that. They have no right to purchase pieces of land and set them up as parks. There’s nothing in the Constitution that gives them that authority, only forts, arsenals, magazines, dockyards and needful buildings for government use and the District of Columbia and any territories that they acquire by appropriation such as Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the American Samoas. They appropriated them by force but they got them and they’ve become territories of the United States. So the United States can make laws through Congress regulating that. We’ll get into that in a minute. Right now, what we’re going to talk about is the fact that the government does not have authority to come into the states and enforce any of their laws within the states even though they could against state property because the state government is an agency of the United States government and they could do something about state property. They can’t do anything outside of state government on property. So, the question we wrote was:
1. Does the Clean Water Act being among the laws of Congress extend into the territorial limits of the states or have force only in places that are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the national government? A question of due process.