MWA Board Meeting
July 17, 2017
Howard County Library Miller Branch
9421 Frederick Road
Ellicott City MD 21042
The meeting was called to order at 7:10
In attendance were:
Jenny Yacovissi (by telephone)
Barbara Morrison (by telephone)
Stephanie Fowler (by telephone)
Flo McCahon
Jo Donaldson
Michelle Markley Butler
Judy Kelly
Eileen McIntire
Mark WIllen
Amy Kaplan
Eric Badertscher
T. K. Basu
Jessica Williams
Mark Willen has stepped in as Treasurer
$2000 grant awarded for 2017, up from $1500
Have $500 budgeted for grant writer
Upon motion and second, the Board appointed Amy Kaplan to the state MWA board to volunteer her assistance as needed
Minutes from last meeting were approved after motion and second
President asked if there were any corrections or additions to the annual meeting minutes; none were offered.
Treasurer Report
Our books are not in good shape, we are in the process of cleaning up the books, assigning transactions to the correct accounts. Conference transactions were commingled with the main account. We will see money move from one category to another, but the overall totals shouldn’t change much if at all.
FY18 is based on our best guess of what we took in and spent in FY17. The numbers for 2016 and 2015 are actuals, surplus in 15 and deficit in 16 are due to contest money taken in during 15 that was spent in 16. FY income numbers appear to be good estimates. Regarding expenses, PowerPay is a company we use to process credit card transactions. Quickbooks just raised their price. We’ve budgeted $1800 for a bookkeeper, who is working on creating a more standard book of accounts for us. In the past, some transactions have been automatically classified by Quickbooks as an incorrect category, and we are working on correcting those errors.
The Board reviewed and discussed the budget details for the next conference. The chapter funding numbers are the amounts that were requested by the chapters. The Board discussed the fact that some chapter bank accounts had significant balances carrying over from the past year, and the question of whether or not the existing balance should offset the requested amount. The Board considered whether the income generated by chapters, such as a special donation to the chapter, should be theirs to keep and spend as they wish. There was discussion about past examination of the issue regarding activities of Montgomery County. Motion that chapters can keep additional money that they make but we encourage them to use it on outreach projects. After a second, the motion passed unanimously.
There was discussion about the Baltimore Book Festival presence and associated costs. The Board discussed the possibility of an expanded presence at the Book Festival, and, if so, the costs would double from $800 to $1600. The Board discussed whether the additional expense would generate sufficient additional memberships. Motion to increase presence passed with one against. Jess is putting together the program. Budget is amended to increase Book festival registration from $800 to $1600. Upon motion and second, the budget was passed as amended. The Board discussed the original amount also included tables at two other events.
Donald Maas reported the dates would not work for him. The Board discussed the possibility of alternate dates and alternate speakers. The Board discussed having one or two backup plans in the event that our first choice does not work out. The Board discussed the drawing power of alternative speakers. The Board discussed the need to update the venue on the website to BWI Marriott. The Board discussed the volunteer service award, the nomination process, and what the award will be. The Board discussed the possibility of awarding lifetime membership and the consequences of that award over time. The Board discussed the possibility of forming a committee to examine the volunteer service awardpossibilities. The Board tables discussion until the next meeting.
Book awards are open, there are only 4 entries right now. Requested chapter heads to announce the award at their meetings. The Board discussed using social media for promotion of the contest. Suggested a Plan B if we do not get enough entries to run the contest, discussed an alternative for contest of an unpublished novel beginning, using the same contest format with reader scores and comments. The Board discussed Plan B of extending the deadline from end of August to end of September. The Board discussed having a “Purple Prose Contest” for parody writing. The Board unanimously approved running a simultaneous contest for unpublished novel beginnings as a “people’s choice” award.
There was nothing to discuss about critique groups.
The speaker’s bureau data is now accessible to review and add people to it.
Membership is at 504.
Newsletter is almost ready to go, with a technical difficulty holding the release. Received almost nothing from members. Requested chapter leadership to promote submissions for the newsletter. July issue of Pen In Hand is assembled. Format will be similar to January edition. Added a young writers section. MWA does have an account with Lightning Source and a bank of ISBN numbers. There was discussion about quality and quantity of submissions of Pen In Hand, the possibility that we need to build momentum now that these publications are regularly published, and the methods of soliciting submissions.
The Board examined a survey. Submit via email or any other method.
No report; it is summer break
ANNAPOLIS – survey monkey got 50 responses, resulting in changed start time to 7. Survey monkey is free, quick, very easy.
LOWER EASTERN SHORE—meet 2nd Tuesday of the month, people bring potluck, BYOB, some people read, they sort of play it by ear.
HOWARD COUNTY--meetings scheduled, speakers scheduled
MONTGOMERY COUNTY—survey in process to be used in planning
BALTIMORE—busy winter and spring, social media for writers is coming up, unleashing the creative muse, critique group, mining for memories
CARROL COUNTY—open house coming up, speakers are lined up through November, there is a crt group each month, NaNoWriMo event is lined up.
NEW BUSINESS--Discussed putting donation button on website. There was an email sent out with all info needed to get something up on the calendar, if you send all that info to Amy, she will put it up if you can’t.
The next meeting will be August 14
The meeting was adjourned at 8:51