CCLE Roadmap
ITPB Update
December 4, 2006
How we got to where we are today:
2002-2005In response to FCET vision for a cohesive environment:
• CMS consortium formed to examine problem and solutions
• National Sakai Project launched
• UCLA joins Sakai Project as a Partner institution
• UCLA Sakai Pilot launched
May, 2005Recommendation from FCET to ITPB for a Common Environment
November 2005Executive Sponsors endorse recommendation
ITPB endorses “work plan to select a shared framework for UCLA”
Executive Sponsors ask OIT to oversee full review process
January, 2006Create Functional and Technical Sponsor Groups (Appendix 1) to define principles, summarize needs and develop use cases
June, 2006Sponsor groups present joint report (Appendix 2) to the FCET
• recommend that “UCLA converge on a single open source platform as the standard campus solution for the CCLE course/collaboration tools.”
Sakai Pilot Sponsor Group provides report to the FCET. (Appendix 3)
July, 2006Create CCLE Assessment Taskforce (Appendix 4) to
• review potential open source solutions
• develop minimum requirements and select short list
• undertake an in-depth assessment of the short list of solutions
• provide the FCET with the results of their assessment
August, 2006• continue discussions with Deans and IT Directors to understand more about the needs of academic units and potential for CCLE adoption
• develop a CCLE implementation plan for review by the FCET and the Executive Sponsors
October 13, 2006• FCET discusses first draft of summary from Assessment Taskforce
• CCLE Project Oversight Group (Appendix 5) is formed to begin preliminary implementation planning.
October 30, 2006Final CCLE Assessment Taskforce provided to FCET
November 1, 2006Progress report to ITPB
November 3, 2006At this meeting, the FCET made the following decisions:
(1)UCLA should remain committed to and engaged with the higher education community in planning and achieving next-generation CCLE interoperability.
(2)UCLA should converge on Moodle as the “single open source platform” to serve “as the standard solution for the CCLE course/collaboration tools” (as defined by the FSG-TSG joint report).
November 14, 2006CCLE Business Plan Workgroup (Davies, Hernandez, Ryan, Sabean) established to develop plan for presentation to CITI
November 20, 2006OIT/ATS makes Moodle experimental site available
Where we are right now:
November 28, 2006Discussion with Common Systems Group
December 1, 2006Project Oversight Group hosts discussion with UCLA technical community, creates CCLE public information site
CCLE Executive Sponsors meet with Chancellor
December 4, 2006Discussion with IT Planning Board
December 8, 2006FCET discusses “opt-in” position statement and details expectations for UCLA continued engagement with the higher education community.
Target roadmap ahead:
December 2006:• Work with Deans and IT Directors to create CCLE Advisory Group
• Meeting with Deans
• Project Oversight Group establishes workgroups for tasks associated with technical integration of Moodle with campus systems, functionality, migration, and support.
• UCLA updates UC colleagues, Moodle and Sakai communities
January 2007:• Executive Sponsors present CCLE Business Plan to CITI
If funding for 2006-2007 is made available:
Winter Quarter 07Implement experimental (test) CCLE service, begin recruitment of CCLE staff, select early adopter units
Spring Quarter 07Alpha service for early adopter units
Summer 07Beta service for early adopter units; Sakai pilot service ends
Fall 07Phase I Production service for early adopter units
Appendix 1: Functional and Technical Sponsor Group membership
Appendix 2: Executive Summary of Joint Report
Appendix 3: Sakai Pilot Sponsors Overview of the Sakai Pilot
Appendix 4: Assessment Taskforce membership
Appendix 5: Project Oversight Group membership