·What is poetry slam?
Simply put, poetry slam is the competitive art of performance poetry. It puts a dual emphasis on writing and performance, encouraging poets to focus on what they're saying and how they're saying it.
·What is a poetry slam?
A poetry slam is a competitive event in which poets perform their work and are judged by members of the audience. Typically, the host or another organizer selects the judges, who are instructed to give numerical scores (on a zero to 10 or one to 10 scale) based on the poets' content and performance.
·Who gets to participate?
The vast majority of slams are open to everyone who wishes to sign up and can get into the venue. Though everyone who signs up has the opportunity to read in the first round, the lineup for subsequent rounds is determined by the judges' scores. In other words, the judges vote for which poets they want to see more work from.
·What are the rules?
Though rules vary from slam to slam, the basic rules are:
•Each poem must be of the poet's own construction;
•Each poet gets two-three minutes (plus a ten-second grace period) to read one poem. If the poet goes over time, points will be deducted from the total score.
•The poet may not use props, costumes or musical instruments;
•Of the scores the poet received from the five judges, the high and low scores are dropped and the middle three are added together, giving the poet a total score of 0-30.
·How does it differ from an open mike reading?
Slam is engineered for the audience, whereas a number of open mike readings are engineered as a support network for poets. Slam is designed for the audience to react vocally and openly to all aspects of the show, including the poet's performance, the judges' scores, and the host's banter.
·What can the audience do?
Audiences can boo or cheer at the conclusion of a poem, or even during a poem. At the Uptown Slam at Chicago's Green Mill Tavern where poetry slam was born, the audience is instructed on an established progression of reactions if they don't like a poet, including finger snapping, foot stomping, and various verbal exhortations. If the audience expresses a certain level of dissatisfaction with the poet, the poet leaves the stage, even if he or she hasn't finished the performance. Though not every slam is as exacting in its procedure for getting a poet off the stage, the vast majority of slams give their audience the freedom and the permission to express itself.

How to Write a SLAM poem…

First, start with a cause!
What are you passionate about?
What are you angry about?
What needs change in your world?
How does it make you feel?
Next, make a word bank
of important words that you want to include in your poem. Listen to how the words and phrases sound. Are there any that you could hinge your poem around?
Finally, start writing! Say your words aloud to hear them.
After all, it is going to be read aloud!

1. Select a topic to write your poem about. Then begin writing your poem. It should consist of short rhythmic stanzas that play upon the theme you have chosen. Slam poetry is typically quite strong and blunt.

2. Write your poetry to reflect some sort of current social more or rhetoric. Slam poetry makes a statement typically in a liberal fashion about something in modern society.

3. Research new slang words or relevant modern contextual references and then go back and revise your poetry, attempting to utilize these new resources. If you are trying to say the word "say," you might try "spit" or "spew" for more impact. The more visceral the better. Do not be too formal in your presentation since formality is the antithesis to slam poetry.

4. Read your poem out loud to a trusted friend who will give you honest feedback--preferably someone who knows a little about slam poetry culture.

5. Record yourself delivering your poem. Typically slam poetry contests are entered through visual submissions or in person. Make sure you are adamant and passionate in your delivery.


so you just want to take the edge off

one drink

one cigarette

one teeny weeny Prozac

get rid of the edge????

the edge is what Columbus sailed straight into

it's the launching pad for every space shuttle

the edge is Eve contemplating the apple

and what's life without an edge?

guess what, it's DULL

the edge is the cliff you've dangled from in a hundred nightmares

you never know what's over that edge

and there's only one way to find out

Brothers and sisters

where are we-

who are we-

if we take the edge off?

Lose the edge

and all you've got is middle

middle aged

middle class

middle of the road

middle management

you're dribbling along in the uncooked vanilla pudding of life

all fat

no lean, hard edge to drive you

sharpen your skills

your wit

your senses

the edge holds the answer to your questions

the question to your answers

it's the trailhead to the road not taken

the edge is everywhere

you've never dared to be

baby, if you're not on the edge

you're sleepwalking through been there done that

you're stuck watching reruns of somebody else's life

in the great mushy middle

where all the droning, moaning masses live

and eat and act and dress and think alike

and see the same movies

so they can have the same conversations and then

dream the same dreams

if they dream at all

on the edge you don't know

what anybody is going to do or say or think

the edge is not available on your cell phone, iPod, satellite dish

or anywhere in the googleable universe

and there are no disguises here

on the edge, everyone is naked

all bets are off

and the game's not rigged

the air is clear and brisk

your heart's pounding

you're shaking

you're lightheaded and queasy

you're scared

because everything is initiation

on that sharp unforgiving edge

damn right it's uncomfortable

the edge is change!

it's what you don't see coming

so get out of your comfort zone and

deal with it!

sure, the middle's safe

it's safe like hot cocoa, life jackets and training wheels

if that's how you want to live

if you don't ever want to break the rules

take risks

grow up

past your precious fears and life-strangling limitations

if you want to spend your life

eating what's put in front of you

and home entertaining yourself

till you suffocate on your miserably crippled existence

then go ahead-have a virtual life

but if you're tired and weary and battered

if you can't take one more bully

riding herd on your wild and precious life

if you're mad or sad or bored enough

to wake up and do something

if you're ready to feel the pain of the great

gaping wound your life has become

thengoddamnit, friend!

quit your job

quit smoking

quit whining

leave that jerk

write that poem

go dancing

get sober

take a road trip- a dare- a spin- a lover- a chance

honey, break down and cry if that's what it takes

then pick your self up

and for all you're worth run

don't walk

to the edge

--Lisa Martinovic