HOW TO WRITE A PAPER…..and get the full 25 points

You are to attend a Kendall campus (or approved concert or play) and write a two- page paper. Use 12 font and fill the entire page with the following: Above all, be very honest. This is not the place to placate the professor with words like: “changed my life”….”I’m changing my major to drama, music, dance, etc.”

Paragraph 1 - What did you see/hear – where – when – who did you go with.

Who was in the audience with you. How did they behave – did they use good “audience manners? How was the stage set? Was it appealing to the eye – was it professional-looking?

Paragraph 2 – What were your true feelings about going to this event. Had you ever been to such a concert/ play?

Paragraph 3 – Give an over-all description of the entire performance. Did it meet you expectations? Were you kept “awake”. Which parts were boring…and which were interesting. Was the audience involved with the performers? Did they listen well or were they distracted?

Paragraph 4 – What was your favorite part of the program? Was it a certain piece or monologue, dance or action, etc. Describe as best you can why this part of the program appealed to you. If music, give the title and composer of the work you liked.

Paragraph 5 – What pieces or actions did you find distasteful – why? Did the audience react appropriately to what they saw and heard. Did your mind wander?

Paragraph 6 – Did you find anything in the program that related to what you had learned in Hum 1020? Did you find that you personally related to a certain part of the program? Why do you think you did….or didn’t? Did the performers act like they were having fun…or were they too serious about their performance? How would you have felt if you were on that stage? Did that thought appeal to you at all?

Final paragraph - What was your final conclusion about what you saw? Did you feel good leaving the program or that you had wasted valuable time. Do you honestly think you will go to another such performance? Why do you think this is a requirement for students of the Humanities?