How to Send an Email from the System
Apex has a Send Email tool that allows you to send notifications to users, from the system.
The email will be in Plain Text format, and will be sent from the address. Even though you told the system what to send, it will look like it came from Apex.
In Admin Navigation, click Send Email.
You will see a list of Email Templates. This is a master list of all email templates created by any administrator.
Above the template list are several tabs. To send a system email, you’ll use the first three tabs, in order.
1. First, Choose a Template. This is the email you will send.
- Double-click an existing template to edit it, or
- Click Add New Template to create a new template.
- Add or edit the subject line that the recipients will see.
- Fill out the email as you want it to appear to the recipients.
2. Next, choose the recipients.
- Click the Distribution Lists tab, then click Add New Distribution List.
You can choose a single group of recipients, or you can selet multiple criteria.
- User Groups – goes to all members of an existing User Group, such as 1 Department.
- Basic User Info – goes to any user with the profile information that you define.
- Custom User Info – You can use SQL statements to write a dynamic rule. Good for when the other rules don’t fit your situation. Click the Help and Examples link on this tab, or contact the Education team for help with this feature.
- Content – goes to anyone assigned a piece of content that you choose.
- Content Groups – goes to anyone assigned to a particular content group.
- Class Sessions – goes to everyone who is enrolled in a particular session.
3. Third, send the email. Click the Send Email tab.
a. Select an Email Template from the dropdown list.
b. Select a Distribution list.
c. Click Queue Emails For Sending. Your emails will immediately be sent when you click this button.
You can view a list of emails that the system has sent by clicking on the Email History tab.