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How to Risk Manage Your Project or Activity Using


PART A Complete CHE_HSD_0260_Procedure for Project or Activity

1.  Fill in Personal Details

2.  Enter title of Procedure, Project or Activity

3.  Enter sections under Resources Required:

3.1 Fill in Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods (HMDG)

·  List all the chemicals, biological materials, gases liquid nitrogen etc. you will use along with the supplier and catalogue number.
·  List the Hazard Statements. Hazard or H statements can be found in the MSDS or SDS from the supplier website (eg. Sigma Aldrich) or CHEMALERT.
·  List the hazards (eg PC1 or PC2) for biological organisms.

3.2 Enter details of Equipment/ instruments/Machine/Plant

·  List Equipment/ instruments/Machine/Plant you will use.
·  Look up Equipment/ instruments/Machine/Plant on SafeSys to find a trainer.
If you don’t know how to find equipment on SafeSys follow instructions in:
How to find Equipment Records/ Safe Work Procedures (SWP) and Risk Management (RMF) in SafeSys in the APPENDIX
·  Find the trainer listed in the equipment details in the SafeSys Equipment document and record this under Proposed Trainer on the CHE_HSD-0260
·  Organise training and have this recorded on SafeSys
·  If the Equipment/ instruments /Machine /Plant is not listed SafeSys, see your supervisor or technical officer for advice.

3.3 List Custom Made Equipment and Rigs

·  You may be required to build or use a custom built rig for your experiments. If this is the case in the Experimental Equipment/ Rig section fill in the details of the rig, builder and associated hazards.
·  If you are not building or using an experimental rig-leave this section blank.

3.4 List Other Task Specific Training

·  Other safe work procedures (SWP’s) from SafeSys may be required for your work such as lift operation and filling dewars with liquid nitrogen.
Your technical officer or supervisor can assist with this.
·  If no additional training is required leave this section blank.

3.5 List Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and clothing

·  List Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and clothing you require based on the hazards and risk management. You may start with an initial draft list and add to this later.
·  Don’t forget to state the TYPE OF MATERIAL gloves etc. should be made from.

4.  List Step by step instructions for your experiment/ Activity

·  Think about all the steps required for your work and put these in a logical order.
·  These will form the basis of your risk management.

4.1 List Emergency shutdown procedures

·  How to shutdown your equipment/rig, gases, power etc. if there is an emergency. Consult equipment SWP’s or manuals to help you.

5. Complete Emergency Procedures using the Emergency response checklist

6. Complete Clean up and waste disposal requirements

6.1 Outline Waste and proposed disposal method

·  Think about the type and amount of waste you will produce eg. chemical, biological, glass etc. See your technical officer.
PART B Use SafeSys for Risk Management

1.  Log in to SafeSys

·  After you have completed the
CHE_HSD_0260_ Procedure for Project or Activity go to SafeSys https://safesys.unsw.edu.au/ (in Firefox) and login (use your z id and z pass)

2.  Click on Create New Risk Management Form

2.1. Fill in Document Details

·  In Title enter your staff/ student id number and then the name of your project/activity.
·  Enter Faculty, School and Approver. The approver is your supervisor.
·  Set Period of time before next review. This should be a maximum of 1 year

2.2. Risk Management Details

·  Copy completed CHE_HSD_0260_Procedure for Experiment or Activity into Risk Management Form Description. This can be done by using “select all” and copying.
·  Add Location/s eg KENC-F10-L1-113B and in Persons at Risk tick all the boxes except specify your own value.
·  In the Consultation Process box type the following: “Risk management to be discussed and approved by supervisor. Risk management is to be updated, reappraised and reapproved when changing any part of the experiment or activity.”
·  Related Safety Documents, Related Equipment and Related Activities can be left blank as the information has already been included in your CHE_HSD_0260_Procedure for Experiment or Activity
Save your documents regularly!!
·  At this stage, It may be best to save the Risk Management Form (RMF) (and this should be done every 15 minutes or so) as a draft. This is a precaution so you don’t lose the document.
·  Please note- Fields marked with a red asterisk * cannot be left blank otherwise you won’t be able to save the document.
o  Enter an x in all fields marked with a red asterisk *(these can be removed later as you go when you fill in the document).
o  In Hazards and Risk section enter zother in the Hazard category (can be removed later when you risk assess the process)
·  After saving as a draft click on your document (it should be near the top of the list) click Edit Item (top left corner) and add further details as required.

2.3. Assess Hazards and Risks

·  List each task/scenario and its associated hazard and risk. Modify SWP and risk assess again if risk rating is HIGH save the document to ‘draft’ regularly to avoid losing it.
·  Click on to add new hazards and identify controls

2.4. Other Risk Management Details

·  Emergency Procedures: Copy the completed Emergency Response checklist from your CHE_HSD_0260. Add other emergency procedures if required.
·  In Competency and Training Required refer to Health & Safety Training Requirements document in your white folder. Write “Training as per requirements in white folder”.

3.  Attach documents to your RMF

·  If chemical is restricted, carcinogen or radioactive attach MSDS/SDS and other documentation.
·  If required, attach relevant instrument manuals etc. on to the RMF.
·  Save and submit document to your supervisor.

4.  After supervisor has approved the document

·  Declare as “READ”
·  Print out first page and put in your white folder.
·  Submit with other white folder requirements to School Office L3
Appendix: How to find Equipment Records/ Safe Work Procedures (SWP) and Risk Management Forms (RMF) in SafeSys

Before you start:

·  Chemical Engineering equipment is identified by an Item number that looks like this example: ENG-CEIC-EQUIP-1440.
·  Do not refer to equipment from other Schools- all Chemical Engineering equipment has CEIC as part of the item number.
·  A similar convention is used for SWP’s and RMF’s. Chemical Engineering Document Numbers look like: ENG-CEIC-SWP-3106 or ENG-CEIC-RMF-2911
·  Do not refer to SWP’s or RMF’s from other Schools- all Chemical Engineering equipment has CEIC as part of the document number

How to find equipment in SafeSys

·  Open SafeSys (in Firefox) : https://safesys.unsw.edu.au and login (use your z id and z pass)
·  Click on View the Equipment Register icon on the top of the page.
·  Go to School: Click on the down arrow on the right hand side and select School of Chemical Engineering. (If you click on SAVE THIS VIEW on the top middle of the page and type in a personal keyword you can keep the current Chemical Engineering sort filter)

Searching for Equipment/Instruments

·  There are a number of ways to find items on SafeSys. A few are included here:
o  You can find equipment/ instruments by typing title:*keyword* in the search box. For example if you type title:*TGA* a number of entries will be returned:
One of these has the Equipment Title Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) Q5000_TA Instruments_SN_957001.901 and the Item Number ENG-CEIC-EQUIP-985.
o  You can select the equipment/instrument you wish to look at under Title (you can sort alphabetically by clicking Title)
o  If you know the Document Number type the four digit identifier in Find an item and click on the magnifying glass.
·  Click on the Equipment Title to load the Equipment Record

Loading related a SWP or RMF from the Equipment Record

·  If you go to Related Safety documents you will find a Safe work Procedure (SWP) eg. “ENG-CEIC-SWP-3923-CHE_SWP_Laminar Flow Cabinet” or Risk Management (RMF) which helps you with your training.
·  Click on the SWP or RMF identifier to load SWP or RMF

How to find SWP’s and RMF’s

·  If you are not logged in to SafeSys: Open SafeSys (in Firefox) : https://safesys.unsw.edu.au and login (use your z id and z pass)
·  Click on Health and Safety Forms on the left hand side of the page (near the top)
·  Go to School- click on the down arrow on the RHS and select School of
Chemical Engineering. (If you click on SAVE THIS VIEW on the top middle of the page and type in a personal keyword you can keep the current Chemical Engineering sort filter)

Searching for SWP’s and RMF’s

·  Here are a few ways to find items on SafeSys
o  You can find an SWP or RMF by typing title:*keyword* in the Find and item box and click on the magnifying glass. The asterisks at both ends of the word are important as the word may be embedded in the title.
If you type title:*laminar* a number of entries will be returned- one of which has the Title CHE_SWP_Laminar Flow Cabinet and the Document Number ENG-CEIC-SWP-3293.
o  You can select the equipment/instrument you wish to look at under Title (you can sort alphabetically by clicking Title)
o  If you know the Document Number type the four digit identifier in the Find an item box and click on the magnifying glass.
·  Click on the Title to load the Document

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