How to Paraphrase and Avoid Plagiarism
by Dr. Brian Campbell (2017)

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How to Paraphrase

Dear students,

Each semester, several students commit unintentional plagiarism on their first Journal Article Review (JAR). Please carefully read the article I sent you "How to Avoid Plagiarism." I recommend that you download the article and carefully study it. I wouldalso recommend that you print out and studythe Summary section of mySample Journal Article Review. In this email, I want to highlightinformation on thetopic ofparaphrasing.

Most studentshave never had training on how to properly paraphrase. They think that if you just change a few words from the source then you are paraphrasing the author's work. Unfortunately, this is not correct.

Below,I have highlighted some basicinformation on paraphrasing.

  1. Paraphrasing Defined:Paraphrasingrefers to “taking a specific passage from another source and putting it in your own words” (PWWI, n.d., Slide 9). When you paraphrase the words or thoughts ofsomeone else,you must provide a properly formatted citation(PWWI, n.d., Slide 14).
  1. Avoid Problems Associated with Paraphrasing:Paraphrasing involves: reading and understanding the meaning of what the author is trying to say; putting the author’s thoughts into your own words; and, using your own sentence structures. To avoid problems with paraphrasing, follow these “Four Rs” of paraphrasing (Principles of Paraphrasing, n.d., Module 3, Slide 10):

The Four Rs of Paraphrasing
Recheck(to make sure you have not directly quoted)
(Harvard Graduate School of Education, n.d., Module 3, Slide 10)

Stated differently, correct paraphrasing involves:

Paraphrasing Involves:
  • Understanding a passage
  • Internalizing the meaning of the text
  • Restating the important points in your own voice
(Harvard Graduate School of Education n.d., Module 2, Slide 5)
  1. ParaphrasingDoesn’tJust Refer to “Words”:Remember,paraphrasingpertains to more than just revising thewordsthat someone else wrote;paraphrasingalso pertains to revising theideascontained in the words of others.

If you attempt toparaphraseideas from another author/source, you must still provide a citation that specifies the source of the ideas you are paraphrasing. Remember, you must provide an in-text citation for anyideathat is based on something you read from another source—this includes ideas you are paraphrasing.

  1. Use In-Text Citations for Paraphrased Material: To avoid plagiarism, provide an in-text citation foreach and everysentence you write that contains paraphrasedideas(in whole or in part) that are not your own (PWWI, n.d., Slide 14).

Dr. Campbell