Short Stories Media Assignment - English 2D


You are an advertising genius! You have been asked to create a magazine advertisement for a new product/service. A lot of money is being spent to hire you so you need to make an ad that will become just as famous as the Coppertone ad created in 1953 (see above) so that it is copied in pop culture for years to come!!

You alone are responsible for making sure this advertising campaign is effective. Here’s what you are to include in your assignment:

1. A magazine advertisement which you have created to introduce your product/service to the target audience

2. A formal report detailing all aspects of your marketing campaign (details given on next sheet)


The product/service you choose to advertise must be INSPIRED by one of the short stories we have read in class. Here are some examples … but you can come up with your own, just be sure to get the product/service checked by Mr. MacDonald first before proceeding with your advertisement.

“Lather and Nothing Else”:

-the razor blade that never cuts skin

-a barber shop that will hide your secrets while your hair is cut

“A Secret Lost in the Water”:

-an alder branch that is guaranteed to work

-a service that “guarantees” your children will do what you want them to do!

“On the Sidewalk Bleeding”

-a Royals Jacket that will protect you from being jumped

- time machine to correct the wrong choices you have made in life

Part ONE:

Your magazine advertisement must include the following techniques:

a) name of product / service

b) dominant feature

c) effective use of language

d) visual features

The ad should be regular magazine size (ex. 8.5 by 11 paper)

You may use a computer to create your advertisement or you can create it by “hand.”

Part TWO:

You must write a report to be handed in with your advertisement. You must answer the following questions.

a) Explain the purpose of your ad. What is your explicit message? What is your implicit message?

b) Describe your target audience for this product (be specific - age, sex, financial status, educational background, marital status, occupation, etc.). Explain why you have targeted this particular group and what your product will do for them.

c) What kind of magazine / print publication will your advertisement be in? Why did you choose that particular medium? (Suggestion: Research actual publications to see if they would be appropriate for your ad)

d) Comment on the techniques you used in your ad, specifically:

·  What is your dominant feature and how did you make it stand out?

·  What language techniques did you use? How are they effective?

·  What visual features did you use? How do you hope these will grab your audience’s attention?

e) What impact do you hope your ad has? Comment on your ad as a whole, explaining how your techniques (in d) help to convey your ad’s purpose.

Your report should be typed, double spaced, and organized effectively using headings.

Read the rubric for this assignment to make sure you have covered all required elements.