How to make a quilt sleeve—quick! (video)

Posted byJennyon September 24, 2013, inquilting & sewing,quilt reference,quilt tips,quilting tutorials,video tutorials

Mary Burns, marketing coordinator, readying quilts to hang in the Quilt Market booth, Fall 2012.

Your quilt is finished—and you want the whole world to see it! Beyond a bed, a perfect place to show off a quilt you’re proud of is on a wall. No matter the size, quilts on walls instantly offer a beauty and coziness that can rival any canvas or photograph. Quilts on walls can even help insulate a room and cut down on sound distortion. Leave it to a quilt to be both beautifulandpractical!

So, how do you hang a quilt on the wall, anyway? To protect, secure, and show off your quilt, use a hanging sleeve for quilt display. If you haven’t bound your quilt yet, you can add a permanent sleeve to the back of your quilt (download our free “How to Make a Hanging Sleeve” instructions from ourHow to Quiltpage). But what if your binding is already sewn? No problem. There’s another way that’s quick, easy…and totally temporary!

Our marketing coordinator, Mary Burns (right), is the organizational powerhouse behind our twice-yearly journeys to Quilt Market, where we display lots of quilts for a very short time. Occasionally, a quilt that needs to hang in the booth doesn’t have a hanging sleeve. Does that ruffle Mary’s feathers? No way! That’s because she’s got a quick quilt-hanging technique up her…well, sleeve! Let Mary show you how to quickly get a quilt ready for a wall in our latest how-to video.

Watch the “How to Make a Quilt Sleeve” video on YouTube
Thanks for explaining how the pros do it, Mary!

Canyoutell the difference between the sewn-in quilt sleeves and the safety-pin sleeves?

Quilt Market booth panning left (with account manager Dorothy and retired customer-service manager Chris)…

Quilt Market booth panning right.

Neither can we!

For even more ideas, see this post abouthow to hang a quilt on a wall.

—Voni on September 24, 2013

I always just staple my wall hanging quilts to the wall. I staple in the edges of the binding and you can barely see it. The best part is that the staples leave the smallest of holes in the wall. Not nearly as large a hole as a thumbtack or nail would make. Try it, I’ve been doing it for years.

I use heavy black binder clips from the local office supply house. They are durable enough to hold the heaviest of quilts and don’t leave any marks or holes when they are hanging. The hole in the handles of the binder clips are easily slipped over a nail or coat hanger for better viewing depending on where you want to hang your quilt. I use the coat hangers to hang on the gutters of my roof when I’m taking pictures.

How do you hang a quilt on the wall?

Posted byMary Burnson July 17, 2012, inquilting & sewing,quilting tutorials

You’ve finally completed your quilt, taken the final stitches to attach the binding, and it’s ready to hang, either in your home or at your guild’s quilt show. So now the big question is, how to hang it? Well, you’ve come to the right place for answers! Trust Martingale to find you several options for attaching sleeves and hanging your quilt.

As Marketing Coordinator, my job includes displaying quilts from new Martingale books, both in our office fortour groupsand in our booth atQuilt Market. Usually authors turn in their quilts with the sleeves already attached. However, when you have a deadline to turn in 15 to 20 quilts with your final manuscript, you might not have time to attach a sleeve to every one. So that’s where I come in. But more on that later. First, let’s look at a roundup of clever methods for hanging quilts.

1.How to Hang Quilts the Museum Way(tutorial)
Amy Hodge ofAmy a la Modeshows how to hang a quilt invisibly—so classy!—a method she learned from theSan Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. (Hint: it involves a flat piece of wood and two screw eyes, and it’s super easy!)

2.Seven Ways to Hang Small Quilts(plus how to display them with a plate stand)
Ami Simms, founder and executive director of theAlzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative, has hung a lot of quilts for a worthy cause (and her organization has raised more than $730,000 for Alzheimer’s research since January 2006). Here you’ll find terrific photos showing different ways to hang small quilts. Plus, if you’ve run out of wall space, you can learn how to display your small quilts on plate stands!

3.Easy No-See Hanging Tabs(tutorial)
Have you used hanging tabs on a quilt? Over atModify Tradition, Crystal shows how, with lots of helpful photos.

4.How to Hang Quilts from a Yardstick(tutorial)
Would a vintage look fit your decor? Here’s a clever way to reuse yardsticks or rulers as quilt hangers. When we asked Ann Hermes ofNotes from the Quilt Labfor permission to include her tutorial in this list, she graciously agreed and even sent a great photo of her “yardstick gallery” (below right). Talk about charming!

5.How to Make Rod Pockets with Double-Fold Triangles(tutorial)
If you liked the triangle pockets shown in the AAQI post (#2 on our list), Nicole atMama Love Quiltstells how to make them, step by step, in a fun photo tutorial.

6. How to Hang a Quilt on a Wall the Martingale Way
I said earlier that we’d get back to me, and here I am madly pinning. That’s right! When it comes to hanging a quilt on a wall at Martingale, we use premade sleeves and pin them on with lots of safety pins, about every 6 to 8 inches. And nobody’s the wiser! We put inexpensive brass rods through the sleeves and then hang the rods on dowels nailed permanently to the wall. These clever dowels have been miter-cut on one end and drilled with a hole just big enough for a finishing nail to be glued in.

7.How to Make a Hanging Sleeve
When you’re new to making quilt sleeves, it helps to have a set of illustrated instructions. And that’s just what you’ll find inHow to Make a Hanging Sleeve, the newest PDF at ShopMartingale’sHow to Quilt page. With just three steps and clear illustrations, it’s a quick and easy reference you can use when it’s time for hanging a quilt on the wall.

8. How to Hang a Wall Hanging in a Hurry
Of course, you can always take the easy way out and avoid having to put on a sleeve on your quilt at all! Simplypurchase some beautiful decorative hangersthat clip to the top of your quilt and voila! You’re done!