December 6, 2017 5:00 pm

Conference Room

Call to order Janet called to order at 5:21

Members present: Erin Rosburg, Janet Becker, Kris Stocks, Bonnie Hayes, Jen Kugel, and Kim Willie Absent: Becky Meisgeier

1.  Secretary's Reports: Motioned to accept secretary’s report as read by Bonnie and seconded by Jen. Motioned passed.

2.  Treasurer's Report: Checking Balance: 11/29/2017 through check #2508 $16,352.77

Saving Balance: 12/6/2017 $6887.

●  One outstanding check from January not been deposited.

●  Motioned to accept treasurer’s report as read by Janet and seconded by Erin.

3.  Old Business:

a.  Black book update: Balance: $5228.08

b.  Review 2017/2018 concessions

●  Upcoming dates/workers: Updated opener and closer on spreadsheet for the rest of December

●  Clubs doing concession stands: Student Leadership has requested a concession stand. Currently there are no open dates. We will let them have one if we pick a District basketball game.

●  Black book policies: At least Bimonthly worker blackbook account spreadsheet will be updated. Keep worker slips for documentation. Student workers must work at least 2 hours to earn a meal ticket.

c.  Electronic banking Update: Electronic banking is currently set up. It’s nice to see deposits as soon as they are made.

d.  Music/SMA scholarships criteria/protocol: May 5, 2014 minutes reflect $250 per student up to 4 students per year to attend fine arts camp. Janet will contact Mrs. Zitelman about college scholarships. Table further discussion to next meeting.

e.  Five year plan: Need input from directors. Discussed needing to put equipment in concession stand on a replacement rotation. What would new choir robes cost? Will we need to replace popcorn maker? Continue discussion at next meeting

f.  Contributions for improvements: Kim reached out to the Booster club. Tabled until next meeting to wait for grant results

g.  Request for funding:

●  Allison McIntrye has requested payment for Michael Hamlett for accompaniment at her concert. Motion to pay $200 for mileage and accompaniment made by Kris, seconded by Bonnie. Motion passed

●  The MS and HS student council have requested SMA donate a bag of popcorn on December 12 for the food drive for people who bring a food item to the basketball games. We have a club scheduled to work that event, it would be unfair to give away popcorn. Request was denied.

4. New Business:

a.  Scholarship payments:

●  We had a question about scholarship payments. Kris will get in touch will the parent in question. Emailed to get more information from Janet Zitelman.

●  Motion for reimbursement of Meistersinger camp 2017 for 5 students by Jen, seconded by Erin. Motion passed

5. Adjournment : Next meeting Wed January 31st at 5:30 HS conference room

Motion to adjourn 7:21 by Janet, seconded by Kris. Motion passed.