OPTION 1 Directions: (Use if you are using pictures, captions, sound, etc)

r  1. Create a folder on the desktop to save your project materials in. (Right click and choose “new” then “folder”)

r  2. Search the internet for the images you would like to use for your project. (google images)

r  3. Save each image by right clicking on the picture and choosing “save image as”, then select the folder you made from the drop down menu. Name your image then click “save”.

r  4. Once you have all of the images you will need (approximately 50+), open Windows Movie Maker in the “start” menu.

r  5. Choose “import pictures” from the left side menu. Then select your folder on the desktop from the dropdown menu. Select all of the pictures you want to use for your movie by holding down the “shift” key and click on them. Once they’re all selected, click “import”.

r  6. Choose “import audio or music”, select the location of the music from the dropdown menu, then select the track, and click “import”.

r  7. Drag images one at a time into the frames “story board” at the bottom of the page in the order that you want them to play.

r  8. Drag music icon into the “story board” to the location where you would like it to start playing.

r  9. Choose “view video effects” from the left side menu. Choose any effects you want for each of your slides then drag that effect over the frame.

r  10. Choose “view video transitions” from the left side menu. Choose any slide transitions for between each frame, then drag that effect into the small boxes between frames.

r  11. Choose “make titles or credits” from the left side menu. Choose which option you want to do. Complete the steps then click “done”. THIS IS HOW YOU WILL INCLUDE YOUR STORY. If you are stuck, please ask for help!

r  12. When you are finished, choose “save to my computer”. Name your movie, then choose your folder on the desktop by clicking “browse”, then selecting it. Choose “next”, then “next” again to start saving your movie.

r  Notes:

o  To play a “test run” of your movie, choose the play button on the top of the story board. You may do this at any time to see how your effects work.

o  To delete any effects, right click on what you want to get rid of, then choose “delete effects”.

OPTION 2 Directions: (Directions written by a student / include creating an uploading a video)

r  1. Open Windows Movie Maker (after you’ve already uploaded your video clips from your camera onto your computer and saved them.)

r  2. The steps to making your movie should then be listed on a side toolbar. The program basically explains itself.

r  3. Upload the videos you want to use from your saved documents (use webcam to create video)

r  4. Drag/drop them onto the timeline that is at the bottom of the window. Put them in the order in which you want them to appear in the movie.

r  5. You can add any music you have saved on your PC over certain clips by clicking “Import audio or music”

r  6. You can then edit the movie by clicking “Make titles or credits,” “View video transitions,” or “View video effects”

r  7. When finishing your movie you can send it in an e-mail, save it to your computer to upload to YouTube, or, if you have a DVD Maker application on your PC, you can burn it to a DVD.