Arts and Education: Creative ways into languages
FirstAuthor ()
Second Author ()
The paper must have an abstract that stating briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. References should therefore be avoided, but if essential, they must be cited in full, without reference to the reference list. The abstract should be one paragraph, indented 0.3 cm on both sides, in Times New Roman 9 point font,justified, with single spacing. Itshould contain about 120-200 words. The heading “Abstract” should be 10 point, bold, centred, with one line space below it.
Keywords: provide a maximum of 5 keywords, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts. Use Times New Roman, 10 points, justified, and single spacing.
This template contains all the necessaryinformation for the formatting of the full papers to be published in the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers. If you have any inquiries with regard to this template please contact the conference secretariat at.
For full papers the entire contribution (including figures, references, everything) can be no longer than eight (8) pages. The proceedings will be printed on A4-size paper (21 x 29.7 cm). All material on each page should fit within a rectangle of (17cm x 24.7cm), centred on the page, beginning 2.5cm from the top of the page and ending with 2.5cm from the bottom. The left and right margins should be 2cm. The text should be in two (8.1cm) columns with a 0.8cm gutter. All text must be in a two-column format and justified. Use Times Roman 10 points for the text and single spacing. Leave two line spaces between the last author listed and the text of the paper.
The title should inform the reader plainly and concisely what the paper is about and should be Times New Roman bold, capitals, centred, 14 pts, single spacing. Leave one line space between the title and the first author listed. Each author’s name should appear on a separate line, Times New Roman,11 point, bold and centred, with the author’s email address in brackets. Please avoid underliningweb addresses or email addresses.Under each author’s name list the author’s affiliation and postal address in Times New Roman, 10 points, centred, not bold. Leave one line space between first author’s address and second author’s name.
Do not include headers, footers or page numbers in your submission and do not use hyphenation. These will be done at publishing.
Indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.4 cm. Please, do not add extra vertical space between paragraphs.
First-level headings should be 12 point, caps, bold and centred. Leave 10pts space above and 3pts space below the heading. First-level headings should be numbered accordingly with Arabic numbers (e.g. 2).
2.1. Second level headings
Second-level headings should be Times New Roman, 11 points, initial caps, bold, and flush left. Leave 10pts space above and 3pts space below the heading. Second-level headings should be numbered according first-level headings (e.g. 2.1).
2.1.1. Third level headings
Third-level headings should be Times New Roman 10 points, bold, and flush left. Third-level headings should be numbered according to second-level headings (e.g. 2.1.1). Leave 6ptsspace above and 3pts space below the heading. More than three levels of headings are highly discouraged.
2.2. Copyright notice
Please incorporate the copyright notice exactly as it appears in the lower left-hand corner of the first page. It is set at8pts Times New Roman, with a 0.5pt box.
2.2.1. List Bullet
- Use Times New Roman 10 pts, single spacing, justified, indentation 0.3 cm, hanging by 0.4 cm.
- Use Times New Roman 10 pts, single spacing, justified, indentation 0.3 cm, hanging by 0.4 cm.
3.1. Footnotes
Indicate footnotes with a number[1] in the text. Set the footnotes at 9 point at the bottom of the page on which they appear. Precede the footnote with a horizontal rule.[2]
3.2. Tables
Place tables close to where they are first mentioned in the text; do not split a table across pages. Number tables consecutively. Place the table number and title (in Times New Roman, 9 points, centred) below the table with one line space abovethe table and one line space below the table caption, as in Table 1. You may set wide tables across both columns.
Factors / PercentagesFactor 1 / 87.0 %
Factor 2 / 56.8 %
Factor 3 / 42.3 %
Factor 4 / 24.1 %
Table1.Table caption template
3.3. Figures, charts, images
All artwork must be coloured or black and white but their analysis should be at least 300 dpi. Artwork should not be hand drawn. Number figures sequentially, placing the figure number and caption, in Times New Roman, 9 points, centred, after the figure with one line space above the figure and one line space below figure caption, as in Figure 1. If necessary, leave extra white space at the bottom of the page to avoid splitting the figure and figure caption. You may set wide tables across both columns.
Figure 1: Figure caption template
Follow the APA Publication Manual (6th edition) for citation format, both within the text and in the reference list. You can find more information about ΑPA Publication Manual on the internet (e.g.
Alphabetize references by the surnames of the authors, with single-author entries preceding multiple-author entries. Order references by the same authors by the year of publication, with the earliest reference first. Please avoid underlining web addresses.
Use a first-level section heading for the reference list. Format references setting indentation left and right 0.3 cm, hanging by 0.4 cm. Use Times New Roman, 10 points, justified.
In the “REFERENCE” section you can find sample references for a book, book chapter, journal article, electronic source, and conference paper respectively.
Place acknowledgements, including funding information, in a separate section before the references.Do not place acknowledgements as a footnote on the first page.
Lastname, R. (2006). Book title. City: Publisher.
Family-Name, J. (2000). Book chapter title. In B. Editor (Ed.), Book title. City: Publisher.
Surname, A. (2007). Journal article title. Journal Title,12, 47-58.
Researcher, G.Scholar, J., (2001). Article title. Online Journal Title, 4, 106-118. Retrieved June 13, 2008, from
Author, G., & Co-author, M. (2005). Conference paper title. In: J. A. Editor, E. Secondeditor, & A. G. Thirdeditor (Eds.), Proceedings title (pp. 182-191). Proceedings of the Conference Title; Conference place, Country, Month 3-5, 2005. City: Publisher.
[1] Sample of the first footnote
[2] Sample of the second footnote