Planning your

Wedding . . .

Nampa First Church

of the Nazarene

601 16th Avenue South, Nampa, Idaho 83651

Phone 466-3549 Fax 466-9465

We believe that marriage is a gift of God;

a lifelong, Christ-centered union between a man and a woman.

Planning Your Wedding

The wedding service is an act of worship with its focus upon you as you express vows to God and to your partner for life. We are planning for your wedding to be one of the most joyous and beautiful events of your life. The Nampa First Church of the Nazarene offers facilities, equipment and personnel to help make your wedding a dream event for you to look back on over the years.

You are required by Idaho State Law to register. Those solemnizing marriage within the state of Idaho are acting both as representatives of the church of Christ and as representatives of the state itself. After registering, take the following steps with regard to your church.

Before the Wedding Service

The marriage itself, which was ordained of God for our well-being, honor and happiness, is also an experience for the fulfillment of life. The state has passed laws that regulate marriage, but it is from God Himself that marriage has been derived. It is proper that a minister of Christ’s church solemnize these vows.

A.Any minister who is a member of Nampa First Church of the Nazarene may officiate a wedding in the church facilities. The bride may request in advance and receive permission from the pastoral staff for another member of the Christian ministry to perform a wedding within the building.

B.Pre-marital counseling is required. Check with the officiating pastor for details and scheduling.

C.Start early . . . Nampa First Church of the Nazarene has a very active and exciting church calendar filled with programs and activities. In order to make sure that the church calendar does not conflict with the events that you are planning for your wedding, it should be cleared with the church’s Facility Coordinator well in advance.

D.All weddings are required to use the services of a wedding coordinator provided by Nampa First Church. If you plan to have your reception at the church, a church reception coordinator will also be required. The reception coordinator will provide you with separate guidelines and fees related to the reception. The coordinators are trained in the policies and procedures and oversee the compliance thereof.

  1. Both the wedding and reception coordinators will meet with you in order to coordinate all the events of the wedding festivities. All questions regarding the wedding/reception policies should be directed to them. Our hope and prayer is that we can lift as much worry from you as possible.

F.The following policies are adopted by the Church Board and must be followed for all weddings. Your wedding & reception coordinators will answer any questions you have about these policies.

  1. All weddings held at Nampa First Church must be cleared with the church calendar so that no conflict occurs between the wedding and scheduled church activities.
  1. Facilities reserved for your wedding are available for your use at 10:00 am on the day prior to your event. This is the earliest time you may enter the facilities for decorating, rehearsal, etc.
  1. The church is not responsible for loss or theft that takes place during the reception.

4.Throwing of rice, birdseed, confetti, glitter or any other material is strictly prohibited.

5.All fees will be billed to you immediately following the wedding and are due and payable upon receipt.

6.Only drip less candles may be used in any church facility, and all candles must be

approved by the coordinator. A mat must be placed under all candles to catch the wax. Tea light candles are not to be used in any area unless they are contained in a previously approved receptacle.

  1. Use of and moving of church greenery must be approved in writing by the custodial supervisor.
  1. Moving of any musical instruments (piano, organ, drums, etc.) or any sound equipment (speakers, monitors, bass woofers, etc.) must be approved in advance by the Sound Technician or the Music Minister.
  1. Any weddings or receptions held on Saturday may be scheduled to start no later than 2:00 pm (or immediately after a wedding) due to work involved by the custodial staff. No weddings will be scheduled on Sundays.
  1. Gifts and decorations must be removed from the church immediately following the reception.

11. If your reception is not being held at the church, reception items are not available eg; tables, chairs, punch bowls, mirrors, centerpieces, etc.

12. The wedding or reception coordinator is not responsible for decorating or tear down. It is the responsibility of the wedding party to decorate for the wedding and reception, and they are to provide a crew for tear down. NFC has a large number of items that are available for your use to decorate, however they must be requested two weeks prior to the wedding date. The facility reserves the right to decline any changes after the two week deadline.


1.No drinks with red dye may be used in any church facilities. Red dye will permanently stain carpets and tablecloths.

2.No pyrotechnics may be used.

3.No nails may be used to hang up decorations. Decorating plan must be presented with the Facility & Equipment Use Form and approved two weeks prior to the event.

  1. No dancing is allowed in any NFC facility in accordance with the Church of the Nazarene Manual.
  1. Participants of all receptions held on the grounds of Nampa First Church will abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco.

Decorations: Nampa First Church has the following available for your use:

For the Wedding: These items may not be removed from sanctuary.



7 Columns and 7 boxes to set columns on

6 Drapes and rods to go between columns

Fabric scarves for columns – white, gold, and green

Misc. tulle – both in bolts and 6” rolls – white and colors

Pew bows – white, cream, purple, pink, blue & brown

Kneeling bench

2 podiums

1-center candelabra (holds 15 candles)

2 swirl candelabras (hold 13 candles each)

Extra candelabra pieces including 2 bouquet holders for top of candelabras

1-unity candelabra

2 candle lighters

14 pewlabras

18 glass shades for pewlabras

4 cylinder stands 36”tall with 12”square tops

2 cylinder stands 24”tall with 12”tops

2 square stands 12”tall

Roll of vinyl to cut for under candelabras

Rolls of ribbon – both cream and white colors

1 ring bearer pillow – white

1 flower girl basket

Box of lighting tapers for candle lighters

Extension cords

Box of candles (7”) to use with pewlabras

Mechanical candles

Wicks for mechanical candles

Ivy garland and lights and tulle for aisles

6 sets of lights – green cord

Misc. tablecloths to use on gift table

Misc. candles

6 battery-operated candles (6”)

Battery-operated votive candles

2 star shaped crystal candleholders

White spray paint – for wooden boxes that columns go on

1 communion chalice and plate

1 gift cardholder – white birdcage

3 silk tree plants (6’ and 7’)

Plastic aisle runners

Supply drawers on wheels

Bride’s emergency kit

Crystal hand bell

Updated 7-20-2010



*Communion elements and serving trays for wedding party

For the Reception: (see the reception guidelines for a complete list and for other rental items)

Decorating is the responsibility of the wedding party for both the wedding and reception. No screws or nails may be used. Flowers or ribbons may be tied to the pews or attached with floral tape or pew clips only. It is also your responsibility to take down decorations from the wedding and reception. The bride is also responsible for all food and beverages served at the reception.

* Note that extra cleaning fees apply to the use of these items



Nampa First Church

of the Nazarene

601 16th Avenue South ∙ Nampa, Idaho 83651 ∙ (208) 466-3549

Fax: (208) 466-9465 ∙ email:



(We conduct weddings for NFC families only – no community weddings)

The intent of our church is to provide both a beautiful and well-furnished environment for weddings. We want to minister at these special times of celebration. It is for this reason that the church offers specialized talent in the persons of coordinators, technical specialists, custodians, etc. The following fees are charged:

Calendar Confirmation Fee/ damage Deposit$ 100.00*

*This damage deposit will be applied to your fees upon satisfactory inspection of the facilities after the wedding by the Facilities Manager. The cost of any damaged items will be deducted from the deposit at fair market value.

NFC Church Family/Regular Attenders Use: The fees below are charged to cover “out of pocket” expenses incurred by the church for these events (i.e. utilities, restroom supplies, paper goods, etc.). NOTE: This discount does not apply to fees for workers who are hired for their activity (e.g., coordinators, technicians, & youth department representatives).

Room Rental Rates:

Ferdinand Hall$ 137.50


Chapel$ 37.50

Parlor$ 37.50

The Forum$ 87.50

Kitchen$ 37.50

Required Workers:

Wedding Coordinators (work in teams of two)$15.00/hr. per person

Kitchen Supervisor:$15.00/hr.

Kitchen Assistant (depending on size of event, may not be needed):$12.50/hr.

Custodial Fee (up to 5 man hours)$ 75.00

(Additional hours at $15.00 per man hour as needed)

Sound Technician$ 30.00/hr. (max $ 150.00)

Lighting/Video Technician$ 25.00/hr. (max $ 150.00)

Tablecloth Rental$3.00/each

Chair Back Cover Rental$0.25/each

*Individuals involved in your wedding such as musicians and clergy are the direct responsibility of the bride and groom. You may discuss customary honoraria with our Wedding Coordinator.
Nampa First Church of the Nazarene

Wedding Registration Form

After staff approval of your requested wedding date, return this completed form along with your $100 deposit. Upon receipt, your date will be confirmed on the church facility calendar and your coordinator(s) notified.

Name of Bride Phone Hm. Wk.

Current Address City State Zip

Name of Groom Phone Hm. Wk.

Current Address City State Zip

Person responsible for fees:  Bride  Groom  Other

Address for billing after the wedding: City State Zip

Date requested for wedding Alternate date

Time requested for wedding (Note: 2:00 pm is the latest time allowed on Saturdays)

Minister performing ceremony

Facility requested for ceremony:  Sanctuary (1,700 seats)  Chapel (100 maximum)

 Other

Date requested for rehearsal Time requested for rehearsal


Approved by Minister Calendar Date Cleared

Deposit ($100) Date Paid: Ck # (attach copy of check)

Refund Due: Date Paid:

Base Fees Due: Wedding $ Reception $ Date Paid:

Additional Fees: Wedding $ Reception $ Total Due: $

 Member Fees  Non-Member Fees Date Billed: Date Add'l Fees Paid:

Reasons for Additional Fees:

Custodial Comments:

Routing: Minister Wedding Coordinator Database Administrator

 Bookkeeper Shower Coordinator Wedding Archivist

 Reception Coordinator ______ ______

Location of reception Time requested for reception

Type of reception:  Cake & punch  Buffet & Dessert  Formal Dinner
