How to install LaTeX:

Go to

In this page, you will find the following paragraph.

Click where it says CTAN: You will go to a new page…


Now click on WinEdt 5.5 (England) and install the program…

If everything goes well, once the installation is finished the program will open in a window looking more or less like this:

Probably, some of the toolbars will not appear at the beginning, but you can change that. For example, in order to get the lower bar, that contains all sorts of mathematical symbols, you will need to do the following: Right-click somewhere over the toolbar area. Choose the option “Show GUI page control”.

Now you have the software, but this is not enough. You still need to get a lot of files in order for your program to work. Select MiKTeX’s home page in the same page from which you downloaded WinEdt.

On the new page select “download MiKTeX 2.7”

Once in the new page select to download the basic MiKTeX system by clicking on the Download button below.

This may take quite a while! Once it is done, your program should be working (perhaps you will still need to go to Options->Configurations->MiKTeX). In order to check this, save in your computer the mocklatex.tex and citylogo.eps files that you can download from my web page:

Once you have saved the two files in the same folder, open the mocklatex.tex file with WinEdt. LaTeX is a sort of programmation language so that a tex file does not look like the kind of document that you want to see at the end. The document is written in LaTeX code. In order to transform this into a pdf file you need first to compile the program by pressing on the button. When you do this your file is compiled and, if there are any mistakes in the code, you are told about them. If everything is fine you can then press on . This will produce a file that looks very much like a pdf file, but is in fact a dvi file called macklatex.dvi. In order to obtain a pdf file you need to choose . If you want to see the pdf file you have to press . Everytime you make any changes on the original tex file you will have to repeat this procedure in order to see what has changed on the pdf file.