AUGUST18, 2016

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on August18, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;Heid, Daniels, Isbell,Moos,Rohn, Winterand Mayor Ross. Attorney Rocklin was also present.

Item 2-Review of the Minutes of the July 21st and August 4thmeetings. TrusteeIsbell moved to approve the July 21stminutes as written, seconded by Trustee Heid. Motion carried 6-0. Trustee Moos moved to approve the August 4th minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 6-0.

Item 3–Public Hearing – Aspen Meadows Second Filing. Mike Ketterling appeared before the Board with information regarding the second filing of Aspen Meadows. This is a preliminary layout for the southern parcel that was Governor’s Ranch. At buildout of Aspen Meadows there will be 167 homes. The first filing included 26 lots and the second filing includes about 42 lots. A detention pond will be built with the 2nd filing. Benjamin Drive will not be extended to Weld County Rd. 35 until after the 2nd filing because a traffic engineer stated the existing streets will be able to handle the traffic. Gary reported the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the 2nd filing at their meeting in August. The developer, Corie Baessler was also available for questions. Mayor Ross opened the public hearing for comments. There were no comments so the public hearing was closed. Concluding discussion Trustee Rohn moved approval of the Aspen Meadows 2nd Filing, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 6-0. There will be a resolution and development agreement at the September meeting.

Item 4 – Storm drainage projects update. Mike Ketterling provided a presentation regarding his findings on drainage on the Cheyenne Avenue corridor. Mr. Ketterling suggested increasing the pipe size and redoing the inlets at Cheyenne Avenue and Fifth Street. He also recommended a detention pond. He needs to do some more surveying and gathering of information. Gary reported that the storm drains have been cleaned and they removed a lot of dirt, so they should be more efficient. Mayor Ross suggested information be given to the residents on Cheyenne Avenue so they are aware the Town is working on the problem. Mike is also researching the drainage problem at Highway 85 and East Collins Street, especially by Poulsen’s Ace Hardware. The Heppner brothers, owners of Poulsen Ace Hardware want to build some more storage units but have been told the drainage issue needs to be taken care of first.There is research ongoing regarding 4.3 acres of land located on the west side of Eaton Draw in the Industrial Park, including preliminary cost estimates,to see if it would work for a detention pond. This would help with the drainage for Poulsen’s and McDonalds. There is a possibility that this project would be eligible for a DOLA grant to help cover the costs. Staff will keep the board updated on research of this project.

Item 5 –Seasons Liquor – Modification of premise. The Board received a request from Seasons Liquor to modify their licenseto include storage for the liquor in the area where there used to be a laundromat. Chief Mueller has no objections to the approval. Concluding discussion Trustee Daniels moved to approve the request, seconded by Trustee Heid. Motion carried 6-0.

Item 6 –Resolution 2016-07: East Collins Paving Project. Gary reported this resolution is for the overlay of East Collins Street beginning at the railroad tracks east of Highway 85 and ending at the intersection of East Collins Street and Weld County Road 39. The Town received a grant through CDOT to help pay for a large portion of the overlay. Part of the requirement of the contract is the town needs to have a resolution or ordinance stating we are approving it. The resolution becomes part of the contract. Concluding discussion Trustee Moos moved to approve authorizing the Town of Eaton to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the State of Colorado, by and through the Department of Transportation, for improvements to East Collins Street, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Motion carried 6-0.

Item 7 – Proclamation – Life Insurance Awareness Month. Mayor Ross announced he had a proclamation recognizing and supporting the goals of “Life Insurance Awareness Month” which he would like the board’s approval of. Trustee Moos moved to approve the proclamation, seconded by Trustee Winter. Motion carried 6-0.

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Item 8 - Citizen comments/questions. None.

Item 9–Reports.

Chief Mueller provided an update of activities in the police department.

Gary reported the School District Board would like to have the annual meeting with the Town Board and needs to confirm a date for September 7th. The Board is available for the meeting date of September 7th. Gary will contact Randy Miller, district superintendent to confirm the date.

- The Town Square sprinkler system bids are in and there is only one company that can install this fall, with seeding by the spring. The bid is higher so direction is needed by the board. Concluding discussion the board directed staff to accept the bid for the company that can install this fall. After the meeting the board will go to see the Arbor, lights and fire pit.

Attorney Rocklin provided a Library Settlement update.

Mayor Ross provided an MPO update.

Item 10– Adjourn. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk