by Prophetess D

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The Mayor's Dept of Good Ideas

Bad Ideas

Open the Church Doors


Let Homeless stay in empty Billionaire investment apts

How to Feed the Poor

Plant those Peach Pits

The Tree Project

The Mayor should have a cabinet of former candidates

Don't Euthenize Kittens! Give them to children and prisoners

Turn Prisons into Schools of Ministry

Have all the World leaders take a vacation & let their wives run things

My Plan for the World

It’s All About the Blue Shirt

Income Inequality is an Asinine Issue

The People's Money

Cops should see their jobs as a ministry of correction

How to Fix the Education system in one year

How to Make Peace in Israel

Toilets for the Homeless, tourists and everyone

Turn the Christmas shopping shacks into shelters after the shopping season.

If you build it you can live there

Tourist/shopper/homeless nap stations

Jobs for former prisoners

Creative Sentencing for Judges – Notebook Therapy

Vision of Transformation of the Criminal Justice System

THE PRISONER’S HANDBOOK God’s help for those in jails and solitary

Peace Place – 24 hour cafe for work, prayer, rest

The Turtle Club

Emergency Toilet – great job for the homeless

How homeless people and ex-prisoners can prevent kids from using drugs

Use schools to house homeless families

Use office buildings to house homeless people and families

Rat Fishing – upward mobility opportunity for poor people

Use the Flea Defense to empty Rikers


This book will probably sound in part like it was written by a precocious 7 year old. Well one has to think like a child to see solutions. Jesus also said that unless we become as little children we will not see the kingdom of heaven.

This little book of wisdom was inspired by the City of New York, which is probably one of the craziest places on earth, and is God's response to it.

It is an object lesson in the fact that there is NO situation that God doesn't have a remedy to. When we are at our wit's end with a situation, and ASK HIS HELP, THAT is when He steps in and shows us how obtuse we really are.

In NYC, if something makes sense, you don't see it. If it doesn't make sense, you see it everywhere.

There has to be a Department of Morons in the Mayor's Office, secretly running things. Their door does not have a sign. It probably looks like a closet.

But we can fix all this in two snaps. Listen up, De Blasio, there is still time to turn this around and look intelligent.


Create a mayor's dept of Good ideas. Give it a phone number - 777-7777. 7 is a God number. This will honor God and make him smile. Put signs in the subways and in the schools - on every kid's desk, to CALL that number with any good ideas. They can also mail it, or email it.

Hire someone who is NOT a moron to collect all the suggestions, and make sure the MAYOR reads them PERSONALLY. No screening.

Most of the gatekeepers in the city are IDIOTS. They RUN THE CITY. They often keep people with Good ideas from talking to their bosses. Stop this. NO more gate keeping.

Concurrently, there should also be a Mayor's Dept of BAD Ideas.

People who want to warn the mayor about something that is NOT A GOOD IDEA should send that to THIS number. Make the number be 666-6666. EW. Even THAT is a bad idea. Make it 777-7776.

The 7- year olds are the prophets.

God never stopped using prophets. There is the office of prophet in the new Testament. God says it is an office that he gave to help the church. There are five offices: apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors. Ephesians 4:11 in THAT order which tells you what the hierarchy is. The apostles found churches and build them up.

Every family has a resident prophet

They are the kids and teens with blue hair - the individualists

Whoever is closest to 7 get to be Head Resident Prophet, a rotating position

My sister was 21 months younger than me. She always used to point this out when I said we were 2 years apart. One time I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, and she said BOSS. It was HER way of letting me know that it was HER turn to be the Head Resident Prophet, the Boss who had all the answers. 21 is a God number, a multiple of 7. My birthday is the 21.

Children are God's mouthpieces to us. THAT is why God sends them into families. Whatever comes into their heads, comes out of their mouths. They only learn to screen it later. God help us if they also become Politically Correct. THEN they make no sense at all.

When a child gets trained into becoming an idiot, or politically correct, God decides to send THAT family a newer edition. Another child.

Hence there are NO unplanned pregnancies with God. HE has a purpose for every soul.

Jeremiah 1 says "I knew you before I formed you in the womb"


All thoughts come from the spiritual realm. The bible says they come either from God or the demonic. God's ideas are GOOD, the demonic ones are usually bad, often very bad. Many times they are a trap - something may SEEM like a good idea but has negative consequences.

Proverbs describes this - it says

"a way may seem right to a man but the end thereof is destruction."

James chapter 3 says there is wisdom from above and wisdom from below.

God talks to everyone in our thoughts, by the Holy Spirit, which has been on earth for 2,000 years, since Jesus sent it from heaven. It is the spirit of truth. It is called the comforter. It guides us and comforts us.

Our conscience is God talking to us . Our intuition is God leading us. We should trust it.


If you want solutions to every problem, ask the nearest 7 year old what to do. Write it down. Send it to the mayor's dept of Good Ideas.

We'll have this place fixed in a jiffy.

Want to fix everything really fast? Tell the mayor to visit the nearest class of 7 year olds and ask their advice. Seriously. That is the most effective way to hear from God many times, for people whose own channel is not clear.

In order for the mayor to hear from God he needs to stop drinking coffee.

Bloomberg's problem was that instead of using a nice quiet office where he could hear from God, he sat in the noisy bullpen near all the chattering coffee drinkers. BAD IDEA. He got his best ideas probably in Bermuda, away from all that. Then he came back to his office and got contaminated by a bunch of bad ideas.

One of his major callings was public health. He was on the mark on that. But he didn't apply it the right way sometimes. Instead of going after the toxic fluoride in NYC drinking water he went after large sodas. ALL sodas have fluoride. The problem is the content, not just size. There is too much sugar in drinking large sodas, but the fluoride is also bad - it hypnotizes people and makes them make bad choices in the first place.

Fluoridated water is mass drugging of the population. 65% of the US & UK have it. NYC has it. The nazis used it to make prisoners docile. It is mind control and genocide. It causes lower IQs, brain damage, canc-, bone fractres, ADHD. They use sodium fluoride the ingredient in rat poison. Toothpastes with it warn to call poison control if swallowed. Antidotes include vitamin C, apple pectin, chlorella.

Coffee opens people up to lying demonic spirits, of mania, confus-, addiction.

Alcohol is an opening for spirits of depress-.

I have picked it up from sitting in earshot of talking beer drinkers.

One can rebuke these spirits in Jesus name. I learned to do this.

Years ago I let someone at a church, who was on anti-depressants, pray over me. The worship leader was a psychiatrist who had half the group on drugs. This guy laid hands on me and I left feeling suicidal and crying hysterically, wondering "what happened?" I called my mentor who said "why did you let that man touch you". He prayed in tongues over the phone and it was gone.

Another time I picked up that spirit by touching someone. I was crying. I coughed spontaneously and it left.

One time I felt it and asked God "where is this coming from?" He said "you know what to do". I rebuked the spirit of depress- in Jesus name. It left. Takes 2 minutes. You don't need therapy and psych drugs. Just rebuke the things and assess what is the opening for it. It is either some sinful behavior which needs to be repented of, or it is something in one's environment that is an opening for the spiritual oppression.

One needs to change one's environment or the spirits will return

Spirits jump around all the time. Being near others who use drugs and talk is the major cause of picking it up. Also from music.

Whatever spirits are on musicians transmits through their music, live and recorded. If they use drugs there are unclean demonic spirits on them that transmit.

When musicians play near butts on the ground the unclean spirits get sucked into their spiritual broadcasting and afflicts people. This happens in the parks. As soon as the play I often feel like I have to go to the bathroom. I have this feeling a lot standing near butts on the ground; when I move away the urge leaves.


A good example of THIS is Gay Marriage. It is a REALLY BAD IDEA. A complete counterfeit of Holy Matrimony, which was designed by God to produce children and raise families, to continue the human race.

Gay people do NOT procreate, naturally, the way God designed our bodies. Having them marry makes no sense whatsoever. If they adopt children those children will have NO idea what a healthy heterosexual relationship is supposed to look like since they don't live in one. They are at a serious disadvantage. A dysfunctional family at best.

Not that there aren't plenty of dysfunctional families among heterosexual people. Of course there are. A kid who grows up in a house with a lot of yelling and screaming and disrespect is going to absorb that behavior and later find him or herself doing it also, unless they make a deliberate effort NOT to repeat such a performance. And it may not be till years later that they even realize that kind of behavior was a BAD IDEA. That there are alternatives.

The real danger with gay marriage is that Next they want to adopt. This should be avoided. Gay men are about as qualified to be good parents as two orangutangs in the Bronx Zoo. Throw a banana in the cage and they don't know what to do with it. They stick it in their ear.

Well, Weenies DON'T BELONG IN BACKSIDES. This makes as much sense as an organgutang sticking a banana in his ear. You think this kind of idiotic behavior qualifies someone to be a good parent? FIRST they need to see how insane the behavior is and come to their senses. Then they can be a parent. Otherwise they are role modeling self-destructive idiotic behavior to their kids. This is not good parenting.

Of course the kids will think this behavior is somehow normal, which is the whole problem. It warps them.

Having gay couples raising kids is like LORD OF THE FLIES.
The clueless leading the clueless. NO good will come of it.

The bible calls homosexual sex an abomination, in Leviticus.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination Lev 18:22

In the New Testament it specifically calls it "abusers of themselves with mankind" and says those who practice this will not see the kingdom of God. It also says this about those who are effeminate, idolaters, adulterers.

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind 1 Corinthians 6:9

The issue with lesbians is somewhat different. Most of them either have issues with men because they were sexually or emotionally abused, or they have been brainwashed by feminism to think men are useless. Often a combination. Women who have been abused do not have inner peace. The only way to get that is to forgive.

Jesus said it is necessary to forgive in order to go to heaven. He said

"if you don't forgive men their sins against you, God won't forgive yours". Matthew 6

So unforgiveness can send a person to hell.

SO women who have been abused have unresolved pain and swear off men and get involved with women as a remedy. But it doesn't address the forgiveness issue, which needs to be addressed to have inner peace and go to heaven.

Jesus heals us of all trauma and pain. They need to look to Jesus for healing and then eventually would feel comfortable in heterosexual relationships.

I was in solitary confinement for 8 months. It was a taste of hell. Everyone there had forgiveness issues - they had been horribly abused. They were there as a warning to forgive or end up in hell.

I was raped by an off duty cop who stopped because I kept preaching to him. Then I forgave him. We prayed over each other. He later told me that he told his superiors what he had done and they asked if they should kill me so I wouldn't tell the papers and embarass the dept. He said he told them "no I love her leave her alone" If I had not forgiven him I would have been a mark. It saved my life.

The Need for Forgiveness

Why God made Bill De Blasio mayor of NYC

If you want to blame someone for making DeBlasio mayor, you can blame me. I arranged it.

I told God "don't let Christine Quinn become mayor. Let it be a runoff between Thompson and DeBlasio" Christine Quinn was the front runner and is married to a woman. The next day her numbers tanked and DeBlasio mysteriously rose. Everyone was wondering how it happened. This is why. Thompson and DeBlasio were tied, but Thompson deferred. So DeBlasio became mayor. It was not from any mandate. Hardly anyone voted. God arranged it.

I did this because I knew if NYC had a gay mayor it would be destroyed. God had warned me in 2002 that Putin would nuke NYC. A few years ago He said “it was stalled”.

Then I asked if the churches could intercede to stop it, and He said “they don’t have standing”. This is because they are sinning by not being open 24 hours, for the homeless and everyone (especially tourists) to have somewhere clean to rest and pray. Hotel rooms are not good for praying; they are defiled because of the sex.

I was standing outside Times Square Church looking at the homeless sleeping outside and God said “for a witness against them”

David Wilkerson the founder of Times Square Church was a godly man. He had visions of fires all over NYC and Macy’s being looted years ago. I guess he did not realize this was conditional – it was a warning that this would happen if the church did not repent. One issue was to open the doors 24 hours. I asked God “didn’t you tell Wilkerson to open the doors?” God said “He knew”.

Prophetic visions are usually conditional. They are calls to repent and warnings about what will happen if people do NOT.

God sent Jonah the prophet to Ninevah to tell them it would be destroyed. He told them and the king repented, so God relented.
God called the whole city a bunch of idiots. He said to Jonah

Should I not have mercy on that great city of l40,000 people who can not tell their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?

God told me NYC is like Ninevah. Billy Graham the famous evangelist said the US is like Ninevah.

God is telling the US and NYC to turn back to God, repent or it will be destroyed.

God also told me that NYC is a bunch of idiots. I said to God

“There are 6 million idiots in this city”

He said back

“TRY 8 million.”

I googled the population –it is 8.4 million.

Abortion and gay marriage grieve God. Abortion is murder of the unborn.