Lucas County Extension Council
Wednesday, January 11, 2017Organizational Meeting Minutes
The Lucas County Extension Council met on Wednesday, January 11, 2017at Lucas County Extension Office. The Organizational meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by interim Chairman by Brian Beatty.
Present: Brian Beaty, Danielle Van Ryswyk, Tammy Jeanes, Fred Wilker, Elizabeth Floyd, Cindy Sellers, Nicole Williams, Shane Irving, Jodi Steenhoek
Staff Attending: Sue Henderson, Kelly Phillips
Visitors: Monte Brown, Justin Brown (Fair Board representative)
The Organizational agenda was approved by Danielle Van Ryswykand seconded by Tammy Jeanes.
A)Election of Council Officers (Nominations do not require a second)
Chair / Motion by / Notes:Brian Beaty / Tammy Jeanes / Brian declined nomination
Fred Wilker / Elizabeth Floyd
With no other nominations: Motion was carried by a vote of 9 to 0
Fred Wilker Elected - Chair
Meeting was transferred from interim Chair to elected President Fred Wilker
Vice-Chair / Motion byTammy Jeanes / Fred Wilker
With no other nominations: Motion was carried by a vote of 9 to 0
Tammy Jeanes Elected - Vice Chair
Secretary / Motion by
Cindy Sellers / Shane Irving
With no other nominations: Motion was carried by vote of 9 to 0
Cindy Sellers Elected - Secretary
Treasure / Motion by
Shane Irving / Cindy Sellers
With no other nominations: Motion was carried by vote of 9 to 0
Shane Irving Elected - Secretary
B)Approval of Policies, Attendance, Meeting Expectations, Volunteers & Fiscal Report
Personnel & Fiscal Policy / Motions by: / Notes:1st Cindy Sellers / Formal review at another council meeting
2nd Nicole Williams
Motion carried 9 to 0
Meeting Attendance Expectations / Motions by:
1st Brian Beaty
2nd Shane Irving
Motion carried 9 to 0
Roberts Rules of Order Adoption / Motions by:
1st Brian Beaty
2nd Danielle Van Ryswyk
Motion carried 9 to 0
Cumulative Volunteer List Approval / Motions by:
1st Danielle Van Ryswyk
2nd Brian Beaty
Motion carried 9 to 0
Financial Reports to be Provided at each meeting include / Motions by:
Balance Sheet / 1st Danielle Van Ryswyk
Council Revenue & Expense Statement / 2nd Tammy Jeanes
Detailed Summary
Voucher Report
Quarterly Foundation Report
Program Fee and Grant sub-fund reports with Kelly’s
Motion carried 9 to 0
C)Approval of Regular council meeting date and time
Regular council meetings with be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. during Daylight Savings time (CDT) and 7:00 during Central Standard time (CST). Motion made by Shane Irving and seconded by Nicole Williams. Motion carried 9 to 0.
D)Committee Assignments (*designates chair of the committee)
Fiscal/Legal / Personnel / Program/MarketingShane Irving * / Tammy Jeanes * / Nicole Williams*
Brian Beaty / Danielle Van Ryswyk / Jodi Steenhoek
Fred Wilker / Cindy Sellers / Elizabeth Floyd
Motion by Tammy and seconded by Brian Beaty. Motion carried 9 to 0
E)Appointments to Other Committees and Boards
Regional Council / Fred WilkerTammy Jeanes
Iowa Extension Council Liaison / Cindy Sellers
Fairboard / Brian Beaty
Danielle Van Ryswyk
Motion by Danielle and seconded by Brian Beaty. Motion carried 9 to 0
F)Official Newspaper
Chariton Patriot and Chariton Leader
Motion made by Danielle Van Ryswyk and seconded by Brian Beaty. Motion carried 9-0
G)Fiscal Procedure
- The depository for the county extension district will be US Bank with the maximum on deposit of $200,000 with all receipts deposited in US Bank.
- The County Extension District will not authorize an agency account.
- Duly elected Treasurer is directed to sign operating fund checks as needed to pay for budgeted expenses between regularly scheduled council meetings, as authorized in Fiscal Policy section 3.4.
- Only members authorized to sign checks are Chair or Treasurer.
- Only members authorized to transfer funds and/or access the bank account electronically are the Chair or Treasurer
- Group surety bond purchased through LaMair-Mulock-Condon (LMC) and Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters provide a $20,000 bond for Treasurers as required by state statues and a $250,000 Employee Dishonesty Poilicy for all other council members, county employees and volunteers. Certificate of insurance is available through LMD. Certificate is provided to County Auditor.
Motion made by Danielle Van Ryswyk and seconded by Tammy Jeanes. Motion carried 9-0.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m. Extension Office
Respectfully Submitted by Cindy Sellers