How To Fill That Calendar!

Many of you have asked me to share what I have done and specifically what I said to keep my calendar filled and importantly continually book from lifestyle contacts...

I bookedFOUR home showsfrom lifestyle contacts THIS WEEK!!

So here goes:

1. It's as easy as opening your mouth and asking!

On Monday I had a hair appointment at my salon, and brought in some of the new catalogs to share and leave there. While in thechair, draped in salon capes, and hair full of foils and color, a stylist whom I've never met saw the catalog and was oohing and ahhing over it... My stylist said to her... Oh yes, this is Cori my "Jewelry Lady" she is awesome, and her jewelry is beautiful!" (Mind you I don't have anything on, or at least none that she can see from under the salon capes! And I'm looking very attractive! LOL!) I simply said, Oh yes! It's Premier! YOU HAVE HEARD OF IT RIGHT? She said no, and I told her that what I do is Fun jewelry fashion shows in homes and businesses and that my job is to give away free jewelry! - She said Really? I said Yes! All you have to do is get a few girlfriends together and I come with all my fabulous jewelry and we do a fun interactive show using your friends as models and we play, and shop and you getyour wish list items atHalf Price andFREE! She said; that sounds awesome! I said; It is! As a matter of fact, there is a GREAT specialgoing on right now, and I have just three open dates! If you grab one of my open dates today before I leave, I'll give you and EXTRA $50 in FREE jewelry! - And she grabbed the 15th!

On Tuesday, Mike and I had an appointment with a new attorney to update our Wills. After our consultation, and setting of our next appointment, she said do you have any questions?? I said, Yes!I represent a amazing company called Premier Designs, YOU HAVE HEARD OF IT RIGHT? She said No, I haven't.. I handed her a catalog and said, this is what I do... I show my line of jewelry through Funfashion shows in homes and businesses, and give away lots of free and half price jewelry to those who invite me in and host. I need you to host a show to help me pay for your services today! She said sure! I can do that! I said... Great! There is a GREAT specialgoing on right now, and I have just three open dates! If you grab one of my open dates today before I leave, I'll give you and EXTRA $50 in FREE jewelry! - And she booked for the 17th!

On Wednesday, I went to my bank to update some information on my account, and the customer service manager came from around the corner and shook my hand and introduced herself to me.. I thought she was giving me GREAT customer service, and she was, but she was really wanting to get a closer look at my Floral Affair Bracelet!!! She said, I had to come and look and this beautiful bracelet you have on! I TOOK IT OFF MY WRIST, and put in on her immediately!!It's Premier! YOU HAVE HEARD OF IT RIGHT? She said no, I haven't!I told her that what I do is Fun jewelry fashion shows in homes and businesses and that my job is to give away free jewelry! - She said Really? I said Yes! All you have to do is get a few girlfriends together and I come with all my fabulous jewelry and we do a fun interactive show using your friends as models and we play, and shop and you getyour wish list items atHalf Price andFREE! She said that sounds like Fun, but I'm in the process of moving! I said; It is Fun! You can always do a show with a friend at her home, and as a matter of fact, there is a GREAT specialgoing on right now throughthe 30th! If you grab one of my open dates today before I leave, I'll give you that bracelet at your show absolutely FREE! - And she grabbed the 22nd!

Today, (Saturday) I took my children to Perkins for breakfast... Wearing just blue Jean shorts, a red t-shirt and a silver chic necklace. The waitress (First time meeting her) said immediately, you look very nice today! I love thatnecklace with your pretty red top! I said thank you so much! I appreciate the compliment, and left it at that... (for that moment) We ordered, ate, and at the end of breakfast, while the kids were in the restroom, I called the waitress over and handed her a mini catalog. I said, you were so nice to compliment me on my beautiful jewelry, I wanted to give you this... It's what I do!It's Premier Designs! YOU HAVE HEARD OF IT RIGHT? She said no, and I told her that what I do is Fun jewelry fashion shows in homes and businesses and that my job is to give away free jewelry! - She said Really? I said Yes! All you have to do is get a few girlfriends together and I come with all my fabulous jewelry and we do a fun interactive show using your friends as models and we play, and shop and you getyour wish list items atHalf Price andFREE! She said; that sounds awesome! I said; It is! As a matter of fact, there is a GREAT specialgoing on right now, and I have just three open dates! If you grab one of my open dates today, I'll give you and EXTRA $50 in FREE jewelry! - And she grabbed the 8th!

I now have 10 shows booked!

A Fewthings to remember...

1.  Always be on the lookout for potential hostesses and jewelers

2.  Don't be afraid to open your mouth! - My goal is to get one new contact a day!

3.  Always offer an incentive to book NOW - whether Premier is offering something or not.

4.  Be prepared with your next few open dates, mini catalogs, and something to write their contact information on.

5.  Always create that fear of loss and sense of urgency: It's Premier YOU HAVE HEARD OF IT RIGHT? and THERE'S A GREAT SPECIAL GOING ON RIGHT NOW AND I ONLY HAVE THREE DATES LEFT!

6.  At your homeshows ALWAYS use the pass or play - Those petite tennis bracelets are PRICELESS!

Remember these lines:

"I only have three more open dates..."

"I only need ONE more show..."

When someone asks you if there is anything else they can do to help you, say "Yes, as a matter of fact there is!"- And tell them how!

You can do it TOO!

Cori Garavuso

5 Diamond Designer - Orlando

Your Favorite Jewelry Lady Since 1992!