Request Date: This is the date you are completing your PA. You should be completing your PA’s the same day you make your purchase.

Requested By: Write your first and last name and your program/site. Ex: HS-Radford

Project ID: Ex: 100 would be for regular Head Start, 101 would be for Head Start USDA

Program: HS would be for Head Start

Account #: Write the four digit account number in this space. Ex: 5180 is the number for gas/oil/propane

Account Description: Write the description for the account number. Ex: Gas/oil/propane is the description for account number 5180.

Amount: List the amount of your charge. If your charge has to be separated between several accounts be sure your lines match the total amount on your receipt/invoice.

Purpose/Special Notes: State what your purchase was from and if there were any special circumstances with the purchase.

Mail to Vendor: Check NO only if you need the check returned to you. Ex: You may have registered late for a specific training and if we mailed the check they would not receive it in time. In this case you may be allowed to hand carry the check to the vendor. This would be rare since NRCA policy states all payments will be mailed to our vendors.

Vendor: Please list the vendor’s complete name and address. If you are using an agency VISA to make a purchase, VISA would be the vendor. You also need to list the name of the company where you purchased the goods/services and the staff name embossed on the VISA Card.

EX: VISA (Sheila Tucker’s)Office Max

1234 Main Street

Christiansburg, VA 24073

When complete, submit PA’s to your supervisor for approval. If you have questions on how to fill out a PA call the AP Specialist at 540-633-5133 Ext. 458.

Additional Purchase Approval Guidelines

If you are paying a new vendor please have them complete a form W-9 and attach it to your PA. Vendors can also mail the W-9 directly to Finance. This is a requirement of the IRS. Checks will not be issued without this form. If you have questions or need a W-9 form, please call the AP Specialist at 540-633-5133, Ext. 458.

You must attach proper documentation to your PA. We will not pay from statements, faxes or photocopied receipts. We must have the original invoice and/or receipt. Checks will not be issued without proper documentation attached. If you have a unique situation and are not sure what to do just call the AP Specialist at 540-633-5133, Ext. 458.

You must complete a separate PA for each receipt/invoice.

Please staple your documentation to the back of your PA’s.

New River Community Action is exempt from sales tax. If you need an exemption certificate please call the AP Specialist at 540-633-5133, Ext. 458.

Purchase approvals that are not filled out completely and accurately will be returned to your supervisor for corrections. Incorrect PA’s will delay the payment of invoices. This delay can cost your program money in the form of late fees and finance charges as well as the inconvenience of losing charging privileges.