CMiC –Transmittalsfor the Subcontractor


Whenever you send a project related item such as drawings, material samples or submittals you want to be able to create a cover letter/memo to accompany the item(s) and track when, and to whom the item was sent. Transmittals provide the mechanism to accomplish both of these tasks.

Every transmittal is stored on the system and can be re-sent or duplicated if required.This document provides instructions on how to create a new transmittal and print it.



1)Click the Plus sign to the left of Communication Management

2)Click the Transmittals link

3)Click the Add Transmittal button to add a new Transmittal record.

4)In the Transmittal Detail screen:

a)Transmittal No: The Transmittal No. is a default system next number which consists of the project partner address code followed by the next sequential number and cannot be modified.

b)Submitted checkbox will autocheck and stamp the date/time once the Transmittal is submitted.

c)From: As a project partner, the user who is logged into the system, will auto-populate into the from field.

d)Date: Accept default of today’s Date or modify the date using MMDDYY format.

e)In the To field., Click the Blue Up Arrowto display the List of Values (LOV) to select the Project Partner you would like to transmit to

-or- if they are not a Swinerton Project Partner, you can check the  Free Form checkbox  and type in a name manually.

f)Received checkbox  should be left blank as it is autochecked based on the status of the transmittal.

g)CC button: If additional Project Partners need to be CC on this Transmittal Click on the CC button to expand the field.

g.1: Click the Blue Up Arrow to display the List of Values (LOV) to select the Project Partner(s) you would like to CC this Transmittal on.

g.2: Click the checkbox  to the right of the Project Partner(s) in the List of Values (LOV) as CC (s) on this Transmittal

g.3: Click the Accept button to select CC’s for this transmittal

h)Re: Enter a short description of what this transmittal is Regarding

i)Via: Select existing Via using the List of Values (LOV)

Option 2: Create new Via by typing into this field free form.

First, Click the applicablecheckboxbeside the Via Field

Option 1: Click the Blue Up Arrow to display the List of Values (LOV)

Click on the Via Description applicable for this transmittal.

j)Due Date: Enter Due Date if required for item (s) included in this transmittal. Use MMDDYY format.

k)Click the checkbox to the left of the appropriate type of content included with this transmittal. If not listed, check the “Other” box and type in free form.

l)In the Actions section accept default of Send or change to Forward or Return if appropriate
Status Defaults By Detail Lines, accept this default as it is the only option available.
Click the checkbox to the left of the appropriate Action for this transmittal. If not listed, check the “Other” box and type in free form.

m)Type in any remarks you would like to include for the recipient for this transmittal

n)Click on the SAVE button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Note: This step is critical if you will need to upload any attachments to include in your Transmittal items.

o)Click on the Edit button to list Transmittals Items in the grid.

5)Click the Plus Sign in the Transmittals Items section under the Action column

a)Qty: Enter the Qty of the item(s) you are transmitting

b)Item: You have three (3) Options to complete Item
ITEM OPTION 1: Selectingafile stored within CMiC that can be browsed to

ITEM OPTION 2: Selecting a Free Form Field if you are not including a stored document

ITEM OPTION 3: Using the Upload New/Upload Multiple Attachment process

Option 1: Select the Item from the List of Values by clicking the down arrow if you will be selecting something stored in the CMiC system.

Option 2: If you are including something that is not stored in the CMiC system, check the checkbox in the FF column and type in the Item field a Free Form description of your item.

c)Date: Accept default of today’s Date or enter the applicable Date for this item(s). Use MMDDYY date format.

d)Option 1: Select the document you are attaching from the Item (Folder) you selected.

This will auto populate the date, revision and Description field and attaches the document to the transmittal.

Option 2: If using Free Form, type in a Reference

e)Rev. If using Free Form, enter revision number or leave blank and system will default to 0 (zero).

f)Description: If using Free Form, enter a short Description for this Item.

g)Comment: Enter a Comment if applicable to the item(s)

h)Status: If Status is applicable to the row, select appropriate Status otherwise, no status values will be available for selection.

Option 3: Upload or Upload Multiple exit out of Edit mode and select Upload or Upload Multiple go through the attachment process. Instructions on Attachments can be found in the Navigating CMiC for the Collaboration User.

6)Click on the Submit button in the upper right hand corner of your screen to save and submit the transmittal into the CMiC database.

7)Click the Print Report button at the top right side of the screen.

8)In the Print Report window accept defaults, Click on the Print Button

9)In the Report Config window Click on the Run Report button

10)Print report from Acrobat by clicking on the Printer button.