How to Develop Your Claim

1.  Write a statement about your conditions.

a.  When and how your condition started.

b.  How your condition has affected your life.

c.  How severe your condition is.


WORK- because of my knee pain I have to walk around like I am not hurt when I really need to limp, but I am afraid of job security.

SCHOOL- because of chronic pain I cannot focus. I can’t read anything without having to re-read it. I have to take pain meds that affect my concentration.

FAMILY- because I take pain meds and deal with chronic pain I tend to withdraw from my family or actually get upset with them because I am so tired and frustrated from the all day pain.

HOBBIES- because of my back I can’t pick up my kids or grandkids, I can’t do any of my hobbies for long periods of time. I barely have the drive to do what I used to do.

2.  Gather all medical evidence

a.  Go to the hospital, request medical records that have to do with your claim.

b.  Review your medical records so you know what you are submitting.

c.  Place evidence with your personal statement.

3.  Get doctors medical opinions

a.  Take personal statement and medical records to your doctor.

b.  Explain to him/her everything that you wrote down again, and let them know you want to know, on paper, how and what is wrong with you.

c.  Doctor needs to say how severe your disability is and that it is related to or aggravated by your military service.

Doctor’s Statement (Example):

The veteran suffers from____, I feel that this disability was aggravated by his military service, or directly related to his military service, or secondary to a condition which he/she has as a result of his military service.