
The election of 2 new vice Chairs’ of NPLD

At present the two elected Vice Chairs are Peggy Heikkinen and Yvonne Griley. The two year term of Peggy Heikkinen as Vice Chair now comes to an end. In line with the Statutes and Standing Orders of NPLD, Peggy Heikkinen can be re elected for a further one term (2years) if members wish to do so.

However, Yvonne Griley has resigned and this is due to restructuring within the Catalan Government following elections thus making it impossible for her to continue with the position held. The Vice Chair role that Yvonne holds continues for another year. As Yvonne cannot continue her tenure it is therefore necessary to elect another vice-chair for the term of 1 year.

It is therefore time at the General Assembly to conduct an election for two new Vice Chairs, one for a 2 year term and another for a term of 1year.

The process for electing 2 new Vice Chair will be as follows:

  • All nominations to be sent to the Secretariat via email by the 22nd May 2013. Please provide the name, organisation, position of the nominee within their organisation and a short biography of the nominee – you must ensure that the person you nominate has agreed to the nomination and copy them in to the email. The biography should be no longer than 300 words and should provide background information on the candidates experience in language planning and relevant expertise for the position of Vice Chair.
  • The nominee can be a full member or associate member that sits on the Steering Committee.
  • A list of nominations (and nominees) along with a biography of each person will be circulated to members of the Steering Committee by the 27th May 2013.
  • At the General Assembly meeting, the election will take place on Thursday afternoon (6th June). Each member will have a vote according to the criteria set out in the Statutes (please see note below explaining the procedure) . They will write the name of the candidate they would like to elect on a ballot paper (from the list of nominees already sent out by the Secretariat). The votes will be counted and the result announced at the meeting.
  • Please note the term the nominee wishes to be chair for. The elected candidate for the term of 2 years will take the position until the General Assembly meeting in 2015 and the candidate for the 1 year term will be in position until the General Assembly meeting in 2014, when the process will be repeated.

Please find attached a document outlining the Vice Chair’s responsibilities.

Counting of votes

One third of the votes are allocated to the associate members and two thirds to full members. Each associate member shall have one vote. The value of the vote of each full member shall be calculated by multiplying the number of associate members by two and dividing by the number of full members.

If you would like further clarification on this process, please feel free to get in touch with the Secretariat.